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Why the fuck are women obsessed over height? Literally every woman I've ever interacted with or known cares about height to some extent. I'm literally average height and I'm viewed as a subhuman because I'm not 6 foot. Why am I considered lesser because I'm shorter? What benefits does being taller have? Why are women so fucking evil?
bigger monkey protect better
Women think tall guys have big dicks. If women find out an average guy is hung they will show interest in him too.
They want to feel protected. Being smaller than they're partner probably reminds them of being protected by their dad, which would explain the prevalence of women calling their partners "daddy" during sex. Also, monkey brain says that big man can beat up other men. That's literally it. They don't consider your feeling at all when they think these things. It's not evil. That's just how they feel, and they can't change that. Just like a guy can't make himself be attracted to fat women.
pretty much this simple
this chart doesn't prove much other than most men are taller than women.
All of the tall people I know are weak and lanky as fuck. Also Mike Tyson is 5'10" and was the Heavyweight champion.
Women want to be dominated, physically and psychologically
Both of you refer to >>78026781
Not so relevant, height helps create the feeling of being dominated by the sheer size
They think tall men are well hung.
Absolutely relevant, average height and wide men are the strongest. Height doesn't mean shit.
It's obviously a visual matter for the femoid seeing the guy towering above her

Strength is not what is being considered here
But if it's protection that she wants then yeah strength is way more important than height.
Please don't give me hope
>t. 5'5 hung goblin creature
It's not really protection
>They don't consider your feeling at all when they think these things.
That goes without saying
Ah I see

Yeah it's women
It doesn't matter. In the modern age, anyone with a gun is more powerful than a strong guy of any size. It's about how they feel. Not what's true. Also, let's not act like most guys aren't weak as fuck. Tyson is an outlier.
Of course, and why should they? Would you consider the feelings of some landwhale that wants to get with you. I wouldn't.
the whole reason this trend exists is because of whiny faggot men like OP exacerbating the issue and causing whiny whore women to fight back by saying these exact things
You create your reality
So women only care about emotions and are retards? I agree
It exists because it's reality. You've never spoken to a woman. Stupid faggot
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15 cm is a little under 6 (technically 5.9) inches, anon.
Average female height is 5'4 and average male height is slightly under 5'10.
This chart basically just says most peole are average height and most average height men date average height women.
>Would you consider the feelings of some landwhale that wants to get with you.
No, but I would consider the feelings of women of any height who wants to get with me(not that they ever would). Being fat is a choice.
Everyone only cares about emotions when it comes to dating. If you only cared about what's logical, then you'd try to find some ugly bitch that's caring, and maybe has money. You're emotional right now (understandably so) because you didn't win the genetic lottery, and women don't want to fuck you.
Women want to fuck men who can easily kill and rape them at any moment. The thrill of almost certain death and helplessness gets her majorly wet. You think women cross the street to avoid being near manlets because they are scared of them? kek
You act like a woman, originally
Ok, fine. Would you consider the feelings of a woman that wants to get with you; but is super ugly? Like she has fetal alcohol syndrome or something. Either way, it doesn't matter if it can or can't be changed. What matters is whether or not someone is attracted to another person. If not, then the relationship can't work.
I'm dating a mid girl that's caring you dumb retard.

Once again tall men are weak as fuck, go to a gym and you'll see 6'4" men benching 135 lbs

Retarded faggot nigger kike kill yourself
calling thread
OP is a mutt who can't into metric units.
>I'm dating a mid girl that's caring you dumb retard.
But you can still get it up for her, right? She's at least fuckable, right? For a lot of women, they can't get wet if the dude isn't taller than them. It's as simple as that.
Men are driving this trend, chud, not women. Men pursue women and because of fragile masculinity, men only feel comfortable if the woman is shorter than him. Women prefer men of their own height but moids are insecure and want shorter women.
Fuck off Eurofag go back to jail for saying mean things about Jews
No not really. We don't fuck often. We have true love not some primitive shit
Femoid gaslighting
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>Fuck off Eurofag
I'm actually an American but shill pretty heavily again them these days
>No not really. We don't fuck often. We have true love not some primitive shit
Ok, dude. If you're not just lying to me, then let me tell you that most people, man or woman, wants to fuck their partner; and if they can't do that, then they don't want a relationship.
>Once again tall men are weak as fuck
It depends, 150 lb manlet will crush a 150 tallfag, because unless the manlet is deformed he has less distribution, so he has larger muscles and a heavier center of mass, but when you get to like 250-280 lbs a manlet is going to be a round ball while a tallfag can still look stocky and fit.

