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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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This a thread robots to discuss their hatred of women and society. Only Men can be robots.

Topic: Every notice its ok when chad does bad things but when a non chad does the exact same thing he gets annihilated by society for it? Why is that? How did we let this happen?

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>Video games

>What is this thread?
A place for robots to come and discuss their hatred of women and society. Only Men can be robots, pretty straight forward.
>Why aren't you on Wizchan
Because this is our board and Wizchan has nothing to do with this place. We were here long before wizchan.
>Well, you're raiding my cuntoid safe space!
Its not your space. Go back to CC
>r9k is not a male board.
Yes it is
>I'm a cuntoid, can I post here?
No, fuck off.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
>I want a BF
This is not >>>/soc/

>some txt
christians are just as bad if not worse than jews in pushing those things you mentioned
Idk what a cuntoid is but I'm a woman can I post here?
>christians are just as bad if not worse than jews in pushing those things you mentioned
It's true, the women of the episcopal church invented feminism. Jews have only picked up on it a 150 years later.


Sure, anyone is welcome as long as they remain civil.
I am brainstorming my ideas for a novel and I am very excited anon. Sometimes though it feels like I am giving myself too much credit and imagining success where there is only meditation.

Hope you are doing well, R9K is for the boys. Makes me sad to see everybody obsess over women and their desires. Men cut off their penis over this shit, and women do the same in their own degenerate ways. We ought to just stay separated. I feel like women always hurt my friend groups and find some way to destroy them. A woman stole my dads inheritance. A woman stole my mother from me, and any chance I ever had at a normal childhood.

The main advocation always ends up being 'well not all women are like that', but women receive absolutely no punishment for manipulative actions in society. It just makes me sad, and I'm tired of people trying to suggest forgiveness as the ultimate solution. There is no ultimate solution, women are just horrid, horrid animals who I wish would leave my places of habitation. They always feel the need to spy, and molest my feelings and thoughts.

Whatever don't even talk about women in this thread just pretend they don't even fucking exist
>Posted over an hour ago
>4 replies
Lol, you pissed off the simps
I don't think there should be threads dedicated to "wamen general" because it exclusively targets a demographic and excludes all others. It's by very nature an unfair thing to do- especially when confronted by the reality crystal cafe already fucking exists for the trogs.

I think that somebody should find a way to police these things because I want to have a better browsing experience on 4chan.
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But by definition this general is also exclusionary. It's an unfortunate back and forth reactionary dichotomy where people abuse each other. I can't stand it really. Sometimes it seems so inescapable that I can't imagine a day where I can actually trust to have a friend who is a women who I love and we marry and have kids. Or whatever.

I don't think women realize how depressing it is as a man to see the majority of your peers whore themselves out and dedicate themselves to nobody. Every woman I dedicated myself to found a man who was older than me, with generation wealth. Women don't care about you if you aren't the type of person to take things from others. I personally find it suicidal.

But every woman I talk to likes to flaunt it in peoples faces that "they can't get laid" or some bullshit. What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? They are creating a society that forces people to have sex frequently with more partners at younger and younger ages, while socially imprisoning the men who want sentimentality and real love, even through real exterior struggle.

I genuinely do not believe there exists a woman in my demographic who would ever love me, and that is not because I am not confident. That is because I believe my hope for something good makes me an anomaly amongst my peers who only seek short engagements.

If by the time my father dies, I don't have a son, I'm going to kill myself after telling him that I really tried my hardest to be a positive part of society that mattered in the long run. Everybody I have ever known, on some level, has accepted that life is depressing and things sometimes just suck apparently. It seems a bit weak in my opinion and I want to fight against that apathy- but it grows so fruitfully that I would lash out against the tyrants who harvest it's wine.

I hate women so god damned much.
And don't even get me started on the way they treat men who unironically tried to give women the sexual animal they wanted. Even that man is oppressed by these creatures. They do not want our happiness. They only want to see us lose. I will never trust a woman again in my life.

I hope some of you women realize how depressing it is that you caused this. I hope you realize how depressing it is that none of you care to make it better.
>>I want a BF
>This is not >>>/soc/
i still want a bf
If you want a boyfriend then you will have to prove to somebody that you are worth the time. Most other people are just going to try to treat you as a host for their desires, if they don't appreciate your humanity. Many women have ritualistically shunted the responsibilities cast upon them so it can be hard for many men to consider women in any way related to humanity.
you could make the same arguments without hostility and violent image macros, maybe people would even reply and consider your point of view
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>me when many men
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You're talking about the bonobo effect and how matriarchal societies use sex as a means to pacify and control.
I can see how this is something you could make an effect to factor for in social models. I believe there have been tests conducted on monkeys that changed their social activities through only a few generations, and I think many experiments on primate brain activities showed us various reward and stimulation psychology of the brain. Obviously we can't relate all our anecdotal and shared experience to that of beings other than ourselves though. Men and women cannot live like this, it is creating so much undue suffering among people who don't deserve it. I don't care if feminism got women's rights only 20 years ago or some bullshit, I want men's rights now. I'm not even sure what rights we are fighting for but the farce of equality has run dry and I am legitimately ready to kill.
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Dude you are such a pussy you probably have a stash of pornographic images that you use when you are desperate to get attention on 4chan. Stop simping like a faggot and go till the field like a real man.
stop using capital letters here, dammit
>Stop simping like a faggot and go till the field like a real man.
Never simped for any woman, the goreposter probably had mood swings and actually simped when he was on his lows, unlike me.
Not being an insufferable asshole =/= being a simp
Bonobo women must be tolerable to be around or something because there is no way all those men aren't just raping whoever they want and acting like they are just cool friends afterwards
>he thinks anime death is gore
And you somehow aren't a pussy?
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Here's some real gore I found on this board that I saved because I think the picture goes hard as fuck.
>he thinks anime death is gore
He regularly posted pictures of gun barrels and grenades being stuck up in the vaginas of female corpses.
Wait what? I thought you were the person complaining about the image macro of the anime woman getting shot in the face. I don't know who you are talking about, but whoever you are I think you are a dickhead
What was the last time you saw a couple on the street where the man wasn't a male model? I don't remember personally.
The biomasc dude is known for posting gore, it's almost safe to assume that anyone who uses violent image macros is the same guy. No one else who frequents these threads or discusses the same topics on this board uses those, it's only him.

