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**Friendship Simulation Edition**

Feel free, friend, to answer or ignore as many questions as you like, or even ask your own. Truthfully, they're there as an appetizer after all.

1. When is it OK to betray a friend's trust?

2. Are you petty? What's the last thing that you did that you knew was petty? How did it make you feel, and do you regret it?

3. Do you believe it's ever OK to doxx someone? Under what circumstances is it OK?

4. Would you consider yourself a bad person or a good person? Why? What do you think most of your closest allies would think?

5. Is it possible for rape to occur inside a marriage between spouses?
It's spelt "dox" you retarded newfag redditor.
>It's spelt "dox" you retarded newfag redditor.
Thank you, I'll take that into consideration moving forward. Now would you consider yourself or that action good or bad? Good because you believe it to be helpful, or evil because it could have hurt someone's feelings?
>3. Do you believe it's ever OK to doxx someone? Under what circumstances is it OK?
Doxing is an ok tactic when your target is vulnerable to having their personal information posted online. But it's important to understand doxing itself does not cause harm unless it is paired with mal/mis/disinformation, because all doxing does is make public actionable personal details. But if your target is not vulnerable to having their details posted online for whatever reason, then doxing may not be an ok tactic for your situation. You have to analyse your situation to fully understand what tactic is ok for your particular trolling/information war strategy
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>When is it OK to betray a friend's trust?
They'd have to break and disrespect my trust intentionally and/or maliciously.
>Are you petty?
Maybe it depends.
>What's the last thing that you did that you knew was petty?
Can't remember anything worth mentioning, maybe just an observation tinted with sarcasm when someone had me lose my patience.
>Do you believe it's ever OK to doxx someone?
This is something I would consider petty in general, but...
>Under what circumstances is it OK?
...maybe in some rare circumstances where the other person is potentially dangerous? I don't have a clear answer.
>Would you consider yourself a bad person or a good person?
I'm neither, even though I'm often told of being a good person.
Why I'm neither? I don't know, I don't feel like I am a good or bad person.
Why people say I'm a good person? ... I don't know, but if they genuinely mean maybe there is a reason I can't see.
>Is it possible for rape to occur inside a marriage between spouses?
I know consensual non-con exists, and I reject the idea, but yes I think it can happen.
>trolling and info war is a moral problem
>evil is what hurts others feelings
Are you actually this gigantic of a weenie?
>Are you actually this gigantic of a weenie?
Maybe I'm just trying to spark a conversation? Maybe I'm crying right now. What would you consider evil? Where is the line drawn?
When is it justifiable to manipulate others? Is it ever ok, even when it's for someone else's betterment?
>Maybe I'm crying right now.
You're not because you don't feel bad about this at all. You've been planning this for years, and you think it's funny.
1. When is it OK to betray a friend's trust?
Almost never. It would have to be an extreme situation like theyre a danger to themselves or others, not in their right mind, and you need to trick them for their own good.
2. Are you petty? What's the last thing that you did that you knew was petty? How did it make you feel, and do you regret it?
I can be petty at times. Im imperfect. Ive engaged in my fair share of passive-aggressive comments/actions when feeling self-righteous or treated unjustly. Cant remember the specific last time though.

3. Do you believe it's ever OK to doxx someone? Under what circumstances is it OK?
Mostly no, not the way the internet defines doxxing anyway.
Again, in extreme circumstances like theyre a danger to themselves or others, I could see revealing their location to authorities or something.

4. Would you consider yourself a bad person or a good person? Why? What do you think most of your closest allies would think?
I think Im a good person. I actively try to live my life virtuously, and though I will always fall short (im imperfect), the struggle to strive for moral perfection is worth it.
my gf says im a good man

5. Is it possible for rape to occur inside a marriage between spouses?
Yes, if its non-consensual.
if you make an automaton, they will start walking
why are you like this
>But it's important to understand doxing itself does not cause harm
If it doesn't cause harm, would you be ok with someone posting your Selfies and name?

