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Anyone here ever do something gay out of sheer desperation and touch starvation?
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ok but is there a name?
Ava Rey

He also tops
>Ava Rey
can't find socials...
>was in a relationship with a christian bitch
>even the topic of sex was too much for her
>decide fuck it, if im going to waste my time with her might as well get some action else where
>download tinder and swipe right on some asian femboy
>drove 4 hours to his place and we frotted for 3 hours straight
>didnt even have sex and it was better than every experience with a woman ive ever had
>thats when i realized i like bussy more than pussy
unfortunately there's not a lot of femboys in my area so ill keep using women till i find one.
He deleted them, but is still on OF

You can find his stuff by searching his name on any tranny/shemale porn streaming sites
I had sex with a dog a couple times during puberty. I gave the damn thing head and let him mount and screw me once or twice.
based spoonfeeding anon. Thanks
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He's a real horse face but he sucks dick well.
yeah thanks for posting this cause its a big turn off. I won't mind looking for material
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Homosexuality is the solution to the West's problems
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this is based on a true story
Does working in a bdsm nudist resort count?
what does it entail? do they torture each other. did you get involved
I was a waiter and also receptionist. I had to stay naked and caged away for the all the duration of the work
is this real?? where was this?
did the guests ever feel you up
Was in Europe and feel me up? what u mean??
like, did the guests do sexual things to your body. where they allowed to?
Used to take advantage of being skinny for attention online.
>posted my small pp on /soc/ for attention from men
>let a guy met on a local Steam group fuck my mouth multiples in-between covid lockdowns
>posed half-naked on grindr under a fake name for attention from thirsty gays
>got topped in London by someone from a bdsm thread

I'm boring and friendless so it was a nice escape. No effort required on my part to be thin and submissive.
Were not allowed, but they could ask the manager if we were available and if u said yes, u got a commission, since it was like an "extra service"
did you ever do this extra service
I used to do gay hooks all the time with "straight" men. I told myself it was out of desperation and touch starvation. Turns out the reason I never had a girlfriend is because I'm extremely fucking gay.

It was a 5'3 asian crossdresser and honestly it wasnt bad
This, I'm coming to the realization that I fundamentally dislike women
I go to an asian massage parlor regularly because of it

Took a long time to even be able to get service there, they thought I was a cop because they don't get women clients otherwise
Dayum that's hot. Is taking the rainbow pill really the way to go? It seems like all these bottoms get so much more pleasure than guys having hetero sex. Are straight men missing out?
not really they asked for me but I wasn't ready, I went hired by accident I tought it was just a regular nudist resort
>I'm coming to the realization that I fundamentally dislike women
It fucking sucks because female bodies still turn me on but past that, females are a pain in the ass. I'm stuck in my heterosexuality. I think if a guy was feminine and cute enough I'd be open to trying a relationship to see if I like it. I can't picture myself with masculine men though no matter how much I try. It feels like it would feel like I'm being molested.
nooooo wayyy , why?
I used to think the same way. Till this day I still can't really look at gay porn. It's being there and being touched by men that gets me turned on. The first time it happened I almost lost my mind.
I flew across the country to meet a trans girl I met on tinychat several years back. We spent a solid week fucking and sucking each other. Never told anyone about that and probably never will.
No matter how desperate I get I can't get turned on by anything about men. I got the superstraight genes unfortunately
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id never do fag shit in real life but i love a lot of traps/trannies/femboy porn
At the start of the pandemic. I had to move back home to Knoxville. As a vaguely passable trans person. It was like a buffet. So many "straight guys" just want to fuck a tranny.
Zero lies detected. As a person who publicly claims they are straight and is in a relationship with a woman, I would pay money to a passable trans person to suck their dick on a regular basis
Idk if it was desperation or anything of the sort because I've always been beating my meat to gay and trans porn for years. I used to live in a very gay friendly part of town and would regularly hang out with friends who went to gay bars. When you tell a bunch of horny drunk gay men that you've only ever been with women, but you are curious about men, you're going to have dudes competing to suck your dick and ultimately that's what happened. One night drunk as hell I ended up in the backseat of some guy's SUV and got my dick sucked. After that we did a few lines of cocaine and went back inside. 10/10 would do again
why would you pay to suck dick when you can install grinder and probably do it for free literally right now
yeah that's what I said to begin with, didn't stay that way for too long tho
Define gay. I crossdress and shove items (including a dildo) up my ass because it's the closest experience to being with a woman i'll ever have. But i've never fucked a dude before. That shit's degenerate.
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Some people really are content to just fap to it. I've been fapping tranny porn for 15 years and still never touched a dude.
I would probably do it irl desu. I wanna go to asia to fuck cute crossdressers
Sucked off my flatmate repeatedly during COVID. Nothing makes you release how prison gay you are until you've got a friend's thighs wrapped around your face and you're covered in his cum while he's panting.
I used to know a guy and his gf dumped him because he's a weak-willed loser.

After they broke up, he started trying have sex as much as he can. But hes really mo prize and I'm sure he was using old pictures, so he didn't have much luck with girls.

He was already and admitted "bisexual" and told me he'd sucked some dude off in a bathroom. He talked about going after men too.
I was trying to ask him "why do you want to sleep with people" and he very stupidly and defensively answered thst it was the only way he felt loved or some shit

Anyway he sucked some faggot off and got fucked up the ass and got herpes. I stopped talking to him around then fir other reasons but also, I really lost a lot of respect for him

>driving motorcycles all the time with no helmet
>get into a crash and have skin ripped off
>cry about it
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Where do I find these pale 'sissies' everyone keeps talking about? I would kill to dominate cute trap asses like these
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lgbt and soc. Them fools thirsty.
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May fire and brimstone fill ya battyboy arses
I like women but I fap while thinking about fucking traps/femboys/sissies/feminized males too and write smut about it sometimes
Married, no sex for 18 months, unable to divorce. Knew I was bi all my life and decided to go for it out of touch and sex starvation.
Been getting topped by an older hung black daddy

Not bad honestly it's a plus that he's clean can host and not a bad fuck
18 months????
How does that even happen
>got a friend's thighs wrapped around your face and you're covered in his cum while he's panting
Holy shit that's fucking hot
yeah but later i realized i was just gay
I used a butt plug once and now I have to wipe the blood and shove my hemorrhoids back inside my asshole every time I finish taking a shit. Somehow other anons can just stick entire footballs up their ass no problem so I don't really know how that works.

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