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Why do effeminate men piss me off so much?
because you want to bang them with your cock and you're frustrated that you cant
But I'm not gay, anon. I have never felt attraction toward anything with a penis. When I see something with a penis I feel no physical attraction. And when I see something with a penis acting like a woman, it enrages me I think because it's almost like they're appropriating traits that don't belong to them and then acting like it empowers them or some shit when all it does it make me resent them.
>But I'm not gay, anon. I have never felt attraction toward anything with a penis
I used to feel like this to anon. Then I got my first taste of femboy ass. Never went back.
Folks are gonna tell you it's cause you're secretly gay but it's really just disgust.
If this dude took off the make-up, stopped making that zesty inviting look, took off that gay get-up then put on a black shirt, and one of those jock jackets and scowled. Then- he wouldn't even look 'effeminate', he'd just look like a Chad-lite.
Yeah modern faggots appropriated Freud who was a pseud and whose ideas have been mostly proven wrong, so I don't take it personally. But yeah I'd say it's a mix of disgust and resentment. It feels like they're mocking what I am actually attracted to in a way.
Yeah no shit but the way he acts probably comes not just from his own degenerated sexuality but also a sense of narcissism brought on by the current culture which says being a weirdo queer faggot or dyke or whatever suddenly makes you better or more special than everybody else. That attitude is also what pisses me off.
You're sick in the head. Stop watching porn and go touch grass, zoomer.
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>when I see something with a penis acting like a woman, it enrages me I think because it's almost like they're appropriating traits that don't belong to them

This there, I'm with you. Men should look masculine and not some weak, fragile women. To me it gives me primal survival instinct logic, where in nature those men would not survive. If they would be around, they would be like those who would cause trouble due mental instability and with their weakness, they would not be able to contribute. Men should be strong and be able to hunt and protect. Those men can't do this and would bring tribe down.

We see femine traits on women, we think of being able to breed and love. Can't love faggot like this, plus he has cock too. So breeding is out of question.

So it all goes against basic things in nature. It is coded into us hundred thousand years. Can't escape the basics.
cause they carry disease and are psychopathic rapists and so pose a threat of raping you or your woman and spreading disease to you so you die so evolution has made it beneficial to survival to hate fags
Fatherly instincts.
Yeah exactly. Look desu I'm not even that big on the whole traditional gender roles thing but for fucks sake if you're a man act like a man. You got it exactly right that they take on these traits that are supposed to be the traits of what we as men love, and completely twisting them into something that is hideous. It's like, "No, faggot, I will NEVER fuck you because I have zero physical attraction toward you and you appropriating womanhood makes it all the more sick."
I am gay and I find effeminate men disgusting too. In fact most gay men do, precisely because we are attracted to maleness and masculinity. Femboys are not the same thing as effeminates. Femboys are dainty men but ideally they do not act like women -- loud and boisterous and narcissistic.
It is not an intentional thing. They are just wired like that. They are exposed to higher levels of female hormones in the womb. Did you ever have a super effeminate kid in school who spoke with a lisp and always hung out with the girls and grew up to be gay? It's just biology.
Because weak men are a threat to the tribes' survival.
>We see femine traits on women, we think of being able to breed and love. Can't love faggot like this
in ancient Greece boys were for loving and women for breeding
because gynocentric society has conditioned you to act in a way that women find acceptable, and you are so stockholmed into it that it makes you mad when a guy is an effeminate faggot and not a slave to female sexual selection. in a way you envy their freedom.

i'm not "effeminate" by any means but i also dont care about fags being fags. but the only thing gayer than taking it up the ass and talking like a poof is being an incel that tries to hold up other men to the standards of women. you are the ultimate cuck, if you had normal test levels you wouldnt give a shit.
Because they remind you of the part of yourself you despise aka because they're you.
OP. You like effeminate men. You just don't wanna admit it because you're a coward
Because they are pathetically trying to skinwalk women and they look disgusting while doing it
Normal people are disgusted by these freaks
The truth is no one really hates anyone
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self deceit is a sin
Projection. If this was a thread about women you wouldn't say this. Fucking faggot.
Because you're an insecure faggot.
Try to hate anyone challenge. It's not possible
What about non-whites?
The comments here are 20% bots, 40% niggers and 40% 16 year olds
No one hates them. Everyone just wishes they would leave or get extinguished. There's a difference.
It's because weak men are naturally very problematic towards society and if allowed to spread their faggotry unchecked they'll pretty much ruin everything.
This shit is like a disease and you hating them is your brain telling you it's not right and you should act against them.

They'll tell you it's because you're a closet homo or you're obsessed but in reality they say that to confuse you into accepting them and leaving them alone well they continue to molest children and such.

