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Are you satisfied with the size of your dick? Would you prefer more or less size?
yes i am satisfied with it
it's a bit longer than average but in thickness my cock is the king
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im happy with my dick its average but sometimes i do wish I had an 8 incher for no reason, those thoughts go away quick though
I'm, statistically speaking, very large. Top 1% in size in the West by volume, top 0.01% globally. I wish I were bigger. A lot bigger, too. Like, an extra inch of long and half an inch of thickness. Even though sex with my girlfriend is inconvenient because it often hurts her, I just wanna me huge. I blame porn.
post your beef bus or youre lying
It's not as big as you think it is. Between 18 and 19 centimeters long and I think about 15-ish in circumference if I am rock hard on a warm day. It's not some massive megacock, but from a statistical point of view it kind of is big.
I would be perfectly satisfied if my parents didn't have me sexually tortured and permanently disfigured at birth. It's permanently dry, it hurts when I use a fleshlight, I have penoscrotal webbing, etc. The size is good but I would prefer to have 0.5 inches added to my girth
I'm just average in length and slighty above average girth according to western standards. It's ok. I had a nasty ex when I was younger though who said it was really small because they wanted to hurt me somehow after we broke up. It made me really insecure for a long time. I got over it though, cause every partner I've had since then liked it. I've never had a problem with getting my partners off, and most of the women I've been with made me be gentle cause they always said it hurts otherwise. Of course if I had my way I would love a few extra inches and to have more girth, just because I guess.
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5in and it feels way small, especially on my huge hand
would trade 40 years of my life for 2 or 3in desu
I wish I had a foreskin.
And honestly I would take another half inch in length and quarter in girth
>7.2 x4.9
No i wish it was bigger. You guys wont believe me but Im renting a room in a hotel long term. the guy beside my room is like 45 and dating a girl my age (30). Sometimes at 4am ill wake up and everything is silent so noise carries a little better and I hear the woman getting pounded like its a porno then aftrwards shell say, "god your so big, your such a good lay"
One time a couple rented short term beside me in the other room and they were having sex all the time too. so i went to my dads house because he was away andi wanted to get away. There was a guy living in the other section of my dads house, some student, i didnt know he was there. his section isnt accessible to the main section. He was basically chad thundercock in human form, he had a different girl over every 2-3 days and each one would stay like an hour before the next one came and they would fuck constantly. his life was like a 24/7 porno. I think i heard some of his friends come over 1 time and they chatted for like 20 minutes then they left and he started fucking his girl again. I would wake up at 3 am and hear them fucking until 6am then they would wake up at 10am and fuck until 12 then she would leave and another girl would come over at 1 and they would fuck on and off until 10pm then go to bed and be awake at 5am fucking until 10. The women would be squealing like crazy and telling him how he has a horse cock and he is stretching them out etc. these guys were living like rockstars but hardly ever worked and the only thing thy seemed to have going for them was being confident and having a big D.

mines like 5.6inch. i know "its enough" if a girl likes me but damn.
I mean I have the most average dick of all time at 6" but if it were up to me I would like to have a bigger one. the confidence boost of knowing you dickmog everyone shit talking you must feel pretty great. right now I'll get hurt and insecure when people insult my dick specially since I've never been with a woman to know what they think about it.
Fuck. Ultimate penis size blackpill.
>"god your so big, your such a good lay"
Tbh, when you're actually big, chicks tend to just go quiet and whimper a lot, occasionally hissing and telling you to stop or slow down.
whats the point of these threads if you guys aren't going to tell me how to make my cock bigger if I want it bigger?
just navelgazing or doomer moping or some bullshit like that?
I kinda want my dick to be a bit smaller. mine is 5.1 inches
it really isn't possible to make it bigger outside of just mutilating yourself through surgery. you could theoretically use test gel but that only is effective during puberty. stretching it to make it bigger is a goddamned myth.
I want my dick to be smaller, so I can enjoy some good SPH. Instead I have a perfectly average cock.
Only a few men can understand this heavy crushing pain...
I just jerk off to sph even with an average dick
why is this important? nobody likes a braggard
Yeah I try to fantasize on being smaller, it just kinda feels fake.
why not
I'm gonna go do magic or some shit then
Your gf has pounds of make up and she's gaining weight unironically
I want a ten inch coke can cock cause it would be hot for me
Saw someone say its hot if you wear sweatpants and theres a big thing swanging between and I agree and I wish I could be hot that way
I wish I could lean just be like a hot hentai character but maybe I just have to make my peace with being average
then again who knows with gene therapy and cybernetics on the horizon, and maybe I could try hgh or just hypnotize myself bigger and hotter and cuter or something
Like OP pic but less veiny. So... averageish?
No I wish it was super big so I could brag about it and post pictures online
No, smaller than 8 inches = small.
You can make your dick a bit bigger with consistent effort.
This is so much fun. You're really missing out not being big enough to do that lol.
weird looking dick dude
Yeah so much attention and people automatically worshipping you just because you have a big pp. It's so unfair
How about you show us how big you are big boy?
7.75 x 6.25

I'd take another half inch of length. Even more important than that would be for the aesthetics to be better.

