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Do you ever see yourself being a father? How do you think you would do?
I've had a few dreams where I had a kid. for some reason it was always a daughter, and I was a single father. only once did I get a glimpse of whoever the mother was, but she looked more like an unfinished sketch instead of a person. I also couldn't recal how I got her to pop out a kid.
in the dream I used the reality that I still live with my parents to have her taken care of for a while while I worked *somewhere*, because I don't remember what job I got solely to take care of my girl. I even built her a crib because buying one is expensive and we had wood lying around.

in reality I'd never be a father, but if I were, I'd be pretty fucking shit. I'm a shit person already
of a son, yes. of a girl, no. i could never raise a whore
feel the same way. I want a son but I do not want a daughter. I feel like that comes with too much embarrassment in the modern day.
Technically I have six kids, but I'm not in their life or raising them. I'd like to have a family my own someday though sure
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If I had money and a good girl I could probably do it. But I think having kids as a 9 to fiver is stupid.
I would probably find it hard to balance raising them to be strong and raising them to know love.
Not really. I have bad genetics
>>Do you ever see yourself being a father?
fuck no

>>How do you think you would do?
>short temper
>don't like being around other people more often than not
it'd be a shitshow
Not really. I am not on the level and it's not possible anyway because there is no female. I can't imagine how normies can do all these things. It seems like I have so much yet to learn just to be independent. I don't see much of a point in bringing life into this world with subpar genetics and without having even figured out the world for yourself. It will just create more suffering.
Yeah i wanna be a father. Having a family is probably fun, i want to serve dinner for my kids and wife (this has nothing to do with some femdom shit, i just like to cook)
Me and my gf have been thinking about adopting. She's actually on the list for experimental treatments in the future which would allow her to actually give birth, but they haven't had any breakthroughs yet
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I hope. It would be cool to devote all my free time into shaping a little me. Everything I wish my father would have done, I can do.
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Whatever, I'll just ignore you now. As long as no one is retarded enough to thing you're the original one i'm fine. Just remember, desuarchive never lies https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/78006396/
I am already the father of a toddler son and have another son due in August. I fucking hate my life and want to kill myself daily. Don't do it.
This actually has a lot of thought put into it kek. Please keep going, it's entertaining at this point. You're trying too hard
i tried to click into it and got a 404 ehat is it
No, I'd most likely fare poorly, I don't like being tied down and like where things are at right now. The fact other people have to pressure me into finding a partner and not a drive that comes inherently is reason enough.
I'm already set back by around half a decade behind in the rate race much rather focus on the things I enjoy and maintaining my standard of living than lowering it over a gamble that is a coin toss away from a worse state mentally and financially.

I do not like the way society around me is turning out and have seen my fair share of divorced parents to know this is not for me. You do not build a castle on a poor foundation.

My sibling had a child recently, it's nice seeing things progress from afar. I have no desire of raising children of my own there is a lot of effort and compromise involved.
I haven't bumped into any women I like enough to want to settle and raise children with. I am contempt maintaining the status quo, entertainment is cheap and there is no shortage of activities to be pre-occupied with plenty of friends my age group are also either single or DINKs.
I used to but that is no longer an option for me
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Pewds and Marz legit make me feel so uplifted watching their life. They are a breath of fresh air.
>I fucking hate my life
why is that
Let's see...every waking hour when you're not at work is dedicate to the kids. Playing with the same kid toys day after day. Constantly changing diapers, and after that, constantly reminding the kid to use the potty and having to clean up after it. Always having to have activities planned for them on the weekend. Can't talk to your spouse much anymore over meals cause the kids are constantly making noise or being messy. Vacation is no longer vacation; it's just parenting in a different location. If anything, staying home and keeping to your routine feels more relaxing. Your parents and in-laws no longer give a shit about you; all conversation is about the kids. You have to deal with the retarded parents of other kids. And you have constant anxiety about eventually sending your kids to the right school and not have other kids raised by retarded parents undo all the raising you instilled in your own kids.

I haven't even discussed the ever-living hell that is the first 4 to 6 months of life. Newborns will actually drive you insane and make you realize why multi-generational households should exist more. Not looking forward to my upcoming sleepless fall season.
Why didnt you keep it in your pant
lol. Glad that I will never procreat.e. Women and children are not worth the effort
I'm already a single dad (5yo girl). I'm not sure if I'll have another ever
I would love to be a father, but I doubt I could do a job that isn't absolutely terrible. I am just not equipped to raise a kid properly, I don't even know how to ride a bike, I spent my life frying my brain in front of a PC. Even if I tried my best, the poor kid would suffer from having a subhuman dad.
What was the divorce like if you don't mind me asking? Joint custody?
And how did it get to that point? Who initiated?
Because my sister got her tubes tied and I felt an obligation to continue on my family tree. And I'm having a second because I think subjecting a kid to being an only child is cruel. Gonna stop at two though. Honestly, I think I'll feel better once the kids are old enough to have actual engaging conversations with and teach them about life and some of my hobbies, etc. I just really don't enjoy parenting little kids, even if my son is cute as fuck.
>I don't even know how to ride a bike
Lol same

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