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Top shagger Nige edition
Nigger is not a racial slur in the UK
Genuinely addicted to orange juice lads. I drink about a litre a day. Corrrrr.
The more I play Bloodborne the more I realise Elden Ring really didn't need to be open world.
Thinking about getting this pencil case lads, thoughts?
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It a nu bread
It womfy
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thats a lot of sugar
I don't like the colour very much but it does look like a nice pencil case
get these disgusting fucking generals off my fucking board faggots
Chinese tat. Get off Temu for quarter the price.
For as long as I can remember, I have suffered from an inferiority complex. Probably because I never got a significant win in my life. Like something on which I set my eyes and went on to achieve. Even if I gave it my all, I was always bested by someone else. Who I knew didn't work as hard as me. This has haunted me during my entire student years and has even crawled into my professional life.
Shop like a billionaire innit
But it's not processed and refined sugars it's natural sugars.
I really cannot overstate how awful Indians are.
When it comes to your body's insulin response it doesn't matter.
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mumberg told me i should vote but i dont care about poltiics
should i vote for nige?
Alright Mr fucking biology scientist.
It doesn't matter. I'm not being contrarian or hyperbolic, it literally doesn't matter. Vote or don't. I'm not going to.
Bloody benchod
What constituency do you live in, lad?
Indian women are very crazy and stinky in my own experience
Well what I mean is that no name brand on Amazon is probably the same shit sold on Temu. Amazon is flooded with that shit.
Just wait until you meet the men...
Derry Northern Ireland
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Lihit Lab isn't a no-name brand, it's a well known stationery brand from Japan.
Based Chinese industrial accident poster lad
Wagie Destination
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mumberg said i have to go to the job centre
is it over for me?
did he died? lad
One benchod to redeem them all
Imagine having a jeeta gf bringing you cow dung/mud pies to your bed every mornin


Phwoar, even
Sorry lad it's hard to tell with Amazon these days. I like the pencil case but not the colour big lad.
One whiff of that ave me rager wood knocking her womb tight as a cornish hen on Christmas Eve it would lad
Obvious party to vote for is Sinn Fein. Doubt that Reform are running a candidate there.
I ain't no fenian cunt I'm British. I'll probably vote DUP.
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If it wasn't for emojis my life would be in a very different place
Oh it's been over de lads
Why did you say Derry instead of Londonderry then?
Leaving the country next month. A bit worried but it's probably for the best.
Blokes from birmingham. Nonce lot that posh
Anti brexiting
Hate to read it de lad
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Caught me out there, lad. I was only trolling.
Charged his estate for ruining the rug on top of it all.
NI Unionists are the biggest cope in the world.
where to de lad?
i need to move to asia me
Too right mate. Grenade drones meta now. No mosh pits anymore.
What the fuck are you saying? Is this nonce code?
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Hong Kong for four years. It's bad in different ways, but it should be a nice change of pace.
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https://youtu.be/Hr46imSXZv8 jrjdj
nigel farage is a grifter and only low IQ npc retards fall for him. bet you watched sargon of akkad, tommy robertson, and lauren southern 8 years ago too. stupid faggot
Only nonce ability here is your own rubbish non sense de lad.
hope you find a lot of chinese cuties de lad
Hong Kong is mental lad. Hope you're going to earn a lot of money.
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Who would you vote for and why then lad?
Looks like sectarianism outside /b/
Hope all you English lads will welcome your fellow Northern Irish Unionist bigots with open arms after United Ireland. I'm sure you can all join in their marches and parades.
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Nobody, it doesn't matter and won't make a difference.
Sectarianism is a right laugh compared to racism, lad.
He won again. Alibi secured. Mayhe he did burgle that house too. So fuck?
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Me too, lad. But I wouldn't rule out returning a wizard. In any event, society owes me a billionaire's daughter gf.

