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The Asians understand this.
So did the West, once.
Why is the modern western woman obsessed with displaying her giant fucking forehead?
Thank god most women don't have bangs. I would get a crush on everyone then.
so that people do not foreheadfish. its like beards but for women
>Why is the modern western woman obsessed with displaying her giant fucking forehead
extremely good question
If she never cuts off the fringe, why does it matter?
some people do not like beards like some people do not like bangs. idk its just preference.
its like makeup ig
Not liking beards is a classic sign of a birth-control lobotomy
bangs look like complete shit on many women, and especially the bangs-helmet covering the acne forehead is by far the worst.

bad bangs like the BPD bat signal
beards dont feel good therefore i do not like them
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I like seeing their strong hairline
>most women
Yet foreheads like shit on ALL women
Fringes ftw.
Padbury really was top shelf
I'd really like to but it doesn't suit me because I have a square jaw.
Fringe would soften your features.
Emphasize your eyes.
Stop making everyone look at your forehead wrinkles
What hairstyle DO you have then, femanon?
Asians have big foreheads and bad hairlines. They HAVE to fraud.
I thought most men didn't like them?
I'll get them if that isn't the case c:
Most men like them. Reddit is a terrible barometre for what men like.
its one step away from problem hair
in fact iof anything plebbit is a great barometer for what not to do
i had bangs for most of my life and can confidently say most men dislike it. there are guys who are very into it but these tend to be weebs of some sort or otherwise obsessed with the whismy gf archetype.
"Muh lived experience" doesn't count for much
When i have them they just go wild. They just show off my forehead anyways
eh, certainly counts for more than reports from your personal fetish.
Jfc you're such a woman

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