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They just turned into 90s evangelicals again.
yes, gradually I began to hate them.
The problem was that you assumed that the alt-right was actually right-wing in any way, when they're really cosmopolitan fascists or slight dissenters from libertarian corporate knobslobbery.

The moment it became about religion or man on horsebackism it ceased to be a reasonable critique and turned into reckless retardation that kept the drowning evangelical and Gingrichite movements buoyed through sheer stupidity.
i don't necessarily hate people who believe in right wing politics as i have right wing views myself however i have noticed that many right wing people are religious. now i myself am strongly anti religious and i dont like to associate myself as being right wing because people tend to think that means i am religious
you do not understand libertarianism. otherwise i agree
If the Internet was truly globally networked down to the last man with incredibly fast speeds via some new technology I wonder which religion would win, or if a new one would finally form.
I just hate rich people tbhfam
>not real libertarianism
Go ahead, tell me how those who call themselves libertarian or claim individual liberty as their sole domain put anything into practice except free rein for corporations. it has nothing to do with the theoretical underpinnings of the philosophy, as that's essentially just a new form of social democracy that empowers middlemen and small businesses.
Corporations exist because of the government giving that power to companies.
Tired of grifters bros
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Christianity and judaism are not compatible
nice cope cryptokike
>Christianity and judaism are not compatible
literally the same thing
Christianity and jews and their grip on humanity is no joke but you just have to experience it, your life path is what it is, you're no scholar or anything
So Libertarians are bad because they want to stop corporations from getting unlimited free money that the government prints?
It's the political equivalent of wearing a wolf shirt to protest the wage cage complex. Have you ever heard of a libertarian who actually managed to turn off subsidies? Full nationalization is more viable politically than telling GM or Lockheed Martin that they won't get any money anymore.
That was the gayop associated with banning everyone who sounds like they came from 4chan off normgroid social media.
>Have you ever heard of a libertarian who actually managed to turn off subsidies?
Libertarians haven't ever really been in charge so I don't know what you're even trying to say here.
>Full nationalization is more viable politically than telling GM or Lockheed Martin that they won't get any money anymore.
That would hurt the economy and working class.
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literally you're so wrong it's tragic if you believe this. Jews killed Jesus. you can read a book called Jesus in the Talmud to see all the times Jesus is mentioned through Jewish religion it is not compatible they are not the same. Don't let any jew tell you that because they are contemptible.

Answer for 9/11 Jew.
So would no subsidies, considering "SAM jockey" is the family business for a good thirty million people at this point. The alternative to graft is not to turn off all programs, but to make sure the programs serve the public good or the needs of the nation and to empower citizens to call out waste without being prosecuted.
No, because it's a bad idea from the foundation that'll result in a corporate dystopia. What do you think is going to happen without a governing body to impose regulations? Each corporation will establish its own personal fiefdom and decide the rules within in.
It'll lead to feudalism, but even dumber and more depressing.
You're a retard. Corporations exist solely BECAUSE of government favoritism and regulations.
>corporate dystopia
We already live in one. Libertarians are trying to stop it.
The only thing that has been objectively shown to help the working class is free markets.
Regulations are how corporations gain power by destroying competition.
The free market already prevents force and fraud. What else do you need?
we live in an israel control nation who has lied to us about everything. https://youtu.be/yutvaoLg1gQ?si=WgDcjHqHYF5nv3kl
Jesus Christ died for our sins and will rise again. Never trust the synagogue of satan.
Jesus was a Jew dumbass.
>Jesus was a Jew dumbass.
According to the Talmud Jesus's father was a Roman Legionaire. According the The Bible jesus's father was god. Either way he didn't have a Jewish Y chromosome and that's why those contemptible jews killed him.