Which is why pretty much all fly and lightweight champions are manlets and most heavy weighters are tall.
The biggest peak is between 10cm and 15cm, which is equivalent to 4" and 6". Coincidently, the average UK man is about 5.5" taller than the average UK woman (since your chart uses UK couples). This just means the most common relationships are cases where the man and woman have equivalent heights.
I don't care about fucking, any man mentally over the age of 18 realizes this

Most lightweights are average. But you're right about tallfags but they still require the bones for a good frame
Not that anon but it's the opposite. When I was young I wrongly believed you didn't need to have lots of sex for a good relationship and could just have love and enjoy being laid back with your girlfriend.
Later in life I realized you have to fuck your girlfriend hard and often or she won't feel right and will either cheat or dump you. Women are like pet animals or children and start to act up if they aren't getting enough attention, with women in particular needing lots of sexual attention.
I'm the exact opposite, as I grew older I cared less about sex. And we still fuck here and there.
>Most lightweights are average
Most are below 6 foot, you gotta come to terms without this cope, buddy.
Nigga average is 5'9"
I'm not super ugly either, I'm just not tall.
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That is such fucking horseshit, there's stats on women autofiltering people below 6' on dating apps. Ask any average height dude if he would date a woman of the same height and he would say yes 100% of time. Fucking lying scumbag
Literally everyone requires fucking unless you're mentally fucked. It's not a maturity thing. It's a human thing.
Doesn't matter. Being short is an ugly trait to most women. It doesn't matter if you were born with it or not. Just like a lot of people won't date black people. It sucks, because they had no say in being born black; but that's how it is.
I'm on the tallest bar in that graph. I wish my Tinder stats reflected this graph.
I really dunno how you can fail so spectacularly being born on Ultra Mega Easy Mode. I'm a 5'9" manlet and even I did well on Tinder (dated 100+ women over a few years) by just having a funny profile, pictures outdoors/at social events/doing hobbies, and a 6/10 face. If I were your height or even just 6'1" I'd presumably have become some kind of internationally renowned playboy and notorious lover who is flown around the world to have sex with supermodels or something instead of just fucking local sluts.
I jerk off nigga
Bro... Jerking off is not the same as fucking, and then having post sex cuddles and falling asleep in each other's arms. I know that you're coping, but come on bro.
>being born on Ultra Mega Easy Mode.
life isn't a video game
We just cuddle normally you retard. And jerking off is the same as fucking to me.
Your genetics have a massive weight on how your life will be, and being born at the "ideal" height should be a free ticket to getting laid every other night with a new slut, unless you're lazy and boring.
I don't know either. I don't think that I'm ugly. My face looks pretty decent. I've got great hair. My pictures are all selfies that I took in the bathroom. Maybe I should take one with a normal sized person so that they immediately see the height. I put 6'6 in the bio, but no bites, lol.
>I put 6'6 in the bio, but no bites, lol.
In the bio text itself or just in the listed stats on these apps? Putting it in the bio text itself comes across as desperate. What you need is pictures of you outdoors showing how tall you are compared to people. Listing your height is like listing your bank account balance or your penis size, you are meant to IMPLY it, not explicitly state it.