The pay isn't amazing but it's much more than I'd get doing the same thing here.
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Cant believe someone tried to break into his flat
Bunch of noisy orange bellends did a march in Newcastle last year for some fucking reason, made a right racket
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Can you bring Ruthmong with you please
Weird. I didn't even know the Orange Order had branches on the mainland. I hate their stupid fucking marches every year and flags everywhere.
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RiffRatz or SSME I reckon. They're the two main suspects.
>shows off all his gadgets daily
>tells everyone exactly when he's leaving for another town
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Doesn't Mark live in a disabled fold? What cunt would try to break in there?
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His neighbour told him the police visited the block while he was out. He has somehow concluded someone was trying to break into his flat.
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Riffratz tried to break into Mark's place while he was out for youtube content
Riffratz belongs in prison
>The pay isn't amazing but it's much more than I'd get doing the same thing here.

Well yeah I'd fucking hope so mate. Place is crazy expensive and life is grim for anyone who is even slightly struggling with money. Wish you all the best and hope you take the opportunities as they come and grind up to making 200k in 4 years time.

>doing the same thing here.

What work is it?
Mad. You can get Dark Souls Trilogy which includes Dark Souls Remastered as well as all the DLC for Dark Souls 3 for 30 quid on disc. They don't have this bundle digitally however.
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His neighbours are all elderly. It was obviously for him.
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Be nice to think having a Helen would motivate you to get a job cut bad habits my neet setup is pretty good but i think if i could live by the seaside with a mummy gf id turn it all around why doesnt he/? But I would actually just get bored and sit around and drink eventually, doesnt matter whats happening in your life it's what you're feeling inside innit? Regardless of, Helen,, *****, ****, doesnt matter. U wagies spent all your energy trying to get that stuff in the first place, ppl like us stumble into it and we still fail, thats how you know its a hidden disability. It not right. I dont have social skills for working. Im middle only male child which means autism. It was all rigged from the get go. Eventually I go to my own Dorset to die like a dog limping into the shadows. Maybe Inverness. Some of us beyond help. It trauma, self destructive. It soooooooooooooooooooooo sad
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dont forget to take your bins out if they're due for collection tomorrow
if your bins are not due for collection tomorrow, please disregard this reminder
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It seems like rent is the biggest expense there, but I've managed to get quite cheap housing for my first year. En suite, no less!

My Princess told me to give up gambling so I did...simple. Following her orders has made me a better man.
>90s CRT
>windows xp
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I don't even think any of the games are on sale atm on the Steam summer sale either s m h
You are one boring mong, has anyone ever told you that? I mean you are really fucking tedious mate.
You have a gf now?
30 quid for all three games on disc in one package is a very good deal I might grab it next week as don't own the games on me PS5.
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Get it. Nice 2 own these things anyway
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My first wank was over Geri.
Crossladdy is not boring and I love him. Simple as.
Ah that's great lad I'm happy for you two. You lads should chat more often one on one and really get to know each other! Maybe on a discord server or just anywhere away from here.
I'd rather read Crosslads posts over Ruthmong or Footmong
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Bed. I sleep.
Leave him alone you bully. He's a good lad.
It's a steal. Go for it lad. They are good games. Not sure about 2 though.
I really wanna emulate demons souls but I'm afraid my crypto wallet will get stolen s m h
Fuck off salty sally. It a free country, innit? Not against the law, is it?
You are even more tedious you deranged tranny. It's insane how boring you can be while also being a freakish oddity. I can't wait for the day a bunch of bored neds kick you to death outside a Co-Op for being a burly bloke in a dress.
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1+2 dlc too. Probly wouldnt get them cheaper individually. As well. Whatever the mountain place with the dragon in ds2. I dont remember the name bt when i think of that weird game i think of that place. Kino.
Why come here if you dislike the regular posters so much?
Actually lad paedophilia IS against the law
When I think of Dark Souls 2 I think of the dark parkour section and the boss made of shit.
Arbroathy is a good lass. I just wish she wasn't so racist
Yeah but we have not met in person yet. Hopefully will do this year. She lives in France.
I don't dislike most of the regular posters. I am one of the regular posters and I have been for longer than those two.
I've been a regular poster for at least 10 years and people don't know it simply because I don't trip.
ze truth is that pretty much all of the regular posters now are just absolutely woeful
yes that includes myself, big deal
ze truth is you are a bald nonce
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Dancing konata
What ever happened to that lad who called himself "Baldrew"?
Oh yeah. That whole nigga literallywas just a nigga made out of poo. B team moment
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Ok well I'm voting for another party in a constituency that overwhelmingly always votes labour. It's my only chance to say "fuck you". and I'm going to take it. You're a dirty doomer bitch lad who whinges about other peoples choices but given the same choice does nothing. The only thing more worthless than doing something because you think it accomplishes nothing is actually doing nothing because you think it won't accomplish anything. Literal woman tier thinking. Go and give yourself a talking to.
DVDlad has been exposed as being a character
how is he a character?
Turns out he has been posting empty DVD cases. When challenged to post the discs, he made up an excuse not to. Fraud.
Sugar being bad is a modern myth
>out walking
>some one speeds past me on roller skates waving his arms
>its ed davey
>he careens into a bush disturbing a couple who had been canoodling
>he puffs out his cheeks comically and the girl slaps him
>unbuckling one of his roller skates he approaches me as he does so his skated leg slips free forcing him into the splits
>with a pained expression he removes the remaining skate and rises to his feet and immediately steps into a bucket
>he hands me a flyer as he does his trousers fall down around his ankles exposing his union jack underwear
>the girl from before sees this and slaps him again for good measure
>'so can i rely on your vote madam'
>her partner returns and punches him in the gonads
>with a defeated looking expression he gets back in his bicycle powered car and rides off
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Eat something or masturbate next time U find yourself taking the internet this seriously
might have a womfy night to myself while the wagies are all asleep
enjoyed this de lid
lol wtf that girl went to my same school
I wonder how Ruth will be voting on Thursday.
you know what i reckon a lot of the kinda brainless contrariam money grubbing working class white women would suck him off
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Fellow NEET kangz where we at

