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Francophile ver
But hands off Els-ass!

QsotT: what flavour chips(crisps) do you like? Do you know any French boys?

Previously on /r9gay/
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Protecting this threads gay virginity
i wonder if r9gay will get outlawed after trump becomes king
nooo le orange cheeto will become le dictator we need to for 'le resistance'(proudly sponsered by Disney) to form once more like heckin captain America.
Clueless lmao. You don't read these threads do you?
Lays salt and vinegar
store brand bbq be cause I'm cheap.
Best chip hands down
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Need husband not discord friends
Nerd emoji aah
no food because i hate myself
It's not the same guy as drunk tranny schizo tho. Also maybe a troll, maybe the other guy isn't even his bf and it was all in his head? But I wouldn't put it past you shitheads to whore yourself out for the lulz
Marriage material
Salt is always the best.
Lays sucks monkey balls
it is my bf, i know his voice when i hear it, even moreso his posting style. imagine if that was you, you'd freak the fuck out too.
Kinda happened to me before
I was probably overreacting but I was still mad
Fuck em all
fuck everyone, man. if anyone is allowed to hurt me, it's me.
I'm gonna make brownies just cause I fuckin feel like it
Try and stop me, fags
Plus I'm gonna but lavender in them and its probably gonna suck
That retard only posts vocaroos from what I can tell and he sounds like a useless faggot, why is he your bf?
Yes I would be super angry if that happened to me, as would anyone. People here are massive whores and you should not want anything to do with them romantically.
Did your plane crash or? How will you get your mentally ill shota meow bf?
I have a vietcong bf
i'm hurting, but i recognize that even you should still be prudent with your choice selection of words. i don't even know if he's going to want to stay with me after all of this, and it almost felt like he was pushing me away to begin with. i'll just bedrot some more, and more, and watch my life crumble around me some more, and more. i just wanted someone to care about me, but nobody cares anymore, so i'll just tear the facade down and let myself decay.
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My mother started threw a tantrum and started crying uncontrollably right now.
we're all still just babies i guess, no matter how old we grow.
try not to choke her again story2.0
Do you have a way of talking to him that isn't posting on 4chan? Maybe fucking go there and tell him instead...
you don't have a bf, you have an obsession with someone it's not the same. imagine being attracted to lunatics.
i'm sorry anon, but if he is here, he is obviously not talking to me, and he hasn't for days. i won't bring it up anymore, i wasn't planning to.
remind me again why we dislike 3ds
yeah, you're probably right, anon. i don't know what to feel anymore.
Very annoying faggy voice, sounds ugly
I had a dream about being on a nice meadow and all /r9gay/ posters surrounding me and peeing on me
canada moment
Do we like griff and his legos?
don't be bluntly rude, anon. i fell in love with that, or maybe just got obsessed. i don't know.
even if i have nothing to say about them i think i'd miss those posts if they stopped being made.
No stop asking griff
do we like poor brown boys?
Take it back we do not like pee we are not pee posters
Huh hur?
My balls are so sweaty and smelly and I did nothing all day
If you don't shower after work you're a dirty bastard
poor brown boys need to be adopted and cared for
Because he is a gross whore with no personality other than being brown and poor and lazy
I do shower after work that said my fbf will not be allowed to until I get to huff his sweaty armpits and crotch
I didn't mean you I meant the bunny2. this is the issue with vagueposts lmao
Legos are the ugliest out of all toys. I'd respect a boy into anime figures or plushies but ugly ass Minecraft squares? Fucking Roblox looking ass? Hell no
Do not sexualize boysmell
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You can't tell but this is literally exploding with lavender flavor
It is a moral imperative that every aspect of a man be sexualized for maximum gay
I don't like any of the cooking autists In this thread. Every single one was a massive piece of work.
