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A lot of you guys probably enjoy making us gingers the butt of the joke (and yea, TBF a lot of gingers are fucking ugly) but at a point all of this shit gets really depressing.

Most of us will never be able to find a partner of our same phenotype, which is only going to speed up our extinction, and what a lot of people dont factor in is YOU NEED GINGER GUYS TO MAKE GINGER GIRLS.

Most ginger girls are either sluts, coalburners or both. Being born with red hair makes you over 2x more likely to go into porn than being born with brown or black hair. A female ginger friend of mine growing up admitted to me that she lost her virginity to a complete stranger at 14 (in a public mens locker room) simply because she felt like it.

We're also rare AF. Ginger girls are under 1% of the population, so a ginger guy like myself has essentially no chance. It does not matter that I lift, It does not matter that for a ginger I have straight hair, it does not matter that I have a healthy body fat % (idk what it actually is, but I have had visible abs since my mid teens and they have not gone away so whatever), Im not tall, but I'm also not short, and I have a big Celtic dick (celdick lmao).

Even if I do get lucky and find a girl at all, it will most likely not be someone who looks remotely like me at all, and if she does she's going to have well over a dozen bodies.
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Who the fuck cares if your gf has the same color hair? Lmao. If you can get any gf then your "problems" essentially don't matter.
Could be worse. You could be native american and watch every native girl ever only fuck blacks and white guys.
This. The fact that OP used "...our extinction..." in a sentence is why he's not getting any.
If everyone who looked like you was being bred out of existance would you care? If you don't, it probably means your from a race or phenotype which Is not in any danger of becoming extinct, which are generally the inferior phenotypes.
No. It would mean i'm not a collectivist faggot who larps like he's special.
>Omg I cant believe these red headed women are going into porn!! Muh ginger race!!
>*is jerking off to red headed porn*

Youre a joke. No wonder youre single.
Aww, poor little misogynist can't find a girl with the same hair color.

t. Dark haired guy fucking a gorgeous ginger girl
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assuming you're not a kike/chink/poo demoralization agent, you're a giant retard whose brain has been fried watching fetish porn
redheads are the seed of the Watchers and will be around forever
ignoring the fact that white women in the US are literally the demographic least likely to marry outside of their race, you dont need two parents with red hair to make red headed children
my father is blond, and my mother is brown haired, and yet, I came out a ginger because i have a great grandmother who was redheaded
as long as both parents have a recessive hair allele somewhere, you can have a ginger child
pitiful attempt at a post, retake freshman biology
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a visual aid for the learning impaired (OP)
i wouldnt blame em for genociding us back
I could
they lost, fair and square, and we still let them live
Oy vey. Race mixing is wrong
>t proud Aryan
translating for soulless OP: some people have recessive ginger genes without being ginger. if these people have babies they can have ginger soulless daughters even though they are both ensouled.

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