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Thoughts on Asian people going on tv complaining about how they don't get into Harvard or other top Ivy League schools

Go back to China?
So tired of non-whites going into white countries and begging for everything. Just shut the fuck up, you have a wonderful homogenous society you can move to at any time.
no wonder they dont wanna go back
It was just an excuse for chinks to be openly racist and blame blacks and latinos for their problems when its prestige white kids and admission boards that rejected them. AA has been banned for over a year and it turns out chink admission rates dropped, huh almost as if they also benefit from it as well. Bugs are just opportunistic with no insight
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It actually rises and now make up 30% if Harvard
>it's the whites, goy
It's the jews who control admissions at these universities.
You guys look same to me

And Jews are white
and actual whites make up at best maybe 10-20%, despite making up over 70% of top performers in high schools. As usual, it's the kikes.
getting into the university is step 1
you also have to defeat others in battles of wits
ricecels are playing on death march difficulty
They don't even enjoy currycel nepotism, how many trucel Asian CEOs do you see. They're just stuck grinding at the bottom for life
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>can't be swayed by muh holocaust faggotry like some other minorities
>certain elements seem to be at play to keep them down despite their efforts to succeed
>>certain elements seem to be at play to keep them down
Please, Asians are still some of the highest earners in America and they all vote blue anyway. Jews fearing Asians is a joke.
>Gets rid of affirmative action
>Take that blacks!
>Brad the legacy's son get his spot
Model minority indeed
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No it's not and in most colleges there was never any actual evidence of asian discrimination. Infact its been have shown asian women have been favored in admissions atleast in california. Gook admission rates skyrocketed in the 1970s for a reason. All they did was destroy progress that benefit all minorities thinking it would benefit them only. They are bugs who only look out for themselves while taking advantage of other peoples progress.
So smart they got used by conservative racists to be the face of the anti black agenda without civil rights these Asians wouldn't even be allowed into places like Harvard
Asians arent even that high earning on average. Most of them live in coastal cities with the highest wages by default. And they tend to live at home until they're middle aged. The myth that the average asian is a doctor or something is just cope.
You should have no trouble pulling up their names and showing us then
colleges aren't even denying the fact that they're trying to thin out the asian student population.
Damn nice proof I'll wait while you Google some article to prove your point
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>prestige white kids
ok anon
>run around smacking old asian ladies
>they don't like this
>>>wtf what did i do?!?!
What does that have to do with affirmative action
>niggers are hard-done by
>niggers get massive amounts of affirmative action and can't even even meet the lowest white standards, and also commit obscene amounts of crime and pretend they're a victim of muh system that falls it over itself to prop them up
Do you consider Lebanese to be white too? Either way they don't consider themselves to be and have been actively self segregated for as long as they have lived in white countries.
Im a Jew and consider myself white

Don't speak on my behalf u fag
This isn't the 1930s, the most racist people are mainstream leftists by a long shot and those are the people actively discriminating against Asians these days.
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Thanks, fellow white person.
I doubt that, you are a gaslighter who can claim to be anything.
We aren't stupid, Jews and their attitudes have been widely exposed.
>Homeless crackhead slaps asian woman like he does everyone
>asians open stores up in poor black neighborhoods for the past 40 years just to treat patrons like shit and beat them anyway

Nice try, asians have been pretty openly racist in America for decades and its been well known. I mean you are talking about a demographic where the MAJORITY of women exclusively date white men and yet were supposed to believe asians aren't white supremacist?
>Ramblings of a retarded white faggot that thinks affirmative action was some sort of candy passed out to anyone black
Why would they come into black communities and act like shit and be hostile? If they did t like black people they should relocate their shops the hated community. Oh that's right they don't want their kind around them.
Not even being racist, he should apply to the top universities of his ancestral countries. They will take him.
It is, though. You just need to show up and you get free shit for being a nig. You can fill the makework nig positions created by DIE and get paid for doing literally nothing.
This retard goes to Duke. There a bigger issues to complain about than some Asian only ending up at Duke and not Harvard.
If colleges, and jobs, were banned from even including sex/race on applications, things would turn out better.

I don't see how idiots can lament racism, but then turn around and think demographics on campus should be enforced. Like how do you not see how imbecilic you're being?
serves you right supporting jews
now they go to the ivy league school and complain about how great they are and it's unrecognized
you're just in a jewish cult and it ruined your life and you're a fool being bullied by society over it

no David, I don't care that you were rejected by Harvard you asian pos

fuck you and your race and the jews
trying to convince them your were jewish with your name they saw right through it
and i need to point out Asians, blacks are all part of the jewish/zionist problem as well as many whites...it will fuck you over, i don't care about your fucking life

all that thing wants to do is ban you for racism
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They should complain. People are racist as fuck towards asians.
I kinda agree with the guy calling Asians out for being shortsighted. They really are a rather selfish and insular bunch. When they saw how much the negro folx were getting rewarded for chucking a hissy fit about duh racisms, they tried to do the same thing with #StopAsianHate or whatever the fuck it was. The crippling issue, of course, was that Asians have always been lower on the oppression totem than other non-whites, and they tried to direct attention to white-on-Asian racial discrimination, when basically all anti-Asian discrimination was just blacks assaulting them and robbing them. Once this came to light, the "movement" died rapidly, because only one ethnicity has the power to out-victim blacks.
Dont speak as if you are white of behalf of us actually white, fucking larping scum.

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