Modern America is pretty ducked at this point though, so there's no use fighting it anymore. Men are just going to be mostly weak maggots till shit falls apart.
"Weak men" don't exist either
The universe has a funny way of always disproving everything a person says. You're not straight
I understand not liking people like that. The "lol ur just repressed and gay" is a bad joke that really helps no one, just pisses guys off.
What I don't understand is the eternal seething and hatred, lust for violence towards these people. Posts about natural order etc, but these people aren't competition. they hold very little bearing on your life.
I don't think people who hate them know why either. Hatred doesn't need to be a reasonable, but it is frightening that people feel so strongly so unreasonably.
would be interesting to have some understanding about how people feel disgust towards others
Hatred and disgust don't exist. I don't believe a single word until I see evidence.
where else would these threads come from?
The only people who claim to feel nonexistent emotions such as hatred and disgust are basically psychopaths who create these narratives to talk down on people who have different values than them.
It's a weapon. "Oh everyone look at this person. Disgusting. We all hate this person" hatred and disgust don't exist.
Try to hate anyone. Pick anyone. Try to be disgusted challenge. Seriously try it. You'll see it's not possible
im pretty convinced, but I feel a bit of reciprocal emotion. my stomach feels queasy around people who are "disgusted" by or "hate" me. confused and mad. not too intensely.
I'd like to know what people who feel disgusted are actually feeling.
Boomer hands typed this
>>being a weirdo queer faggot or dyke or whatever suddenly makes you better or more special than everybody else
Yeah yeah everyone who's happy with their life must be closeted back down to your level.
Fuck off with your judgement. You probably got mad that your dad was allowed to fuck your mom your weren't
Homosexuality is inherently disgusting with perhaps the sole exception of tame lesbian sex (it's debatable).

It's the acts that make it disgusting. They're unnatural. Now sure heterosexuals engage in depraved acts too, but people who morally oppose the disgusting sex acts of homos also oppose the disgusting sex acts of heteros when they engage in that type of stuff.

At the end of the day there is an asymmetry. Fucking an asshole raw, rubbing clits together, and engaging in vanilla vaginal sex all have different weights to them.

Heterosexual sex is the most natural form of sex with the least amount of possible depravity to it, or at least the least amount of propensity for that. That's because heterosexual sex was ultimately designed by nature itself
>hurr durr evolution is not teleological
It's called emergence and teleonomy.

If homosexual sex were truly beneficial it would have been exapted, but it's literally incapable of doing that precisely because it's not beneficial.

At best it's a maladaptation that happens due to an unfortunate outcome of a few biological and environmental quirks we humans face. The normal person is disgusted by the act precisely because it's evolutionarily beneficial to be disgusted by it.

I mean wanting to put your cock in another man's asshole for pleasure not only makes your chance at reproduction impossible it also greatly increases your risk for disease far beyond that of normal vaginal sex. The anus was not designed to have a dick in it, man or woman. It's a one way street and that way is exit, not entrance. Vaginas are literal two way streets though because that's what they evolved for. It's as simple as that, really.
If you feel that people are disgusted or hate you I suggest raping them.
>>I'd like to know what people who feel disgusted are actually feeling.
I have no doubt that they feel disgust after having their parental figures brainwash then during their formative years.
>>cultural norm
>>religious doctrine
>>current political whipping boy
Literally just give me anything, I'd even take a logical anecdote from your life...let alone a reliable source...moron.
Keep telling yourself that. You're not straight. You chose heterosexuality for strategic reasons.
I'm glad we live in a modern civilized world where most western people are self aware and open minded enough to acknowledge their own queerness and disagree with your silly post.
Effeminate men are the only true born faggots and every other man having sex with others men are just degenerate
Holy fuck go back to redit where do you think you are?
No it's indifference
Don't tell me it's actually disgust because disgust is a cover
no idea. but if you are not at least 6'2 i can see why you would check out socially
Homophobes just want to get raped by faggots. That's why they say these things. You're not better than anyone. You're not straight.
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There always going to be faggots, the only difference back then that faggots use to have children with women, faggotry was something the people use do in the sidelines from family and it was not considered cheating. Women had less right so they didn't have an option back then.
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Can you honestly say you are straight if you wouldn't breed James Charles?
Lips were made to be sensitive to the temperature and texture of food and yet I bet your dumbass wouldn't argue that kissing is unnatural or wrong
Arguing from the perspective of natural intentions is retarded
You were never meant to eat honey, it's bee food, you were never meant to eat bread, it doesn't exist in nature and many nutritionists argue its bad for you, you were never meant to drink cows milk, etc etc.
Humans do what they want and morality is inherently separate from biology and evolution.
Gargle an entire weiner.
He rapes every homophobe that crosses his path
even in the opinion that gayness etc isn't evolutionarily viable, why does that give you any emotion towards gays? they aren't competition for you. why do so many people feel the need to be violent, or remove them, let alone talking about them every day.
It doesn't make sense to deprive incels of girlfriends while simultaneously telling people not being straight is wrong as if we had any options
why are there so many homophobes on this board for real? is it spill over from pol?
Because they can afford it. They have SMV and it's a wise decision to be a homophobe
I would unironically fuck him if he put on a wig. I wish he would just grow his hair out instead of having that faggot short haircut
>the only difference back then that faggots use to have children with women
great they have passed their gay genes
>>78026666 quads
I thought you wanted everyone to pretend to be straight.
The same reason most of mankind would hate Prometheus.
>they do it to make me feel a certain way
You're not in anyone's thoughts.
But the reality is that society is not natural. If you want men to act like men, you need to take away womens rights first so that there a reason to do so. Otherwise we are all just coping in our own way.
I spend all my free time writing homophobic comments on gay porn videos

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