Lavender brownie wtf
I'm gonna be honest we have a ton of lavender and I want to use it so I'm just putting it in random shit
I mean I don't know what I did to upset you but making cool desserts and bread stuff is basically all I have going on in my life rn
I didn't know you can eat lavender I thought it exists just for febreze
Meow where husband to nurse me meow
male scent overall is gross but your bf's is calming and reassuring
Oh yeah it's a big thing for rich assholes who think chocolate and vanilla aren't fancy enough for them
My mom bought a massive bag of dried lavender flowers two years ago and never opened it so I've just been using it
I made lavender honey ice cream a few days
Weeks ago
God I hate the passage of time
I like Brat
You... want to be breastfed???
lavender grows like a weed, what is so posh about that?
No, I need another kind of nursing meow
Idk I've only ever seen lavender pastries at really obnoxious and expensive bakeries and stuff
At work there's these trees that smell like cum when they bloom
Called callery pears I think
BRB convincing my mom to buy the cum tree for her garden
Probably, since ginkgo smell like absolute putrid shit not cum
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catluv pov
God fucking damn it I live in one of only THREE states that have banned the cum tree as an invasive species
Where do I find other zoomer twinks to cuddle with
If you cum on a tree sapling maybe it will turn into it
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We have a ton of those here too it's comfy
I'm so glad I don't have to live near stinky trees
Imagine willingly planting semen smelling plants. Absolute brainrot
Where do you think boys come from huh
Waa need manmilk waa where bf waa
I hate to break it to you, but all the plants around me smell like semen
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I don't got respect for the military cause of this one faggot in the army I knew from the Lego customs scene. He's like fat and disgusting and tried to groom one of my friends into being his surrogate kid brother.
What would you do if your son turned out homosexual?
finally another bottom in the house to fuck
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His writing style is enjoyable and I like his humor, but he's very stubborn and a lot of what he writes should be left in a journal for his own sake. If he'd tone down his clinginess around others by a quarter or more, he'd have his bf by next week.
what is his humor exactly
This just in
Lavender brownie tastes like shit
If I had made a lavender cake instead it probably would have been fine but brownies are just easier
Let me call it an enjoyable vibe that is funny to me
so there was this sort of pimple? or something below the head of my dick
i sorta scratched at it ages ago (a couple of years back) and it kind of scarred? idk if that's what it happened or the right word for it
anyways, the pimple sort of solidified and became a little tiny ball/platelet/shard thing which got stuck under the skin
out of fear of further hurting my dick, i never tried to do anything with it, but since i use my dick as a fidget toy, i kept kind rubbing it with my fingers every-time i reached down fidget
i would sort of push it or squeeze it but it only hurt once or twice and i never did anything else
today, while i was fidgeting, i felt something some undone, so look and voila, it has finally breached skin. no bleeding, not hurt, it just sort of popped (i guess the rubbed the skin until it naturally fell off?)
so yeah, after 2-3 years, i finally got rid of this little irritating thing on my dick and i had no one to tell about this milestone
P.S. today marks about a month since i stopped jerking off
P.S. 2 i kept the thing in a tissue in my drawer
P.S. 3 something feels missing when i fidget with my dick now lmao
Yeah, I'm hiding that post.
may i see it? for scientific purposes of course
certain accomplishments should be kept to oneself
Think I have one of those on my eye lid
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there you go
now that you mention it, i think it might be similar to these little masses or whatever people develop on their skin with age, who knows
greetings faguettes
or I'm brown I have zero money I can't get a job while I sabotage my interviews and I like to stare at strangers on my walks? Oh that's not humor, my bad, that's his actual personality. He is insufferable but just like meow he isn't half as bad as his simps. Anons like you are lowest of low, even lower than whores you thirst for. Tier 3 sub, probably buying his plane ticket as we speak.
Throat hurts waa
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der krieg ist verloren.. fur du
Had a plowman's meal
Bread cheese and pickles
I feel like an old timey fantasy character on a magical adventure
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you seem a bit stuck up but suit yourself
kek for you
scp 69123
the piece of shit thread
attention r9gay
i will be jerking off in 30-45 minutes
thank you for your attention
scp 666
the smegma stroker
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Man I think since meow mentioned it I've been getting so many youtube recommendations and learning so much lore about trench crusade and holy shit I wanna play so bad
The Sultanate looks so god damn cool and I am ready to lay my life down atop the Great Iron Wall
This will be the first kickstarter I ever contribute to
brazen balls lol
I'll kill you
Wait a minute, how the fuck was this an original post??? It took 78 million posts on r9k for someone to say "I'll kill you"????