Please Please listen to the sermon on the mountain, be blessed and allow love into your life. All who accept Jesus are the real israelites, those false actors in modern day israel will all burn for eternity
christianity is trash simple as
stfu fag you dont know whats right and wrong loser i know whats right and wrong and christianity is wrong
gl with that argument given how often the government has to stop corporations from shitting in our water and food. enjoy the leaded tap water
Christianity does not approve of homosexuals, is that why you think it's so wrong?
no. i share many of the opinions of christianity. i am also against homosexuality. the aspect of christianity that is wrong (and this applies to all religions) is that it claims to be the ultimate authority on what is right and wrong AND it BANS the freedom for people to experiment freely and decide for themselves what is right and wrong. christianity (and every religion) is morally oppressive and ironically makes society LESS moral by forcing its morality (which could be correct or incorrect) onto people
>shitting in our water
we dont have a free market in water, thats why its so shit
socialized water fails
>AND it BANS the freedom for people to experiment freely and decide for themselves what is right and wrong.
This is not true at all the bible gives you free will to do whatever you want and Jesus died for your sins there is always redemption, the good news is that everyone is saved. It does not force anyone.
Kinda, a lot are hooked up on stupid petty shit and it feels a lot like they just don't want to win
it is true. christianity and ANY ideology stifles moral creativity and does not allow people to learn for themselves what is right and wrong. and christians LOVE to push their bullshit onto governments to enforce for them remember THE FUCKING DARK AGES?
What makes you think you know what is right and wrong is more so than thousands of years of scholarship? Why would you not want a framework of how to live that guides you in a positive direction rather than guessing and checking, Narrow is the path that leads to salvation and wide is the gate that leads to destruction. Don't be a faggot anon, christ loves you, god wants to spend eternity with you, you have the freedom to choose right or wrong, but it doesn't change what is right and wrong.

Rape, Theft, Murder. These are all wrong, do you need to go shoot 4 people to understand that? Do you need to be raped to understand that rape is bad? Anon, Christ is good.
>moral creativity
"Morally creative" as in you can sacrifice a baby in the name of sun god and claim it's good? There is only one path to salvation and it is through a man and a woman pair bonding and creating a family.
>There is only one path to salvation and it is through a man and a woman pair bonding and creating a family.
WRONG this is the problem with religion it's not even fucking morally correct
monogamy and marriage is MORALLY WRONG you are a BAD PERSON if you engage in this disgusting act
the correct behaviour (for men) is to impregnate as many YOUNG women as you are capable of not to be a FUCKING KEK CHRISTIAN FAGGOT
Those were catholics, it was a continuation of roman authority and also the time was extremely chaotic
In 1977, the historian Denys Hay spoke ironically of "the lively centuries which we call dark". More forcefully, a book about the history of German literature published in 2007 describes "the dark ages" as "a popular if uninformed manner of speaking".

You're just delusional, the people in charge before Christians took over were rapist pedophiles. The truth about Hellenistic religions, with their rape rituals and child abuse is disgusting to modern sensibilities and it for the crime of telling us to stop hitting our children Christ was put to death not long before this.
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>the online right

you do realize they are controlled opposition right?
>the correct behaviour (for men) is to impregnate as many YOUNG women
No this isn't correct behaviour because your children end up being food for pedophile jews because you don't care about the mother and children.

