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Bugged out kind of day.
hm yes u called?
Ice Tea is a cock sucking nigger kind of day.
What's bugging you out Anon ?
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I didn't think this far ahead.
Shame and pride.
now it's a bugged thread kind of day
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I find a towel is much better than a fly swatter because you can go at hypersonic speeds with no fear of breaking it. They never see it coming.
killing flies with a hypersonic towel... u are truly a maniac
ask uuuh whens the thread for frolicking kind of day
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also aisu a lame casual true manicacs would use a mini flammenwerfer to get the job done
hey umm aisu can u set out a blanket for frolic kind of daying pls
what're u doing with all those crispy fried bugs when you're done not letting bug snacks go to waste i hope
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indeed bug snax have always been the secret to hikikomori maxxing feel free send more bugs my way
gonna send u so much bug so much more than ur little hikikigut will be able to handle not even ur flammenwhatevern will save you
hmm maybe thats enough for a bugbeeque should invite over some hikkis to frolic
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Not my haus at all.
bugbeeque at ur haus go chop some firewood for the grill
wow aisu ure a lousy host
i'm sorry aisu ur a great host pls show us how strong and talented u are with an axe
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Just beg on ur knees that he add you back on Steam or sumffin. Not my problem.
youre not u when ur hungry aisu i think u should help light that grill
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cheer up starvesu theres enough bugbq for everyone
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So insanely not my problem.
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npdsu pls learn to share ur bugbq theres one for each of us
You can have mine, fatso.
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and u can have mine
u know it's not good manners to play with ur food
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well too bad cause im a gamer
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Random bug on my bed. The heck.
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uhhuh im yet to see any proofs of this gamer status all i'm seeing is a tragic clown
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aisu lisen u cant win the game without pushing some buttons
hop on garfield cart
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I let it be free by throwing it out the window.
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There's nothing here worth winning.
starvesu gonna regret throwing his food away
u wouldn't be saying that if u owned a copy of garfield kart
Damn, I need a BF who will live with me and save me from scawwy bugs
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tfw no gf to play garfield cart with its so over gaymerbros sighh
its a shame the magical group decided to challenge the space force, honestly that kid leaving was the best thing that ever happened to the earth -

now they're profitable at the expense of ONE generation, and i heard they even won that too.

it was an all sons (shit) vs an all daughters (cum) kind of thing -
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who is aisu
Lituania will be brown too in no time. Not sure where I'll have to go next. Sigh.
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Maybe I'm doing fine actually.
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be careful, when mummy dies you'll be so old and wrinkly no discordboomers will want to adopt you
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Evening dose of good boy fluoride taken.
This boy will survive everything. No one ever needed the boomers anyway.
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This boy feeling clean and pure in his bathtub.
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All clean. Now I feel like forgiving the boomers and hoes for their foolishness.
Our lord and savior Aisus forgives even the most depraved of souls...
wth well just so u know i don't forgive you for urs meaniesu
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That's okay. I have already forgiven myself, love.
Evening dose of good boy sex with Aisu.
add this to the npd mantra "it's ok if u don't forgive me cause i forgave myself"
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Can't let silly internet stuff I'm assured you couldn't care less about weigh on this fragile boy's shoulders. :(

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