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what do autistic girls do to stim?
if theyre a fake tiktok autist probably something cute

im a real certified turbo autist and flap my hands like im doing gay ass jazz hands or sometimes have echolalia. one of my stims was turn on the tv/they hit the pentagon for a while which was kind of funny i guess
I used to hand flap and walk on my tip toes. My therapist after I was adopted helped me to stop many behaviors. Now I rarely walk on tip toes, but I do often peel the skin on my fingertips. It's called dermatillomania. I also used to pick the hairs out of my head when I was really young. It lasted until I was 5 and sadly I have rather thin hair as an adult.
>im a real certified turbo autist and flap my hands like im doing gay ass jazz hands or sometimes have echolalia
Hot. Have sex with me
I pull out single strands of hair and wrap them round and round my finger until either my finger is totally coccooned or it starts feeling like I'm restricting bloodflow too much
>one of my stims was turn on the tv/they hit the pentagon for a while which was kind of funny
can you post what this is?
>he's never seen Turning Red
oneyplays 9/11 joke. i think my brain latched onto it because 9/11 is one of my special interests (no im not kidding yes everyone hates listening to me talk about it)
Whats your favourite 9/11 conspiracy
less interested in the conspiracy theories more interested in the human experience part of it. mass casualty events as a whole are my special interest/hyperfixation and have been since i was a teen. not a conspiracy but my favorite 9/11 story for lack of a better term in the black tag lady
>tfw no 9/11 gf who i can convince to make cool documentaries about 9/11 and other tragedies to post online
why live?
>more interested in the human experience part of it. mass casualty events as a whole are my special interest/hyperfixation

definately a woman
what if we kissed at ground zero in nyc?
>do jazz hands/hand flapping
>walk on tip toes
>picked eyelashed out of eyes for awhile when i was younger
>constricted finger with hair when not thinking

oh god am i retarded too?
Sorry anon you got the 'tism. Afraid its chronic.
i couldnt i would be too sad and also another part of my autism is sensory problems and kissing is too wet and gross it feels like touching a serious wound
what if we stood a respectful distance apart and each experienced the gravitas of the event at ground zero and internalized it and then went home and I cooked you dinner where the food didn't touch other food and then I kissed your forehead goodnight without it feeling like an open wound?
Do you think you could make sucking my cock into a stim? Like you feel the urge coming, you just get on your knees and pull my cock out and start blowing me until I cum on your face?
Lay under chad and orgasm
I do many of these things.
I am man and not autistic. But one therapist once suggested I might be.
I seriously hadn't given it any thought and just dismissed her as wrong.
However, I've been finding out about many issues I have that are common in autists, like:
>bad motor skills
>slow processing speed
>sensory disorders
Does it even matter?
>what do autistic girls do to stim?
>I am a man and not autistic
There's There's a reason I didn't reply to the OP or answered the question.

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