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I hate being average. Average height (5'4) average weight (129) medium size boobs, average proportions. Face is mid too, glasses make me look even more average. I have only ever gotten attention from guys online because I think irl my personality is a bit awkward. I want a bf that lives close to me but I have only ever been able to e date. My life is average too, I go to work, come home, watch videos or play games, then sleep and do it again the next day. I want to move forward with my life but dont know how.
if you're average it means you have average chances of getting a bf that loves you, which for women is a pretty high chance. so stop whining and go date someone instead of staining this board with your femoidness
actually thats all below average for a man except for the chest. nice rack bro, you must bench a fuckton
damn that sucks post your tits
I do not want to use dating apps and everyone I work with is old or other women. It is hard to meet people naturally as an adult.
You just gotta find some strange niche hobby or overarching life goal to get into. For some its religion, making things, being good at juggling (my coworker) whatever, really id just start setting small goals for yourself on stuff youve been meaning to do/try and see what happens
join hobbys/groups that require meeting up somewhere. there you'll have solved two problems: meeting people your age and having something in common
Drop anime and be quiet and you'll go from a 5/10 to a 7/10.
I do have a few creative hobbies like knitting but I feel if I find groups for crafty thing it will be a similar issue of being almost or all women
Such as? Where do you find said groups? Also idm not having shared hobbies given we both show interest in each others and engage with them
Where do you live? If you're american we could talk, see where it goes. I mostly fuck around on videogames too
>Such as?
fuck if I know. something popular.
>Where do you find said groups?
online? look for online forums/ groupchats about the hobby and inquire/research for meetups
Yea but I want something within a 2 hour drive, i have tried e dating
Does anyone actually have success making friends this way or is this just the default suggestion that no one ever does or has done
Well where in the US are you from? I've got the money anyway, if it went well I'd just get you a ticket so we could meet up.
I don't do it because I'm socially retarded. but my parents forced me into the scouts and I got a few friends, I went boxing to a local club bc the club posted about it on instagram
dating success is null in my case, but because I'm hideous and annoying
If youre board with life try and do something not boring. Doesnt mean you gotta jump outta plane but just something youre not super familiar with. Some people are satisfied with a 9-5 and hanging out at home and some want more, if you want something more go find it
You're below average, as your entire self image, from of existing, is based on your physical appearance. You don't mention what you do besides having a physical body and being a goyslop videogame/netflix loser with no drive or motivation to do anything. You could at the very least make a good incubator and birth, feed kids for a man, but its doubtful you'll learn your place or want to make that sort of "sacrifice" of a comfortable life. You're destined to be some used 30 year old woman, passed around by fat unwashed loser men that play COD and smoke weed all day.
Get your life together.
North east, within an hour of nyc
Not to be a stereotypical person who likes anime and games and stuff but I would like to go to asia one day, I just think it could be more fun to experience with someone else, weather that be a friend or a boyfriend
Id visit most places besides India. Preferably one from every continent/region like Germany, Saudi Arabia and probably a few separate Asian countries sense they very so much from like Vietnam to China and Korea etc etc
There is nothing wrong with those proportions. 129 is a good weight for your height. I know a lot of people want a "thic" girl but I have never been a chubby chaser. Personally I think glasses are a cute accessory for most girls. I understand what you are talking about cause at this point in my life, all I really do is go to work and come home too. I've never been a party person or anything and I don't drink so that whole scene is unappealing to me. Realistically, you are probably more attractive then you give yourself credit for, and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
What a strange fetish post, believe it or not I do not wish to be an "incubator" I would actually only have kids with someone who would treat the mother of their children as more than just the woman they knocked up, I would be their life partner and companion, a team. I think my life is rather standard for being 21, I make fine money and have normal hobbies. Interesting way of measuring someones worth.
I would definitely want to visit more than just standard places like east asia, japan and korea seem cool but there are cheaper destinations with really friendly people and cool sights to see. Or even like you said, china is not as visited and super cool.
>northeast, near nyc
Well, if you change your mind before your thread archives, I could still make that work. There's an airport in my city that goes to and from NYC, just a matter of if you wanted to try that edate shit again, but with a tangible goal to move it somewhere.
China seems cool. Gets trash talked alot for obvious reasons here, especially in the us but Im sure the tourism is just as good as the more western Asian countries. Id even visit North Korea for a week or so if given the chance but thats probably because im white and am drawn to situations in which I am bound to get in trouble
Try being below average, unable to get a job, no interests left, never talked to and nothing to live for
how do you weigh ten pounds more than me while being shorter and call that average.. american fatty culture out of control
Grass is always greener, you should consider yourself blessed for all the ways you're average and not below average. It's much more amenable to happiness than exceeding in some ways and lacking in others.
I'm a man who's above average in all ways physically but I'm fucked in the head and it derailed the prime years of my life. I would have been much better off were I shorter, uglier, less proportional but had a normal social development, a healthy mental state and used that to do something with my life instead of spinning my wheels in the mud.
Your averageness also makes it incredibly easy for you to get along with others. People who don't need an "interesting" partner are also the people who have the healthiest relationships. The only thing you're missing is an excuse to meet people IRL, and that's an easy fix if you're only "a bit awkward".
lmao OP is a Quirk Chungus, truly the worst of all character classes. Watch, there will be no replies to this post, they hated (me) because I speak the truth.
My job is not prestigious at all, I just work at a restaurant. I am sorry your life is in such a hard place, dont beat yourself up too much for the job thing, the market is terrible
bmi 22 is very normal globally lol, at least try a little harder
Thanks this is a good perspective actually
I would take a quirk chungus over a normie foid any day. They will be more loyal, have a lower body count, and not force me to go out and be social with them.
bmi is an inaccurate measurement of health and youd know that if you looked into it even a little kek. its okay to be chubby but its definitely not the ideal or average
I get 10k steps a day and eat fine, If your a man who weighs 119 genuine ick, youll have your gym bro arc soon skelebro its ok

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