>My pictures are all selfies that I took in the bathroom. Maybe I should take one with a normal sized person so that they immediately see the height.
You fucking people, I swear. I know you are autistic, but so am I, and even I know not to just have a bunch of creepy bathroom selfies. Join some clubs, go to some events. Take pictures with strangers. Goddamn.
Manlets need to understand height on its own isn't useful. It needs to be paired with good looks to do anything. Tall + ugly means women view you like an ogre rapist and just avoid you.
Make yourself not ugly, then? Work out, groom yourself, dress better or in a fun and unique way. You're basically complaining that you have been given access to a vault of all of Earth's riches, all for you, and the first 22 digits of the passcode have been entered into the pad, and all you have to do is push the last number, but that's too much effort and nobody understands how hard it is needing to push a single button on a keypad.
There aren't any face workouts. Short and handsome or average height/average looks are both way better for dating than tall and ugly. You're doing the exact same thing women do, only looking at Chad and deciding that must be the universal experience. Yeah, 6'4 and handsome will slay. 6'4 and ugly gets as much pussy as 5'4 and ugly (none).
You are so fucking right. What is with me? I'm definitely gonna revamp that shit. It was in the bio and the app. It's my best trait so I wanted to outline it, but that totally would come off as desperate. Women like it when you have pics with other women, right? I have an attractive female friend. Should I get her to take a pic with me? Should I get pics with dudes too to show how sociable I am? Also, what do you do when you match. Should I immediately ask if she wants to come smoke, or is that way too forward? That was a lot of questions, but I'll be grateful for any advice you have.
I have a big fat ugly loser coworker who wore a Naruto shirt the last time I saw him. He's 6'4" and has a skinny, cute girlfriend who picks him up from work. Look, you genuinely have zero excuse. If the SOLE thing holding you back is a facial feature, then get a surgery to fix it and go live your best life. You have the keys to the city but refuse to use them. This isn't some "erm the 5'1" indian janitor at work slays" because everyone knows a tall white guy is the ideal for 99% of women. Just don't be fat.

Get pictures in social situations of any kind, and pictures of you performing hobbies in public like playing an instrument or playing a sport.

>Should I immediately ask if she wants to come smoke, or is that way too forward? That was a lot of questions, but I'll be grateful for any advice you have.
Chat back and forth for a bit, then ask for her details on another app. You know, Messenger or something. Not Snap, that's the dick pic app and means you wanna send a dick pic. After chatting a bit more, feel out if she likes smoking weed, then ask her if she wants to hang out and smoke weed. You need to get her onto another app ASAP because you will have more access to her and less competition with the 100+ other guys begging for her pussy. If she is too cold and standoffish, move on. Never commit to one woman because she's never committing to you, she's texting 100 other men seeing who is the most hot and interesting.
Anon in real life as long as you're taller and stronger than her you're fine. The whole height obsession thing is a meme insecure guys with inferiority complexes started and toxic women tagged along for social media attention and ragebaiting. The problem usually is you stupid faggots aren't going for your looksmatch or you're expecting your looksmatch to go to you and make it easy for you. Humans are apes you have to be genetically atleast as good as her and atleast bigger than her as a male, that's it. You retards are never getting the blonde stacy you fap to so just live with it and move on. Forget all the stupid fuck movie and television memes we are animals she wants you to be a physically and genetically fit mate to breed children and to have resources for kids and her survival. It's not rocket science if you're a weak or fat loser and poor and ugly stop questioning why women don't want you, you wouldn't want you in her position.
Like facebook messenger, or just a phone number to text her?
I assume a first message should look something like this. "Yo! I love your tats. Do they have any meaning, or are they purely for aesthetics?" Like try to compliment her, and ask her a question in some way, but don't directly comment on how hot she is, right? Also, pics with the short hot girl I know. Yay or nay?
Also I'll add females are fucking stupid and don't even know any measurements by eyes that's why so many guys get away with pathologically lying about their height. I've known many guys IRL that lie about their height their entire lives and nobody even calls them out. So just aim for girls shorter than you and within your looksmatch, be fit and don't be a brokeass and you'll have a chance. If you're always chasing after females above you ofcourse your life is going to be filled with disappointment and frustration she's never going to settle for less than she can get for herself.
Something tells me the Gaussians for men and womens height have a similar overlap to graph shown. Youre retarded if you think people are treating you as subhuman for being below 6 ft. Theyre treating you like a subhuman because youre subhuman.
All coping bullshit.
Need height, muscles, and big penis otherwise it will just be your turn.
The above is what gets you the good life, the rest that fail to hit these standards just go through life convincing themselves its all good (its not, life is unfair and we are animals at the core)

This is why women were not allowed to vote and given to men for marriage btw. Kept the gears spinning.
The provider meta is over thanks to (((society))) going out of its way to fuck over men and boost women above them in education and the workplace. Now all they want to do is either marry Chad or ride the cock carousel forever because they no longer need a provider. Women have zero interest in their looksmatch. If they can't do better than that they are not interested. In their perfect world their looksmatch or below never even talks to them, only existing to thanklessly wagecuck and pay taxes.

