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the internet used to be fun when being schizo, "sensitive," and having wacky ideas was the norm. being neurodivergent was the norm and mental illness wasn't something to be labeled and repressed, hell, there was community for people who were kind of weird and different. people didn't, couldn't, censor gory videos or the word "suicide," and watching fucked up things with your friends was a pastime. jumpscares, horror, autistic online webcomics were welcomed.
thinking different was good. so what the fuck happened? why does it feel like everything is sanitized nowadays, why does it seem like everything is wrapped in bubblewrap? there is a type of capitalistic neurotypicality that is promoted in first world countries and the modern internet that i find dangerous. do you get what i mean?
>the internet used to be fun when being schizo, "sensitive," and having wacky ideas was the norm
What time period do you mean?
like early 2000s-2010s
people were weird and different and tormented by things more. more emo and mentally ill but in a functional, artistic way. then everyone started complaining that younger generations were too sensitive. now we all think the same, min max life the same, are blackpilled the same. i feel like things weren't always this sanitized
oh, and the things that are "normal," but appeal to everyone and aren't too dark, are pushed and promoted and monetized.
let's make the internet great again XD
(or let's escape to the deepweb)
chris chan happened and people found a punching bag for the mentally unstable. you will find no lower being than those trolls and kfarmers
by that time facebook, instagram and everything else was already big.
>being neurodivergent was the norm
You have no idea what you're talking about. I can tell from your typing style that you don't. Nobody would use these kinds of labels then and nobody cares. Webcomics still exist. Good websites still exist. Fun pasttimes still exist. IRC still exists. Different thought still exists (though it's much harder to find). It's just hard for retards like you to find anything so you pretend to be le epic oldfag and make this same post all the time and nothing ever happens. Yes there is a greater amount of corporate sanitized garbage and that is where the normalfags go, but if anything it's better as a net to filter the retards. Yes there is massive corpo-censorship everywhere of anything that is considered wrongthink. But there are ways to escape that net at least for now, and LE GOOD OLD DAYS that you faggots whine about still can be captured. It just takes some more effort.
>so what the fuck happened? why does it feel like everything is sanitized nowadays, why does it seem like everything is wrapped in bubblewrap?
Corporate sanitization, few people who want to decide what's best for people.
Its women and boomers and thirdies anon
We had a masculine environment, we just talked about weird stuff and shot our shit with the boys
Companies started making the internet appealing for women, and that means terraforming it, getting rid of all the autism and weirdness that was its backbone
Like when a girl gets in the room and all the guys behave
Then that sanitized corporate environment also attracted boomers and thirdies who now had smart phones, and they helped to degenerate the creativity and inovation of the early web into the lowest common denominator, thats why we now have AI vegetable Jesus being shared on Facebook
Women took hold of all culture. The whole dynamic of policing your neighbor, gossiping, ostracizing and expelling from the social group is female, and it dominated our culture, our media, our government, our academia, our companies, our families even
This all happened because men were marginalized and now have forgotten how to be masculine without being caricatures like redpill pimps or black thugs
You have to factor the fact that before, people had time to introspect, and concepts were less homogeneized
Now everyone copies each other, and there is a narrow range of acceptable, sanitized styles and ways of being
I would actually say the internet is probably less appealing for women to be on. They can't make their page look like retarded glittershit anymore unless they use Tumblr or something. The internet is streamlined for retarded boomers.
>Its women
tumblr existed since 2007 and instagram since 2010, they have been here for a while, they have been here for a while. They only two groups that are kinda new are the other ones
Women love Instagram
The validation they get and journal like posting is like crack for them
And they get all their tips of what to do, watch, read, where to go etc from Instagram and tik tok
It got to a point that I know which pages a girl follows just by talking to her for an hour
Its not a coincidence that the mainstream ideology of the mid 2010s onward was what was talked about on Tumblnow the tides are changing and rchan memes are leaking into the mainstream, but theres no doubt the past 15 years have been female
Also, Instagram only got big big around 2017, Facebook dominated before that
>in order to get my dopamine hit i must obtain the pass to a barely active online walled garden that won't inevitably go through the same cleansing that the modern internet went through if it ever gets interesting enough
nail that sticks out gets hammered down. the problem is that people have to resort to obscure online communities at all. people that think different, have diverse opinions and communities, should not be rare in a healthy society
>Also, Instagram only got big big around 2017, Facebook dominated before that
probably depends on the demographic. i remember how everyone that i knew switched to instagram for posting their shit around 2012-2013
demographics have indeed changed. and people get older. its hard to tell sometimes if i am just viewing things through nostalgia glasses. but i bet if you polled people on whether or not they miss the old internet, the majority would say "yes."
is it all just the result of globohomo, corporate interests, and online bots? who knows. but i miss when people were more weird
not just "weird." but questioned things more and whether or not things were right and just. just because society traumatizes you into not questioning things does not mean you have to stop feeding into your curiosity and reinforce some soulless status quo.
Anyone who says "late diagnosed," "neurospicy," "neurodivergent" has never been diagnosed with a real disorder.
neurodivergence is a spectrum and everyone lies on it to some degree
it is a meaningless non-scientific, non-medical term that is not agreed upon for what it actually means. It's not used by anyone other than tiktok idiots.
if a certain part of your brain gets activated more when x event happens compared to the average person, that is neurodivergence. you can certainly measure neurodivergence in a group or individual
again "neurodivergence" has no meaning. Disorders like ADHD, autism, schizophrenia, etc are NOT diagnosable via MRI or CT scans, their brains look just like normal brains for the most part.
>are neurotypicals ruining the internet