>They'd have to break and disrespect my trust intentionally and/or maliciously.
What kind of situation would need to happen for you to cross the line?

You don't want my answer.

>you need to trick them for their own good

How much good needs to be on the scales?

>if you make an automaton, they will start walking
I'm a little lost on this one.
>How much good needs to be on the scales?
Like theyre a serious imminent health hazard to themselves or others
>if you make an automaton, they will start walking
Unless you program it not to walk.
>>But it's important to understand doxing itself does not cause harm
>If it doesn't cause harm, would you be ok with someone posting your Selfies and name?
I don't see why that's an important consideration. You seem like you want to assert your own vaguely christcuck "do unto others" framework, which is more annoying than anything. But I also question the sincerity of your pro-social emphasis along with why I should even care.
>hurr durr golems
I know more about online influence than you
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>What kind of situation would need to happen for you to cross the line?
Good question, however, I'm not sure. I think using intimate details for gossip behind my backs, backstab me, break me where I'm most vulnerable. Sure, I might get angry, but also disappointed. In the end I would probably just remove myself from their lives.
Trying to put my thoughts together and I have nothing to say right now but I want to post.

Would you consider it bad or evil to speak poorly of someone close to you, even if it's in a joking manner, but has the unintended outcome of causing that person to think less of themselves or damaging their confidence? Do you hold the same opinion when it comes to others speaking to themselves in such a way or even when you speak of yourself in a similar fashion?
Why's everyone trying to be good? Where are the lawful evil and chaotic neutral types?
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What do try do to be a better person?
>You've been planning this for years, and you think it's funny
Planning what? How do you feel about these plans?
>"do unto others" framework, which is more annoying than anything
What's your issue with that? Do you believe in something different, such as might makes right?

>But I also question the sincerity of your pro-social emphasis along with why I should even care.
Why are you suspicious about that? Do you think I want you to care?
>In the end I would probably just remove myself from their lives.
You wouldn't consider getting even or revenge?
Ai images are an insult to god.
the internet isnt good for you, and i mean you in particular, you are too human for it. so, please stick to flesh world as much as you can.
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>You wouldn't consider getting even or revenge?
As I said, I'm not really sure. I try to avoid conflicts, unless my mood is being uncooperative, so I guess there is still a chance I might talk out of anger. Taking into account your question in the specific, would I consider getting even/revenge? As a mere consideration, probably. My thoughts would caress the idea. Would I act on getting revenge? This feels more unlikely. The hypotheticals are interesting but I can't predict the future; on a more concrete note, I'm now avoiding circumstances where trust would be put to the test.
I have to clarify something, I still haven't found myself in a situation where my trust has been broken (or at least not to the degrees I proposed), so these hypotheticals are very much hypotheticals.

Anyhow, it's late night so I most likely won't be around to reply. If the answer is unsatisfying, I'm sorry.
>Ai images are an insult to god
Why do you believe it's an A.I. image?

>the internet isnt good for you, and i mean you in particular, you are too human for it. so, please stick to flesh world as much as you can.
Who do you believe I am?
>1. When is it OK to betray a friend's trust?
When they're being very stupid, when it's in their best interest, when they're doing something really bad/betraying someone else, when you talk behind their back (that's normal). That said, I don't have any friends.

>2. Are you petty? What's the last thing that you did that you knew was petty? How did it make you feel, and do you regret it?
Somewhat petty. I cut holes in my mom's favourite clothes because she was very rude and you cannot hit a woman.
I wouldn't say I regret it.

>3. Do you believe it's ever OK to doxx someone? Under what circumstances is it OK?
Not really. I guess if they're committing a very serious crime. Otherwise, you are an asshole.

>4. Would you consider yourself a bad person or a good person? Why? What do you think most of your closest allies would think?
I'm a neutral human but being caucasian means I am a few bag fulls more moral than your average non white. I don't have any close allies.

>5. Is it possible for rape to occur inside a marriage between spouses?
I guess it's possible in theory but mostly not. It's obviously different. However, if a woman was in severe pain for example, maybe kidney stones, forcefully having sex with her is probably rape. There are probably better examples out there additionally.
>caress the idea.
I found this phrase funny.