It's still damn near perfect so I can hardly complain, but the thickness makes it look kind of disproportionately short.
I'm very average sized, maybe even on the smaller side. I easily make my girlfriend come multiple times from penetration every time we fuck. It is in fact very much about skill rather than size. Or maybe I just have a very tiny girlfriend. Anyway, I'm very satisfied.
>6.5"/16.4cm length
>5.3"/13.5cm girth
I'm not happy with it. I've been told (obviously not irl) that it's big but I only told her the size I didn't show her. I don't like it, it's okay I guess but it's not big. If I could choose I'd go for about
>7.5"/19cm length
>5.5"/14cm girth
Also :( I'm so small anons should I just kms?

Men have asked me to do SPH for them several times. I don't understand this fetish, what is arousing about getting insulted by people? I understand cuckoldry more because at least with cuckoldry there's a logic in a sexually impaired man using a man like me as a surrogate.
>It's still damn near perfect
Mmmm how does a perfect penis look?
>Unblemished skin
>Same skin tone as the rest of the body, except maybe slightly redder when erect
>Rock hard
>7.75" NBP x 6.25" girth
>Half the shaft that girth, narrowing to about 5" near the top, with the head flaring out about 5.5".
>Balls about as long as a large chicken egg but thinner - close to a golf ball in volume.
>Hyperspermia, maybe shooting a tablespoon
>Slight upwards curve

This is a penis that is at about the 10th percentile of women's size preferences. It's in the 0.1% of size globally, and still maybe top 0.2-0.5% in the west.

My dick and ballsack have some penile melanosis spots and it's slowly turning into a big black cock, which I'm treating with hydroquinone. My doctor said it's due to the large amount of hormones there, The underside has a line in the skin that is asymettrical and goes off to one side which sort of looks like where two halves of the penis fused together early in my development. My penis head is not very impressive. It only stays rock hard on meds. I can kind of be multi-orgasmic but only with meds to keep me hard after the first time and with a dribble cumshot the second time. My cumshots are average-large, maybe at the upper end of the normal 1.5ml-7ml range.

It's still an amazing cock though desu, I don't do this very often but I've jerked myself to completion in the mirror.
I hate my pp so much it's unreal.

>short length (4 inches)
>thin girth
>uncut with tight foreskin that won't pull back all the way
>sensitive tip
>ridiculously short stamina (around 11 seconds to coom)
>no masculine features like veins
literally every dick i see online that isnt an outright micro looks bigger than mine.

i just have to accept that im not a real man
im writing this down
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I personally prefer them darker than skin tone, milky pale thighs with a darker thick rod leaking pre between them is mesmerizing.
Pic related but paler basically, maybe a bit thicker too would be yummy.
Why? How big is yours anon?
I was finally ok with it at age 26, before I was near the worlds most beautiful young woman and overheard her agree to threesomes with a giant because she has seen he has a large penis. Now ill never get over it.My own fault for spending 20 seconds near young women.
You can see some melanosis on his dick near the head, but it's not too bad. He looks like he might have phimosis honestly an has a bit of a small dick head.

He has very nice skin though.

It's not just that he has a large penis, it's also that he's a giant mate.
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Worry not it is not phimotic
Anon at least cucking you and psychologically dominating you brings other men joy. You being way smaller than my 5.75"x5" softie just makes me want to bully the shit out of you so hadly.
Not him but how will you bully a smaller guy
Put them into situations where they're pressured to expose themselves. Skinny dipping, strip poker, just a day at the pool, and the like. Take pictures and spread them around social media.

Pull down their pants in front of girls. Fuck a size queen in the room next to them. Convince his girlfriend to ask him to open up the relationship. Fuck his girlfriend. Send him videos of me fucking moaning girls he knows.