I'll rape you
not original :/
you dont hate me you just hate my doggy style
not how it works, silly
Is it not? I thought that was the whole thing
you write like you still have your cherry
sweaty smelly overworked men in unkempt getups and body hair groping and molesting me aaaaaaaaaaaa i cant help but cum
so fucking true bestie, cheers! (unironicallty)
wheres the fucking lamb SOS
Lamb bussy
now i wouldnt go that far
you also like being trained by men?
Got a call from the shut the fuck up department, it's for (You)
I can't believe I got hit with the retard bomb four (4) times
I'm quadruple retarded
where you from anon? your english is good
slow thread, huh?
can i convince you to try doing soft speaking audios without music? like ASMR shit but not the touchy scrappy crap, just casual soft reading? i\ll happily listen to that
has everyone vocarooposted but me? stop it
i regret doing this shit it's so cringe now but whatever
thank you
Yay it was fun I wish I can play it again soon, they even published a new edition of the playtest just recently
you sound very cute anon
Is that the one that's on their website right now> Because that's the one I'm reading
Probably yeah byt they are constantly adding stuff
well its just about that time
ohhh getting played with and belittled, ohhhh
just sayin anon, but nice voice
Trench warfare is awesoooome
It's all so boring here. All I do every single day is make breakfast, eat it, and go straight to my room and stream. What am I meant to do? Leave my flat? No thanks, there are scary things called humans out there.
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it's over my evil comrades.
little did they know they were talking to a vocafag the whole time
What time is it? Leg hurting time.
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I went for an evening nap and now its not far off 2am. Looks like I'll be playing ck2 until I crash at midday
how is your diet going? have you gotten the kitchen cleaned up yet?
Would any of you suck me off if I asked really nicely?
depends, do you sound like a generic dude or do you have a feminine voice, if you moan and sound like my uncle im fucking out

A little better I think. Kitchen has been cleaned up some. I really do need to clean the stove, it's filthy but I have to take off the cast iron grates and really scrub it. It didn't get that dirty with mom because she mostly used the electric skillet. However I've proven I can't handle one of those.
I probably sound like your uncle yeah.
Cringe I am going to puke ew
what about a dude that makes no sound at all when fucking/getting head? I fap completely silently so I assume I;d be the same way with real life sex.
>I don't react when tickling meself so surely I am immune to being tickled
Thread go brrrrrrrr need for more speeeed or should I say spic hurrrrrr need more not like these threads except yesterday were pretty slow for days now but need more spics it's so epic go DIE
tickling and jerking off are two different things. I grew up with a rabidly christian no masturbation ever type family so I learned very early to stay completely silent.
Lets say I manage to stay completely silent: would you tickle me while you suck me off?
Alone on a Tuesday night huhh
Every single fuck who uses vocaroos as a form of communication in this thread is some creep and/or psycho
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As is the case every night
This is so based. I do the same thing. I wouldn't want a bf that shouts and screams like he is getting slaughtered while having sex. Major turn off.
Those were funny posts, glad you're back NOT but maybe? Huh
Based on what evidence? Have you got experience with sex? No? How are you so sure then? RETARDDDDD
If you're sucking dick, do you want a cum warning and if so how far in advance?
>tfw no bf to step on while fucking him
meow meow I'm a whore I like old men fucking me meow
I am neither of those things, and if it seems like that it's because I'm playing a character.
>tfw no bf who hates every single personalityfag itt
What did I do huh
>I was only pretending to torture little boys on discord
>tfw no bf who doesn't vaguepost like a passive aggressive loser
>tfw no bf who only speaks in short, matter of fact sentences
>tfw no bf who isn't a mutilated mutt
This but I don't discriminate meow as long as you are an adult I will gladly take your cock meoww
>tfw no suomi dom ruotsi sub mutt ntr cuck relationship
nooooo bunnymutt don't jerk off to psych ward patients it's unethical aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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