Maybe he's got something to say, but no one will listen to him while acts like a spastic.
He's also known to spam racebait threads and whine about moderation--all while constantly breaking the rules and ban evading.
So you have ignored him for so long that he brought you to look upon death and sorrow? I don't particularly feel moved in either way, but I think you are a fool for ignoring the pleas of men who want this board to be a haven for anonymous posting again.
Personally I don't really care if somebody spams gore or whatever. Generally though I would imagine that if somebody was compelled to make you feel suffering it would be because you made him suffer.

I can juxtapose this internet gore against displeased human beings going out and committing real world violence because there is no world that exists for them to peacefully live inside of.
Peacefully meaning not being forced into states of despair due to having your very humanity stripped from you.
Oh shit, we're on.
Are you eyes painted on? Fuck off.
>But by definition this general is also exclusionary
No shit. Cry harder.
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would you also send m00t off of /r9k/?
>Would you send a faggot off of /r9k/?

He abandoned us.
>He abandoned us.

I love how this auto goes to page 2 after a reply.
Hi /biomasc/ I'm looking for a twink so I can worship his feet, anyone interested (biological men only) :3
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>Hi /biomasc/ I'm looking for a twink
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How are you doing OP? How's life being a brown construction worker?
Oh so this is the faggot thread then. I really like being the top, but I don't mind bottoming every once in awhile for a role reversal with a twink.
Yes? Is there something wrong? I'm a biological male, I belong here. I hate women but mostly because they steal my potential bfs uugh
Why do you need two gay threads? Get in there: >>78018059

Fuck you attention whore faggots.
This thread is for all biological males, gay ones included. Cope
Fags are bio males and pretty masculine if you ask me. So they should be allowed to post here.
anon i don't think you realize this but i'm not a woman
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>Fags are bio males and pretty masculine if you ask me
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>K-keep callin him brown!

Im starting to wonder if its indians behind all the femoid and tranny posting.
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They even love to wear the same uniforms as you do. Why do you have anything against them?
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We're done bruh. At least in the past there was some limit on depravity because there was a social harness that attempted to stop people from acting out. And on the rare times they did, it was kept quiet because the shame was too great. Ask some 80 year olds what fucked up shit happened in their family they couldn't talk about.

But now that it's out in the open, kids are just openly advertising their porn services.

Or the girl will openly talk about what options she has other than her partner.

Society is done.
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too bad that muttnigger said himself that he works as a low class construction worker
Kek, that was me and I don't even live in the US. It pays me really well for a few months, my dad got me in.
>They even love to wear the same uniforms as you do

Better than this LMAO

>It would be alot better for you if you at least tried to pretend like you werent a kike. The whole 'ignoring' it thing just makes it worse ;)
>Inb4 WW2 pics of german solders having a bit of banter.
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Forgot the pic but have a bump.
Omg you are indians LOL!
Im outa here. Cyas tomorrow fuckos.

TKD, /r9k/ is for Men only.
How can I become an energy vampire and leech energy from women?
and the mutt has left for his construction job
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didn't read that stupidity but those are very cute tiddies
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>Keep calling him brown

Youve already revealed yourself as the curry muncher boyo lol
I thought you left lil brown boy.
how can you hate society if you work construction? sacrificing health to help build something that will last longer you despise isn't something to be proud of
this some sort if tranny thread
what happened to mgtow?
This has to be AI gnerated her eyes are way to big
most people's intellect is mediocre, women are on average more retarded than men so you have an army of mentally underdeveloped retards playing adults
He's not working construction, that's me . I don't think the biomasc dude ever worked a day in his life.
These are my posts ITT:
better than a soid or a foid who likes to think in their retard heads that incel is le ebil hateful foaming at his mouth misogynist to justify your psychopathinc villifying and bullying of people who are socially accepted to bully without repercussions because you love to bully as you are scum
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>woman starts talking
>feel an urge to just beat her so she shuts up
kek I am totally going to prison someday because of this urge aren't I
Normies will never know the horror of being a male virgin in your late 20s.

Just going to drop this off here.











I'm cute, so I get away with lots of shit that I'm not supposed to.
Even the elderly and jaded lose their guard around me. My eyes have a twinkle that allow me to get away with stuff.

The main problem here is I'm not sure how to properly channel this power.

When I'm having an off month like recently, literally everyone in a 5 mile radius notices. It's weird. My bosses notice, my landlord noticed, even the hot neighbor lady a couple blocks down looked worried. All because I had a scowl.

Anyway today is the anniversary that a cunt stole 50 bucks from me. I've been remembering her since 2 months ago, and all it's done was cause nuclear meltdown.
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Homosexuality is right-wing and the solution to the West's problems
>solution to the West's problems
I don't think so, xhief

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