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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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*blocks your path*
>See, us MEN made society FOR YOU, SO YOU CAN ENJOY IT
>wooww look another CHAD ONLY ROASTIE!!
>You will never understand how much we men suffer!
>Hahahaha you're just a hole hahahah
>Foids are subhumans!
>You're old! (He is 40, you are 22)
>Old used roastie!
>foids are such woMEME am I right robobros????
>Women RUINED my life!!!!!
>Go back to CC and tik tok this is MY MANLY SPACE!!!
>I have 25cm cock, you have 1 inch clit HAHAHAH BITCH
>teenage girls are so fucking hot?!!! Wdym it makes you mad??? FREAK FOID!!!
>I WILL rape, beat and kill you!
>Women are inferior to us MEN!!!

Do moids really...? Kek.
absolutely obsessed
Nice watermarks, couldn't find a better image for your post?
"azn wahmen are the best hnnng"
the dudes that crap on women online are guys who have no sex life and havent spoken to women in years because they are cowards, afraid of women
Don't worry foid I would never rape you. Also I'm not fat. It's just that you foid that attention from me </3
Just glanced over, but is any of this wrong
there are no fat robots on this board. skinnyfats or outright underweight ones are the vast majority.
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>come on an anonymous imageboard full of men
>go out of your way to remove anonymity by declaring you are in possession of a hole
>try to act like you're superior to anyone
The homeless schizo i give cigarettes to at the liquor store has infinitely more value than any r9kfoid. He can carry a halfway interesting conversation, unlike any of you useless little shits.
holy fuck that's horrifying

fukken saved
Mediocre bait that. Appears to elicit replies despite low effort. 5/10
pathetic roastie samefagging in hopes of getting attention. do better op.
>has better things to do than biting bait
>posting on r9k
pick one
what do you expect it's summer vacation
you have a bunch of newfags that think 4chan is like a kingdom that needs to be defended>>78026105
>absolutely obsessed
>the dudes that crap on women online are guys who have no sex life and havent spoken to women in years because they are cowards, afraid of women
>Don't worry foid I would never rape you. Also I'm not fat. It's just that you foid that attention from me </3
>Just glanced over, but is any of this wrong
>there are no fat robots on this board. skinnyfats or outright underweight ones are the vast majority
>come on an anonymous imageboard full of men
>go out of your way to remove anonymity by declaring you are in possession of a hole
>try to act like you're superior to anyone
>The homeless schizo i give cigarettes to at the liquor store has infinitely more value than any r9kfoid.
>He can carry a halfway interesting conversation, unlike any of you useless little shits
>Mediocre bait that. Appears to elicit replies despite low effort. 5/10
>pathetic roastie samefagging in hopes of getting attention. do better op.

Great day to be white and 20!
Looks like a cross dressing man...kek
im a guy you moron
you guys never speak to women and accuse everyone online and call them women because you secretly hope its a chick. you believe a woman will never like you so you will take arguments with a woman

im fat but with long unshaven hair and a neckbeard
also a neet
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>Great day to be white and 20!

>just quoted my post with a pic of a fat dude

Come on, there must be some reciprocity. I will not engage this. Abandoning thread.
they have no argument and just mock or call you a name
Woah, so funny. I KEKED.
>Come on, there must be some reciprocity. I will not engage this. Abandoning thread.
>they have no argument and just mock or call you a name

*Whining moid sounds*
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u r brry funni OP
im not the dumb fucks here that just dumb shit
damn, alan moore really looks like THAT?
>u r brry funni OP
>im not the dumb fucks here that just dumb shit
>damn, alan moore really looks like THAT
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>u r brry funni OP

at least get it right
this is more accurate
I look like this and I also say this exact string of words
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This is OP. Now get out of here.
The fact that you need to copy me to make an argument just shows hue much pathetic and retarded men are.

Ok I made enough fat bald dickoids mad thanks for the fun and don't forget to kys
I hope I don't see you soon, have a horrible day <3
do we just add oid to shit nowadays lmao?
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>*blocks your path*
>>See, us MEN made society FOR YOU, SO YOU CAN ENJOY IT
>>wooww look another CHAD ONLY ROASTIE!!
>>You will never understand how much we men suffer!
>>Hahahaha you're just a hole hahahah
>>Foids are subhumans!
>>You're old! (He is 40, you are 22)
>>Old used roastie!
>>foids are such woMEME am I right robobros????
>>Women RUINED my life!!!!!
>>Go back to CC and tik tok this is MY MANLY SPACE!!!
>>I have 25cm cock, you have 1 inch clit HAHAHAH BITCH
>>teenage girls are so fucking hot?!!! Wdym it makes you mad??? FREAK FOID!!!
>>I WILL rape, beat and kill you!
>>Women are inferior to us MEN!!!
>Do moids really...? Kek.
+ baited everyone award
>go to place full of bitter angry incels
>complain about it
you are a retard
dawg the bitter incels are everywhere
i saw a instagram reel of some blue collar job and i saw all the pussyless losers talk shit about women
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>society getting to the point where incels are no longer a pocket niche, but a sizeable portion of men
>no, the incels must be the problem
sorry m8, get used to seeing us in more and more places.
I say this but I don't look like that.
see? dude incels have always existed
the average guy has always been an incel because theyre so lame
you only see it now because of internet showing everybody whats always happened and women are independent now
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the internet has been around far to long to pretend that this is just the internet showing something that has always been there. Blackpill shit has always been a thing, but it's definitely becoming more prevalent as of late.

Speaking of the internet, another anons post made a pretty good point that relates here. The internet is a social destabilizer by nature. It puts everything in plain view and does a good job of destroying the illusions that have traditionally kept people playing societies games. The internet put on display women's nature to a bunch of guys that would normally be oblivious to it. Guys that would have gotten a good job and worked hard to get a ready-to-settle-down stacy, are now stewing in resentment knowing how short short the end of the stick they're being given actually is.
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If the datamining threads here have taught me anything, they're probably more likely to look like this. Seems like half the people here are hairless skellies.
He's right. His look doesn't invalidate his opinion.
I want to suck his dick.

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