Roofie him and threaten to assrape him unless he sucks you off. Force him to cum while he has a huge dick in his mouth. Then jerk off on his face. No homo.
Can we just skip to the end?
Unsatisfied I really need a bigger dick, I cannot find any girl
guys aggressively asserting their sexual superiority is so hot. this would make any weak willed man crumble 100%

is not hot, is rude and uneccessary
Still shouldnt have gone to a festival my own fault I knew women were like this all my life yet I thought surely they cant all be like that just because I have a lot of bad experiences.
>Unblemished skin
>Same skin tone as the rest of the body, except maybe slightly browner when erect
> 4.5
> max 3 orgasms
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I'm like 6.7 or something close. 5.5 thick. I'm pretty satisfied but another inch length and like half an inch thickness would be preferable. It's like I almost got the perfect size but God said "fuck you lol"
You sound cute anon

The jealousy and envy and shame just make me feel so much better about myself, and the demoralisation means I have less sexual competition

For the longest time I was all in on SJW shit like "ahem it's hecking WRONG to BODY SHAME somebody based on something they were born with because that is NOT what makes them a HECKING man". Over time though, I came to realise that this was slave morality. That we live in a hobbesian world red in tooth and claw. That if I could convince women men with small dicks were pathetic, being with one of them made them pathetic, and demoralised the men with small dicks themselves, it was only to my advantage.

How are they supposed to retaliate? They have no status among women. No influence. They're weak.
I should be satisfied ?
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I'm satisfied with the length and girth of my dick. Only one woman has mentioned that my dick isn't too long. Her pussy was deep and loose af
6 inches, 5 inch girth, id say it looks about half the size of >>78024624, maybe a bit less
mine is 4.5 inches
also i know its not in my head because every time ive had sex i get comments or hints that its small.
Minimum size to be considered a man, you barely made it.
minimum doesnt count for anything, barely being a man is hardly any different from not being one at all
everyone is a man, is not the length taht makes u a man
But it IS different.

I am not weak
Men with dicks under 6" should have no expectation of either having a relationship, or at least having that relationship be exclusive. You fundamentally cannot fufill your manly duties as a boyfriend or husband. Their only real hope is to become cuckold wageslaves where they will be rewarded with the superficial appearance of having a normal life so they don't die alone being bullied by their peers.
>Are you satisfied with the size of your dick?
No. I was circumcised without consent as a baby so I'll never know what it's like to have foreskin. Even though my dick is like 7.25 inches long it just doesn't seem big to me and I wish I was 8+ inches with 5.75+ inches in girth. Also my flaccid size is like 2.5 inches so I'm scared to let a girl see it flaccid.
dude I am under 6 inches , so I know what i am talking about
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same size as me

is it really over
yours looks thicker than mine, its over
I do wish to be an inch longer and an inch thicker too
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This is mine what do you think
I remember your dick you a had a thread up a few days ago. drop your insecurities your dick is plenty good. or if you're doing this to make others feel bad then just kys.
>or if you're doing this to make others feel bad then just kys.
What's wrong with dick mogging? If someone has a big dick they should be allowed to mog smaller males and make them feel bad.
you measure correctly?
I am satisfied because it's large enough to not be a problem, but I would prefer it be bigger because why the fuck not
Even when I flex, my dick doesn't pop up past horizontal. Is that weird?
yeah theres no way its under 5 inches girth i think. but the tip is very small, like 1/3rd the size of yours, puberty just did nothing to me
spoken like someone who truly has nothing else going on for him.
is not good to make others feel bad, we didn't decide it! Is so difficult to find a girl that doesn't want to lock our cok so please we should all be together right?
Men who are not proud of their dick no matter the size should feel bad when they get dick mogged. Instead of getting mad at the dick mogger, how about you tell the person getting mogged to love themselves?
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>Are you satisfied with the size of your dick?
Meh. Not really.
6.8x5.4" had women laugh when they saw it.

>Would you prefer more or less size?
More. At least 1 extra inch length and wouldn't mind 1 extra inch of girth either.
>Send him videos of me fucking moaning girls he knows.
this is a different feel, seeing girls you know in a new light but with another man
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Hnnngh. That was my original post, I kind of missed the whole bullying and psychological domming. Posting on /soc/ pretty much gifted me a week of burly men bullying me over Kik, good times.
you have a beautiful cock anon, I would literally pay to gag on it for an hour
Oof ur cut that's too bad
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5 1/2 inches long 5 1/2 inches around

I feel fairly confident in my size...

I havnt ever used it tho. I hope its good enough for any girl that ill marry.
Extra 2 inches would have put me in BBC territory
Jesus that must be traumatizing. And women say they dont care LOL
well if you push it too far one of them will probably end up shooting you but i guess you'll have lived a full life at that point.
>have underwhelming penis
>not having sex with it anyway
>therefore, no need to feel insecure about it
everything worked out better than expected
i'd trade 2cm of height for 2cm of penis size, so that both would be whole numbers (170cm 20cm)

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