>on a more concrete note, I'm now avoiding circumstances where trust would be put to the test
This is pretty sad to hear.

>Anyhow, it's late night so I most likely won't be around to reply. If the answer is unsatisfying, I'm sorry
Nah, it was a good answer. It's getting late for me too. I was hoping to gain a bit more traction with this thread. Probably will let it rest now. Thanks for participating! Maybe I'll try again later this week, have some ideas on how to improve it at least.
Why is ghandi neutral good.
>confirmed pedophile
>I was hoping to gain a bit more traction with this thread.
It's actually a nice thread, a fine change of pace to the usual of the board and it's sad to see them fall back so much. Come whenever, I'll try to look around for it and see if I can entertain the topics, or just learn something new by reading other anons.
>This is pretty sad to hear.
I can imagine why, but sometimes it's how things end up. Maybe it will be only for a short while.
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Checked. I Would have said he's judged for his time but quads don't lie.
>Why do you believe it's an A.I. image?
because and im paranoid little fuck and while i recognized the artist, i did not the painting. plus you seem the type. really i should answer, "Why do you believe I believe that it is an A.I image?
>Who do you believe I am?
youre the guy who made this thread, and the guy replying to me.
it was stupid of me to offer any 'advice', and im just being a dick because im horrible. sorry. your still stupid, but that doesnt make it okay for me to lash out like this. i shouldnt even be checking this board.
may allah have mercy on us. good luck with your thread, hope you and all get something out of it.
>have some ideas on how to improve it at least.
dont make it an*"edition*. get the idea of a general out of your head; generals require a topic and a reason to centralize, and this has neither of those. what will happen is you will get all the problems of a general without any of the good bits. post it when you feel like it, and when you have time for it.
one question, or two that relate. specific, real questions that you have are best, i think. answer your own question in the OP, or have your own answer already typed up and use it to bump the thread if you are worried about it. make the image nice, and in some way related to the question. dont post these too often. dont run an inquisition.
sorry for being an dickhead. hope something in there helps, but i admit it isnt gospel or anything, and perhaps what you want from this thread is simply to have it be. if you just want this thread to have it, lean into the comfy and forget all the "philosophy" what-is-life crap. talk about games, anime, paintings, music, hobbies and interests without the pressure of being on the right board for it and an understanding that going off topic is encouraged, thats how flesh world comf talkies happen.
either way, nice idea for a thread.
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>plus you seem the type.
What's that supposed to mean? What impression do you have?

>Why do you believe I believe that it is an A.I image?
because you implied it here?
>Ai images are an insult to god.
>the internet isnt good for you, and i mean you in particular, you are too human for it. so, please stick to flesh world as much as you can.

>your still stupid
Why do you believe this? Do you think we've met before?

>good luck with your thread
thanks but it's probably dead now. I'll be going to sleep soon and it's highly unlikely it survives the night.

>i shouldnt even be checking this board.
Why not? What should you be doing instead? Why did you end up checking?

>get the idea of a general out of your head; generals require a topic and a reason to centralize, and this has neither of those. what will happen is you will get all the problems of a general without any of the good bits. post it when you feel like it, and when you have time for it.
This sounds like pretty good advice. I'm take this into consideration.

>one question, or two that relate. specific, real questions that you have are best, i think. answer your own question in the OP, or have your own answer already typed up and use it to bump the thread if you are worried about it. make the image nice, and in some way related to the question. dont post these too often. dont run an inquisition.
You sound like you have a lot of experience starting threads or even a general.

>sorry for being an dickhead. hope something in there helps
You are forgiven.

>if you just want this thread to have it, lean into the comfy and forget all the "philosophy" what-is-life crap. talk about games, anime, paintings, music, hobbies and interests without the pressure of being on the right board for it and an understanding that going off topic is encouraged, thats how flesh world comf talkies happen.
>either way, nice idea for a thread.
Thanks, overly familiar stranger.

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