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social hierarchy captured on camera.
don't break the illusion of women being kind and sweet for me

This is just sad. I hope the whore got in trouble for beating up a girl who wants absolutely no trouble.
>let's enjoy bullying
Fuck you, OP.
speaking of hierarchys. this is why higher beings don't want to contact humans.
I need me a bitch like the one getting beat
I thought I hated women and had nothing to do with them anymore but seeing shit like this feels me with protective rage. I could drown all those bitches in the toilet at once. I could break their twig arms like noodles. I want to protect that innocent girl getting beaten up. God why am I so pathetic
I personally want the one doing the beating. I love crazy bitches
PLEASE post the version with sound
and the full version and the source
my social hierarchy ended with high school
is there an active archive of the webms on /gif/??? i found a fucking goldmine of content including an audio version of >>78026796 but all of the links are dead
This looks like a prelude to lesbian gangrape
I'm hard. Girl getting bullied is so cute and small, and the thought of dominating her makes me HARD PIPI.
I find this kinda hot
Anyone else?
mommy gf bros explain this
How do you know the girl is innocent? They are probably fighting over a boyfriend or some gossip. The girl might be getting what she deserves but you assume she is the victim because you are a simp.
i do and i NEED this webm with sound. even without the sound it's already in my top 5 hottest videos i've ever seen online
>the way she lightly brushes her victims hair aside before slapping the absolute shit out of her towards the end of the video
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god i genuinely wish that were me
>I find this kinda hot
>Anyone else?
It was staged to be hot; so yes, many would agree with you.
Why the fuck is bullying such a big issue in china??
someday she's gonna fuck with the wrong person and get stabbed 47 times while her "friends" sit around and watch in fear
I would save her by beating her bullies up, then offering if she needs help just let me know, for I will protect her again if necessary.
> God why am I so pathetic
Reread everything you just typed and theres your answer

This is just mean girls bullying an innocent girl situation
Hard agree, for all we know the person getting smacked could have said a lot of vile shit.
Still not something that should be solved through intimidation and violence though.
I always wish someone would bust in there and actually rape them when this happens.
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I know god hates me because thats not me
You just know trillions of girls got fetishes from watching that

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