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Does anyone else not consider Asians to be real Americans? Hispanics are unironically more American than them since they come from other parts of the continent and have an established history and culture within the US, but Asians are seen as the perpetual foreigner because they kind of are. What is Asian American history? Most Asians here are immigrants or the children of immigrants from totally alien cultures and dont quite fit in here. They don't really have an American identity and at best just latch onto other peoples' identities.
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America is peak capitalism, so your status is determined far more by class (i.e. wealth) than race. Asians historically work harder and get more college education than Hispanics or Negroes so no one has a problem with them. The single time in my life when I've witnessed racism against Asians is when my Filipino coworker made fun of Chinese people. I guess it takes yellow to hate yellow.
>Does anyone else not consider Asians to be real Americans?
If you're born here then you're a real American. That's how it works.
That's true. Asians are very secular. The most they've contributed to American culture is through the entertainment industry, and maybe a martial arts dojo and noodle restaurant. All of them still hold on to calling themselves by their former country (especially Koreans) where whites and blacks have long stopped caring.
The Philippines was a former American colony and Filipino during Spanish times were already in California before the British arrived. Filipinos were also in the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812.
>Filipino coworker
That was probably me.
Nigga the Chinks were over here building the railroad bro come on xD
I think Asians are more American than most Americans, since they value meritocracy and what they can do for this country rather than ask for gibs.
They're kind of just seen as nameless, faceless workers though. That's where the bugmen trope comes in. They're like America's worker bees. They come from collectivists cultures that don't value individuality, something that America is built upon. They also don't seem to value community, at least not in a way thats recognizable to Americans. They contribute a lot economically but what do they contribute as individuals?
I mean you can find historical events that Asians were part of but they've still yet to establish a uniquely Asian American identity.
They're not doing what they do for the good of the country, they do what they do to climb the social ladder. Asians are absolutely obsessed with status, which is really bizarre, considering that so many of them come from nominally communist countries where things like class and social status were supposed to be in the process of being phased out of existence.
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No one cares, Asian American history is bringing yummy food to borgerland and having it ruined by borgers. Also, the pacific coast, but who gives a fuck about that part of the country anyway. SEA also provides a nice stream of wives for well-to-do but otherwise lonely and awkward American men; see any nice coastal town community for a large uptick in older SEA wives living happy carefree lives with their weird white husband, god bless them both.
The ones in America are the ones that left or were driven out of those collectivist cultures when shit got really bad; a Chinese, Cambodian or Vietnamese American is the polar opposite of their counter-parts back home.
Like the Cubans in Florida.
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Josh Luna is peak kino THO.
Doesn't matter what you do it for, if you're more patriotic and American than the next then you simply are.
Lol! Yee-Haw!
eh, it depends.
I agree that the ones fresh off the boat who are just here to go to uni, make money, and go home are not real americans.
OTOH there are chinatowns" in most major cities that are older than most of the big waves of European-American immigration. Asians have been here a long time. And some of them try *really* hard to integrate and become "real" americans.
Do Asian American men and women really hate each other? thats pretty funny, now they really are almost white.
hispanics are one of the original 3 settler races so yeah id say they're american
They loathe one another, and it has a lot to do with the fact that Asian women overwhelmingly prefer white men and refuse to date Asians. A minority will take a black man over an Asian. They'll take literally anything over their own people. They have a 'no dating Asians' policy.
>Be American...

>Invades and colonizes the Philippines (Asian) and forcefully Americanized the people

>1-0 years later...

"Rheee! Asian-Americans are not Americans!"

Why are Americans like this?
Exactly how I see it. The USA as we know it wouldn't exist without natives, whites, blacks, or hispanics. But if Asians were totally erased from American history, literally nothing about this country would be different. Maybe we wouldn't have the same fascination with Kung Fu and we wouldn't have Americanized Chinese food, but those aren't significant contributions to American life.
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Nigga without Asia, America wouldn't even exist. Remember why Colombus travelled West in the First place? Oh right! He was trying to get to Asia by travelling the opposite direction from the Portuguese who sailed due East, which was assigned to them by the Treaty of Tordesillas.

Also you say as if Hispanic is monolithic identity do you know that there are Hispanic Asians in the Philippines and Asian Hispanics in Mexico and Peru due to the Manila-Acapulco Galleons exchanging Latin-American goods and people with Asia?
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The greatest and silent generation are perhaps the last true Americans. America is no longer a country, it is a set of ideals which are either not unique or not worthwhile.

You have some genuinely good people with decent principles, but they are like maybe 10% tops and this doesn't make them American. You have boomers who want to bring back their 1950s childhood, but are too senile to do anything except vote Trump, they were also responsible for ruining it all. Some people will LARP on the 4th of July, but it is a farce, like people who celebrate Christmas even though they're not Christian. Boomers decided they disliked America and wanted to try something new, and they did change it. An American from 1776 would be at home in most places in 1956, maybe still a few places in 1996, but certainly not 2024. It's over.

That's not the conversation we're having here. We're not talking about the importance of the Asian continent, we're talking about the contributions of Asian Americans to America. Name one thing that Asians have contributed that only they could've contributed.
The Philippines are not part of America. This is like saying Nigerians are British or Vietnamese are French. Getting colonized and having the colonizers culture shoved down your throat doesn't make you one of them.

probably the contiental railroad but black slaves built most of the rail roads leading up to the end of the civil war gen alpha tard
It depends I think. Like there were Asian (Chinese) immigrant railroad workers who were in this country before the Civil War even. And they did hard labor, put blood sweat and tears into the pioneering and taming of this country, alongside everyone else. I feel like they're justifiably American.

If you're not one of those Asians though, like some SEA or Indian who came here in the last 20-50 years, and didn't have a hand in the pioneering of this country, then you're just a foreigner and will remain so.
All of those early Asians in the US mixed into the white population. That's part of Asians' problem too. They'll never truly become American because they're so status obsessed that their goal is to mix into the white population, which they see as the top of the American caste system. As long as they refuse to be with one another (it's really just Asian women refusing to be with Asian men) they'll never be truly normalized in America.
>mixed into the white population

lol no there's Chinatown areas in most major cities, and plenty of them have families living there since the 1800s, still fully Chinese
taking advantage of social mobility and climbing up the social ladder is literally the theoretical ideal of the american dream
nobody would ever question a white american who's life goal is to go to a good college, start a business, and go from rags to riches
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America is a made up country. Anyone after the original english and dutch settlers is an opportunistic immigrant.

No, America is peak protestant work ethic and humility. The founding fathers would have been disgusted at the theocratic imperialistic authoritarian hellscape that this country has become because the collective citizenry dropped out of political participation and let richfags run the show.
>Hurr the founders were rich Durr
But they weren't obscenely rich, they still went out in public. They didn't have secret service escorts or swiss bank accounts and stock dividends. They lived among the common people and their wealth gap was comparatively narrow by the standards of the day.

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