what about brain activity? brain development? how the brain processes certain social cues, etc. because then they would be different compared to a "neurotypical" brain
MRIs would show this, they do not. There is no medical theory of "neurodivergence" it's all BS.
from stanford medicine:
>Then, while receiving functional MRI brain scans, the children listened to the recorded phrases several more times, as well as recordings of non-speech sounds such as a dishwasher running. The researchers compared activity in different brain areas in the two groups of children.

"We found that most of the 'hearing' parts of the brain respond to these voices just like neurotypical kids, and what was atypical in kids with autism was the way this signal is getting to a crucial social brain region," Abrams said. The region, the temporoparietal junction, is important for one's ability to understand that other people have different thoughts and emotional states than oneself. In kids with autism, the auditory centers and the temporoparietal junction are over-connected compared with typically developing children.

i don't really know why this would be a problematic concept
Right now you're poorly quoting a media article about a study without stating what it is. There's many studies on finding differences in brain activity for specific groups, the issue is that the changes/observations in these specific groups is not SPECIFIC to these specific groups only. It's a fact that MRIs/CTs/EEGs are not used for diagnosis of adhd, autism. if "neurodivergence" were a measurable thing, these would be diagnostic tools, they are not. "neurodivergence" is not a diagnosis or a medical/scientific concept.
okay but that doesn't necessarily mean neurodivergence doesn't exist or mean anything. maybe you are against the concept of diagnosing someone with a disorder but neurodivergence just means non normal brain activity
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spergs exist wnd they've destroyed the internet
I don't really see what you're having an issue with. Neurodivergence is NOT a thing, it has no meaning, it is not a medical or scientific term. If you visit scientific/medical sites, they will say the same thing, like
How can you be so stupid?
im not arguing that neurodivergence is a medical or scientifically accurate term
its just a thing
literally says
>Neurodivergent is a nonmedical term that describes people whose brains develop or work differently for some reason.
im not trying to be an ass right now but i just mean people whose brains and brain function are different than normal
also i get that there is value in the idea that it's not really medically or scientifically consistent in meaning i just am referring to it for convenience of relaying a concept
There's a publication on RSNA stating MRI classifiers were over 70% successful in classifying ADHD brains if I'm not misunderstanding it. radiol.2017170226
Nigger why can't you just call them normalfags like the rest of us

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