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oversleeping again and taking it easy
Are you a fellow NEET?
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yes but not for long unfortunately
What's up? Hired for a part time?
I've been both full time employed and currently NEET and both just suck it feels like there is no way to live
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Woke up so early the thread wasn't here. Not sure what to do today so I'll just take it easy and resist the sirens' call to take a nap.
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I'm going back to school in autumn
and i was hopping 2 make sum money b4 that
i feel the call of the siren 2
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this morning i went to the park with my friend it was so damn hot outside gahhh
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How did it go?
what did he think of ur new look?
hello anons, what's up
it was pretty fun
did some workouts in the sun and it was nice
>what did he think of ur new look?
he laughed
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nothing much
it's a slow day
Is this ur workout 4 the day or r u gonna lift at home 2?
>he laughed
I'm sure he loves it!
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no more lifting I'm tired
>I'm sure he loves it!
I keep oversleeping and it stresses me out.
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>no more lifting I'm tired
wut will u do now?
Play sum games?
yeah it kinda stresses me out 2
I wish i could wake up at normal times
it's a busy day, but busy days are proof of how hard working we can be.

did you end up deciding on a course?

you may need to start sleeping earlier and exercising maybe?
woke up from my nap from the delivery guy :(
forgot i ordered something :)
>nothing much
>it's a slow day

it's understandable, after all
it's important we take it easy
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No not yet. Gotta hurry though, the acceptence 2 the college ends this month
>it's a busy day, but busy days are proof of how hard working we can be.
what were u up 2?
what did u order?
we must take it easy
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>what did u order?
A ricecooker :D
I really wanna bake too, but ovens are so expensive :(
>i feel the call of the siren 2
I came dangerously close to falling asleep again. I just need to hold out for a couple more hours.

You could get a convection oven
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wut's the deal with rice cookers? Can't u use a normal pot?
U need 2 keep ureslf busy
have u done anything 2day?
Hello, I hope you've been taking it easy. I have not. I've had to go outside so much :(
Wait hutanon has a new look? what did he do?
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Ma vaffanculo.
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yup owned some noobs and then watched 60 fps anime
where did you have to go?
>what did he do?
i got an earring
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wut did u have 2 do outside?
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>watched 60 fps anime
weird anime name
what's it about?
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Today was a good day at work. it was just a normal boring day. Our new guy quit on Monday so today we got a new new guy and hopefully he does a good job. I made meatloaf last night and here's a picture of it. Probably going to eat some more of that and take it easy
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no thats not what i meant i watched dungeon meshi but in 60 fps
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wut do u usually do when u take it easy?
i c
do u like it? Would u recommend it?
IIRC it's a cooking anime. have u tried making anything similar 2 what they make urself?
>have u done anything 2day?
Not really. Just a bunch of little admin tasks that have come up.
I'd better sleep soon because I've got a long day tomorrow.
This thread seems to be on life support

I've never had meatloaf. What exactly is it?
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>do u like it?
kinda mid so far im only keep watching cause its made by trigger and its my favourite studio
>have u tried making anything similar 2 what they make urself?
they cook stuff with monster ingredients anon...
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>Not really. Just a bunch of little admin tasks that have come up.
wut sorta tasks?
>This thread seems to be on life support
yeah our 2 most active posters seem 2 be gone...
the thread always feels empty when koisher isn't here...
>kinda mid so far im only keep watching cause its made by trigger and its my favourite studio
wut sorta animes did they make?
>they cook stuff with monster ingredients anon...
well u can always find real world equivalents. For example, if it's an orc, use pork!
>wut do u usually do when u take it easy?
On work days, I listen to some old Howard Stern show clips on Youtube while browsing 4chan for a couple hours. Maybe watch a TV show. On the weekend, pretty much the same, but I might go for a drive in the country or go out to eat somewhere, and maybe play a video game. Not much to do where I live, and I have no friends to hang out with, so I mostly just sit in my room
>I've never had meatloaf. What exactly is it?
Just ground beef with a few ingredients shaped into a loaf. I add cornbread stuffing to mine and it makes it really good. You can add things like cheese and onions to it and it makes it good too. It's pretty much just meat slop that's easy to make and tastes good
>No not yet. Gotta hurry though, the acceptence 2 the college ends this month
gotta hurry indeed! don't miss your opportunity, guya. get to it!

