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Who are you voting for this year, /r9k/?
I'm not allowed to vote.
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The tranny meltdown will be even better than 2016
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t. gay, lgbtq, queer, disabled, autistic
I would vote for a literal corpse over trump any day
Neither. Voting is for cucks
Trump because I own crypto
Well they both had their chance at being president and neither fixed any meaningful issues so I really don't care.
It's four more years of stagnation and decay no matter who wins
This. I'm probably going to end voting for trump but my corrupted state won't even count my vote. It'll be chaos for the next few years.
My state is autolocked for Trump so it doesn't matter who I vote for
Donald J Trump of course
Voting is gay so no one
Trump already won
I usually spoil my ballot or write in Donal Duck
I don't live in a swing state so my vote doesn't matter. But if I didn't I'd vote for Trump.
Biden because I hate fat people

if newsom runs then id vote for him
Trump, only because it would be funny if he won again. I don't have hope that either candidate can unfuck this country.
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No, it'll be way, way less of a meltdown. Hillary Clinton losing had the effect it did because she was expected to win by overwhelming odds and because she was actually seen as a candidate for feminism and progressive politics, losing to a guy who had no political experience and campaigned on insulting people and talking about banning brown people from the US.
This time around Donald Trump has experience as a US President, he's expected to beat Biden, Biden is male and nobody believes he's actually a step forward for feminism or progressive politics, and we're coming up on 4 years of a pretty poorly performing Biden Administration where liberals have little if anything to feel good about. No one will be surprised by Trump winning and a good portion of the left wing voter base will prefer getting Biden out of office.
>she was actually seen as a candidate for feminism and progressive politics
Kek, it's so funny because she actually wanted to draft women and deploy them to Syria.
I have a little over $1.1 million in crypto and the Dems aren't crypto-friendly. I'm gonna have to vote for Trump again. My future depends on it.
Not voting for anyone, nor have I ever, because I am an upper middle class straight white male and there isn't a single fucking thing that any president has ever done or will do that will have a direct negative impact on my day to day life. I pay zero attention to politics and coincidentally my life is incredible.
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9 mil 2024
Truest shit I have read this year. Truly based noble bloodline apathy.
>not voting RFK
at this point you morons choose to ruin your own country. you have a way out.
vote in the guy who still has half a brain remaining.
>>78025242 Marianne, the only way out for america - https://youtube.com/shorts/NK3zww6XZgY

But americans are not interested in a way out. They want to worship their idols. They don't want solutions, they want reasons come here and complain, complain and complain all day long. They don't care if their lives will be worse. They want le memes, like it was whem Trump was elected.
If you're not kidding, it's impossible for RFK to come anywhere close to winning because he's not on one of the two major party tickets and he's made his entire identity out of being a facebook mom science schizo. Even as much as the covid vaccine push was a disaster it wasn't enough to make the general public willing to vote for a guy who's openly opposed to the use of ANY vaccines for any conditions. Like he claimed the polio shot gave his generation cancer. If he had just shut up about vaccine shit he'd have a decent chance as a candidate even while third party by running on the Kennedy name. But he ruined it by spending lots of time talking and writing about medical conspiracies.
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Liberal Democrats. Don't like their immigration policy or sucking up to trannies, but they're the only mainstream political party that halfway cares about individual rights and things like free expression and Internet privacy etc.
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My vote goes to Vermin Supreme.
Joe Biden because I can't wait to see more biblical butthurt from cultists of convicted-felon Donald Trump

Maybe this time you should storm the pentagon. The military is super-woke.
can trump actually end the war in russia?
lol okay that was funny
>t. not USian
if I could, I still wouldn't know who to vote for. biden would accelerate the death of the US, but trump (iirc) advocates for pulling out militarily of the world.
I like both proposals
Biden could have Alzheimer's and terminal cancer and be dying in 6 months. I would still vote for him over Dumpf
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Already did. Don't live in a two party faggot country.
the koolaid drinkers saying trust the plan and telling everyone to still vote for biden when he's half corpse already is fucking wild

dont vote, dont care, none of it matters and nothing will change. i just want to have a comfy home in the woods and chill away from everyone never bothering them or being bothered
he's planning an all out invasion on Narnia
he's not the president we deserve but he's the president we need
>Vote for Trump
>Funnels all your hard earned money to Israel
>Vote for Biden
>Funnels all your hard earned money to Israel
I'm not voting.
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This is gonna be the last presidential election that even makes national news.
in another 10 years you will be able to regularly run into adults who don't even know the name of the current US president.
and this is why that country's always going to be controlled by the current duopoly they have in place.
fuck the Kennedy name, if anything the nepotism works against him in my eyes - he's just the most sensible of the three, and if he was on that stage, he'd have wiped the floor with them
I'll pick the vegetable over the dictator
Gonna blindly pick a 3rd party candidate and vote for them. I only vote because of ballot measures, that's the only shit I can have a direct impact on while also being one of the few things that politicians generally can't fuck with once passed.
>politicians generally can't fuck with once passed.
Supreme Court decided we have a king yesterday. President can do whatever they want
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The GILF is the only viable candidate. The only anti-Israel candidate.
Whoever is going to provide me the most entertainment value. So basically Biden.
No one is.
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the globalist uniparty of course
and so are you
she was predicted to win because the left is just that out of touch and the system is totally corrupt
>Won popular vote
>Single digit % electoral difference
>"you have to be so out of touch to think she'd win"
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if i gave a shit about voting: biden just so I can watch things get worse.

it don't matter. im just going to go to work that day and collect a paycheck. that'll do more good for me than vooting ever could.
Everyone here who is admiting for voting for a third party candiate is publicly admiting they are a rettard and it's sad.
I'm voting for Trump this election.
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Really the only options are not to vote or to vote third party. It's a fake rigged game and I don't want to play. Voting for either red or blue team is acquiescing to the status quo.

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