Forcing women to need men if they want food to eat and a roof over their head is the only way they'll give non-Chads a chance and not be Chad-only whores. You can still be a provider for 400 lb women or single moms or walled lifelong sluts desperate for a baby before menopause hits but that's completely cucked. We need societal changes to give non-Chads a chance at desirable women that are worth it. Otherwise they all flock to Chad.
So the most common height difference was 15-20cm, let's say 17cm. The average male height in the UK is 178cm, while the average female height is 163cm. So the difference is +2cm to the average, what a discovery. That's such a minor difference it could be explained by just about anything. Stop coping about height, unless you're sub 5'5 you should be fine, and even then guys still find success
What good would restricting women's rights do? They'll just be more selective if they get them back and it will cause the same problems. Also women will still only settle for a beta provider but fantasize about Chad and even cheat with him on the down low.
>If women find out an average guy is hung they will show interest in him too.
The opposite has been shown actually. Penis size is more effective with tallness.
That doesn't apply to most situations though. Women can easily see if you're tall. They won't know if you have a big dick until sex. Unless there's rumors after you fuck someone else.
You need to be way more casual. A couple questions about one of her interests or pictures then ask her to move somewhere else. If you are putting too much effort in, it seems like you are desperate.
That makes sense. Golden tips, anon. I thought that I was being no nonsense, idgaf, but it does come off as desperate.
If women couldn't work, or at least couldn't work beyond part time and low pay stuff, they would still have some choice in their partner. 100 years ago women still had multiple men courting them to choose from. The restriction of choice would be eliminating harmful choices.
>no more Chad-only, except for Stacy but that's fine because it's a looksmatch
>because Chad is off the table for most women suddenly their looksmatch looks more appealing instead of the current dating environment where women think you're worthless if you aren't several notches above them
>no more whoring around until your biological clock starts ticking and you look for betabux because every man your age got his qt virgin wife a long time ago, at best you'd get a widowed guy in his 40s or 50s
>if you never want to marry your remaining options are becoming some family's live-in maid/nanny or joining a convent, not larping like you're in Sex and the City until you become a bitter wine aunt
As for cheating that's solved with societal shaming. Women are pack animals who operate on consensus. They'll do whatever societal pressure tells them to do. The rest of the pack says don't be a fucking whore? Most won't be. The rest of the pack praises whoring around? That's what they'll do.
I'm dating a women that's at least two inches taller than me. Height is just another excuse. Sure, it matters. But there's way more important stuff to being a man even umif you're a so called manlet.
Cheating has been frowned upon forever yet women still do it lol. All they'll do is settle for a betabuxx provider while fantasizing about Chad cock all day. They'd rather die than have a beta male impregnate them.
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checked and based
don't forget the woman's father also being heavily involved in the selection process so he can help filter all the """chads""" that just want a quick pump and dump, instead of letting a naive young woman get swept off of her feet by some smooth talking niggersouled fuckboy. This is another reason men and women should both wait until marriage, men get their virgin wives that are demonstrably far less likely to divorce and far more likely to be happy in their marriages, and women get men who are far more likely to actually care about and be committed to/want to build a family with them. It makes sense even outside of a religious/spiritual context.

The bad news is this is mostly mental masturbation and will take a war/generations of breaking the conditioning to return to, still saying no hymen no diamond though regardless

yeah nothing is perfect, but it would undoubtedly make things better
the last century or so of judeo-feminist policy and propaganda has absolutely destroyed families, birth rates, gender relations, etc etc
I'm 5'2 and every girl I've dated has been taller than me. My current Gf is the same height as me and she looks literally like Chel from Road to El Dorado.
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holy fucking based and dwarfpilled
it's normal for a woman to want a man taller than herself but not too tall
if you are a short man simply have sex with a short woman

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