>what were u up 2?
a lot more work this morning came in than usual, had to do a lot of multitasking. it was a drag because i would've really rather have been doing something else at that moment... hahh. oh well. at least tomorrow looks more free so i can take it easy again. now i'm just taking it easy and daydreaming a little bit.
>wut sorta animes did they make?
kill la kill, darling in the franxx, BNA, gridman, little witch academia, edgerunners
all pretty good shows
>well u can always find real world equivalents.
im not that creative...
i hope youre following your no sweets policy
my daydream includes sweets!! it's what i really wanted/want to be doing... blehh...
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>kill la kill, darling in the franxx, BNA, gridman, little witch academia, edgerunners
which one did u like the most?
>im not that creative...
have u seen a show called "campfire cooking in another world with my absurd skill"? there they make comparisons between fictional monster meat and real world meat and even give tips sometimes how 2 cook em up real good. It may be similar 2 dungeon meshi in that respect as it is also a cooking show but i'm not sure how similar they are because i haven't watched dungeon meshi yet...
>a lot more work this morning came in than usual, had to do a lot of multitasking. it was a drag because i would've really rather have been doing something else at that moment... hahh. oh well. at least tomorrow looks more free so i can take it easy again. now i'm just taking it easy and daydreaming a little bit.
wut sorta work did u have 2 do? What were ur daydreams about?
wut vidya do u play?
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>wut sorta tasks?
Setting up my university email and getting my contact information sorted. And some work stuff.
>the thread always feels empty when koisher isn't here...
>tfw thread dad left us

>I listen to some old Howard Stern show clips on Youtube
Have you ever seen the one with Billy West and John K? That's a really uncomfortable watch
>Just ground beef with a few ingredients shaped into a loaf
Ah okay, that explains the name
>you can add things like cheese and onions to it and it makes it good too
Do you have cheese and onion potato chips there? They're pretty popular here.

Did you finish Chaika?
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>which one did u like the most?
kill la kill is definitely the best one
>have u seen a show called "campfire cooking in another world with my absurd skill"?
that sounds like you'd watch yeah
but no i havent seen it
id just watch gordon ramsay if i wanted to learn how to cook new stuff...
>Did you finish Chaika?
yes, it was very good and im gonna watch the sequel soon enough
for now it will have to remain a dream!
>wut sorta work did u have 2 do? What were ur daydreams about?
just business as usual development work.. but helping two different teams so had to jump between them both.

nooo!! i want dreams to be real.. i was thinking of how nice it would be to share treats and sweets with someone. enjoying easy going conversation and laughs. i was thinking about that all day rather than actually doing work... lost and off in my own little world.
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>wut vidya do u play?
Currently playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I don't have a gaming PC so I just play Nintendo games
>Have you ever seen the one with Billy West and John K?
I think so a long time ago. I mostly watch Eric the Midget stuff
>Do you have cheese and onion potato chips there?
I don't think so, but they sound good. I usually like salt and vinegar the best. We have a popular brand where I live called Grippo's that are really good
>I don't think so, but they sound good.
If you can find a UK import shop/section they should be really easy to find there. Also get some Ribena if they have any.
>I usually like salt and vinegar the best.
Me too.

I will keep an eye out for Grippo's if I see them with the American imports (but usually it's just pop tarts there)
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>kill la kill is definitely the best one
yeah i've seen that one as well
it was nice
did any other anime by trigger catch ur eye?
>that sounds like you'd watch yeah
i know
i have a problem
>id just watch gordon ramsay if i wanted to learn how to cook new stuff...
in my experience anime inspires me moar 2 cook stuff than irl cooking shows
>just business as usual development work.. but helping two different teams so had to jump between them both.
wut sort of stuff r u guys developing?
>nooo!! i want dreams to be real.. i was thinking of how nice it would be to share treats and sweets with someone. enjoying easy going conversation and laughs. i was thinking about that all day rather than actually doing work... lost and off in my own little world.
I would lob 2 share treats with all of u frens
r u playing this stuff on an emulator?
>Setting up my university email and getting my contact information sorted. And some work stuff.
getting ready 4 the big trip?
>>tfw thread dad left us
hopefully it's only 4 2day... I did make the thread late 2day so he probably missed it...
>r u playing this stuff on an emulator?
Nah, I have a Nintendo Switch Lite. Perfect for playing in bed for maximum taking it easy
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>getting ready 4 the big trip?
It's jus setting in that I'm moving halfway across the world in a little over a month. It's a little terrifying, to be honest.
I think I should get a quote from UPS to see how much it would be ship my stuff over. I'm not sure I can trust an airline not to break stuff.
Maybe Mayumifriend has advice for that.