Morally correct behaviour starts with
1.) Fathers should protect the mothers and children.
World peace must start there.
I am so sorry for how broken your family must be for you to feel this way. I hope you find light in your life someday, but it's unlikely with how contemptible you are towards truth
>I am so sorry for how broken your family must be for you to feel this way. I hope you find light in your life someday, but it's unlikely with how contemptible you are towards truth
shut the fuck loser you are pathetic
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Thank god for giving me this life.
I'm so happy to be alive, find your way to light before you end up food for the islamics or jews.
Thanks for the laugh, sar
>Thank god for giving me this life.
>I'm so happy to be alive, find your way to light before you end up food for the islamics or jews.
you are literal scum and too stupid to know you are exactly the same as islamics and jews
the mental gymnastics to think your 1 religion is right but 2 other religions based on the exact same culture are completely wrong and evil you are literally stupid as fuck
You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot
>You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot
christian retard incapable of simply speaking plainly many such cases
So how many young women have you impregnated anyway since you're so morally upstanding and that is the moral good? I suspect you're a virgin larper. Do you have a healthy BMI? Smoker? Are you short?
>So how many young women have you impregnated anyway since you're so morally upstanding and that is the moral good? I suspect you're a virgin larper. Do you have a healthy BMI? Smoker? Are you short?
shut the fuck up trash
Must be hard being such an angry virgin
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You really embody all the traits of the virgin, look back at how angry you are.
it's normal to be angry at scum like christians and feminists who actively destroy society
A warning from 1965. About the same time when the Jews took over the government through the CIA.
Not even slowly. My cardinal values are anti-liberalism/capitalism, anti-Christianity, anti-freemasonry, and communitarianism. So as you can expect, I really only fit with a small number of other thinkers
There is only one thing to be angry at and it's that israel did 9/11. That Mossad ran a massive child sex ring and was protected by the FBI. That Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself and Bill Gates is part of it. Instead you're mad at someone who only wants you to live, but the choice is always yours.
Christian values are the only undeniably correct. Don't know how you could possibly disagree unless you're a complete degenerate.
No other religion or atheistic belief system has brought upon prosperity to the scale Christianity has.
Even if you hate religion, you're at least culturally Christian if you have any conservative ideas. It's just one or two introspections away from realizing that the path of Christ is the ONLY way to live.
Despite being a homo I kinda started skewing rightwards a while back due to recognizing the blatant excesses of wokism and feminism. Though in recent years I noticed a trend of more and more right wingers literally wanting to put me death so yeah. I dunno.
>Even if you hate religion, you're at least culturally Christian if you have any conservative ideas. It's just one or two introspections away from realizing that the path of Christ is the ONLY way to live.
Low quality bait
by the way, y'all niggas conflating things like civil liberties, regulations and subsidies and are just throwing "no true libertarian" fallacies around
i found the rise of online identity politics kinda fascinating a decade ago... now it's just all so tiresome.
Yes. Back in 2016 I thought we were going to have a revolution of thought in Conservatism with Trump/Alt-Right/Gamergate/etc that was geared towards radical anti-immigration policies, pushback on feminism, return to domestic production, and ultimately moving away from egalitarianism towards a less liberal world view, instead we got abortion bans, satanic panic 2.0,and catholicism cooked up with zoomer memes. It's so fucking gay.
No one wants you dead, that's just lies insidious liberals say to make you hate region.
That being said, faggotry is a sin and Christ wants you to walk a path free from sin. So if you accept HIM into your life the faggotry and lust will slowly melt away over time. You just have to try it. Join a church and place your trust in an elder to guide you and hold you accountable. You can rid yourself of the disease in your brain and become more resilient against sin and know victory against evil.
Luke 3:23
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If this is right wing. I'm far left.
>Luke 3:38
Luke is weaksauce anyway, John is the best book
The fact people want me dead isnt some story I get told second hand, I see it first hand on here ever so often. I dont know whether these guys are christians or whatever. All I know is it wasnt nearly as bad only 5 years ago.
I still wouldn't push a button that would turn me straight though. I'm an autistic fucking gaycel with more than a decade of social and mental decay under my belt I don't need my shot at experiencing happiness even more unreachable than it is already. Sure there are upsides to being straight but they are not worth it in my book.
I think the online left and right are both tiresome. Everyone has been hyper radicalized by their algorithm fed echo chambers. People aren't able to engage in normal discourse anymore around politics. 99% of any political conversations just turn into name calling and shit flinging. The presidential debate was just fucking embarrassing. Two feeble old men just throwing insults at each other on TV.
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There is plenty of conservative leaning people out there that aren't Christian evangelist trying to mold the country into their theocracy. There are conservative/libertarian leaning homos out there, they just tend to keep quit about it. In my experience if you rebel against the hyper woke progressive narrative, the LGBT cult of personality will try to shame you and ask you things like "Why do you hate yourself" or they will say you aren't really (sexuality). Anyways, there is a decent amount of homos out there that have conservative/libertarian views. They are just harder to find.
It's funny because he married a she-kike and became a pussy whipped betafaggot.
I'm well aware. Homos are tolerated in most right wing spaces. And so is the crowd seeking to lynch me. It's not exactly a comfortable spot. Always pressure to prove you're "one of the good ones". People testing you all the time.
And you can't really defend yourself against actual homophobia without looking like this triggered snowflake.
Though it's not like leftoids would hesitate label me a chud over my views on women and gender either. I'd be swiftly flushed out. In the end I'm more at home with incels on /r9k/ than the normies on r/lgbt or wherever I'm "supposed" to be. Somehow this place is surprisingly sane as far as political discussion goes.
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>Christianity and jews and their grip on humanity is no joke but you just have to experience it, your life path is what it is, you're no scholar or anything
it's because their Gods are Yahweh and Satan respectively and you're their plaything. A literal chesspiece in their trap-world called Earth.
this makes no sense, Christianity is all about freeing you from sin and be truly free.
without christianity we become slaves of every infamous vice
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This is my problem too. We need to eliminate the anti-homos so that the West can flourish again.
I hate the online left. You fags are retarded with stupid ideas. Nearly none can argue their point.

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