>Perfect for playing in bed for maximum taking it easy
I should do that more with my Switch. I was playing (reading) Clannad on it a while ago but I never finished it. Did you play much Animal Crossing?
>Did you play much Animal Crossing?
I have about 100 hours in it but I stopped playing. I might make a new island for fun since it's been a while since I've played
I have almost 900 but most of that was from the multiplayer. I never finished my island either so I should get on that at some point.
>wut sort of stuff r u guys developing?
nothing fancy at all, just regular boring old applications for internal use.

>I would lob 2 share treats with all of u frens
sharing treats with frens is the best! it makes the sweets all the sweeter.. i want to revisit that taste again.

a hardshell suitcase will keep things safer if you bubble wrap it a lot. UPS or FedEx or USPS for shipping boxes is good for bulk goods you can wrap a huge amount in or don't mind if they get thrown around a bit. my boxes came through looking almost completely destroyed... but everything inside was in one piece. do you have a lot to move or are you worried about electronics?
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>do you have a lot to move or are you worried about electronics?
I don't think I have too much. Just a record player and some albums, plus a desktop computer (minus the case, but maybe the monitor) and some anime figures/model kits so my room isn't empty. All my other electronics (plus Eiki) should fit in my backpack/carry-on.
i would suggest putting things like your anime figures back in their boxes bubble wrapping them with non critical clothes, and sending those over in a parcel, you can ship 18" boxes easily. then you can disassemble your computer and put it in a hard shell suitcase. evaluate whether it's cheaper to risk bringing your monitor or just buying a new one. your record player should also then fit too, but i'd maybe ship this in a box because it's bulky and you can really make sure it's packed tightly. suitcases should be critical electronics and your regular clothes you need for work or whatever.
Thank you anon, I'll keep all this in mind. Do you have any advice for traveling more generally? It's not something I do often
keep your important documentation very close to you at all times, wear very comfortable clothing, make sure you arent carrying anything that will get caught in customs, and have any paperwork easily accessible in a clear file. download offline maps of where you may need to go in case you are having issues with wireless connectivity or mobile access in a new country. carry some local currency in case your cards have issues.
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I think that just about answers everything, thanks anon! I should probably head to bed soon.
>make sure you arent carrying anything that will get caught in customs
Like medicine?
medicine, batteries, liquids, dry food, dirt on the bottom of the shoe (im not joking), those kind of things. every country has particular laws you'll want to look out for with biosecurity and the like. good luck and safe travels! moving across the world is exciting. if you want to talk about where you're going to and from i might have more specific advice maybe?
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>dirt on the bottom of the shoe (im not joking)
Interesting. I'll be sure to keep my shoes clean on the big day.
>if you want to talk about where you're going to and from i might have more specific advice maybe?
I'm moving to Hong Kong. I think you've said you've visited before.
ah, yes! i have only visited so i cant give too much advice then for moving there, but its a lovely city and i hope you enjoy yourself. kowloon is wonderous and hong kong proper has a lot of nice amenities and pubs and things to do. the surrounding islands are well worth visiting too, and the seafood is incredible and fresh. make sure to prepare for the weather!
I do the bill hicks approach
8 hours a day
another 10 at night
keep in mind the bacos are usually 100% onions (so whee)
like, 80% onions 20% sodium, very unhealthy
otherwise I would eat a container a day
>I've never had meatloaf. What exactly is it?
iirc from when I made it
ground beef
chopped veg (peppers onions)
some of the only home cooked boolshit I have the patience to bother making myself, usually cook the meat in the crockpot for 6 hours first, drain the grease out with a ladle into a soup can, mix in egg and stuff, throw into oven safe dish and cook for 20-30 minutes depending on how hot the meat still is
good shit
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>Nah, I have a Nintendo Switch Lite. Perfect for playing in bed for maximum taking it easy
speaking of beds mine is calling
imma go 2 bed now
goodnight anons
thank u 4 keeping me company
rest easy, kaguya
Frens invited me to go to a mall. Kind of tiring...

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