We womfy tonight are we not
I'm not a NEET but I fucking love that picture my mangoberry
Are they tendies he's got there? Look almost like battered sausages corr
>be depressed NEET for 12 years
>start browsing r/london
>apparently I'm doing better than everyone there just for having a rent-free flat here for 12 years.
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Keeping it wumf. Always
all white women rook same
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>We womfy tonight are we not
been generating vaguely suggestive pictures of marge simpson and watching youtube all evening me
what you been watching on the old youtube??
new incognito mode video called "exploration" then a bunch of video essays about about games from a channel called duke of whales, they're good as background noise. skyrim one was especially good as it wasn't just an overview plus generic praise. really don't care for that game.
Ruthmong can't vote on Thursday as he has no shoes to go to the polling station with.
Don't think he has any photo ID either to be fair. Not that he'd bother if he did, voting won't get him a gf
If he voted for the SDP he'd get a gf. One of their policies is matching up autistic girls and autistic lads. Forced matching.
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Bet you lads don't even drive and own a car like her. Definitely need to be middle class as a young person to drive.

I wouldn't vote anyway. It's all rigged and I'll let the npc decide on this FPTP "democracy".
That party is probs the closest thing to my political views. Don't like that they're pro-Israel and don't think they go far enough on immigration but their manifesto is very good. One of the few parties that actually seems to have a coherent vision of where the country should go.
Definitely not Reform.
>Definitely need to be middle class as a young person to drive
Can really tell he doesn't go outside at all like.
Sounds like some forms would need to be filled out for that, no chance ruthmong would bother.
Not seen wagies lose the war this bad in these threads for a while. NEETs dominating today.
I get the vibe she's a Green Party girl. Labour aren't offering enough for her.
Do you think Laura is an SNP girl or Labour? I'm going with Labour. Scottish independence isn't an issue that interests her.
Shame she'll never feel free to discuss her political views because of all the mongs out there.
>tfw political ads on my youtube

can't skip that shit quick enough. as if I care about the corrupt democracy we live in. fuck off.
I wouldn't want to drive. That would be a huge cost to a permaneet like me anyway.
adblock bro. Or Vanced if on mobile
working class chavs start zooming around in radgey little cars at 17 mate you've got no idea what you're talking about
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I don't think she cares about that shit. She's in her own little happy world. Not a single news app on her phone.
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She's definitely got no real political stance. I doubt she even cares about her home country now she lives here.
No doubt she hates Erdogan.
Why would I get a fucking car? Why would I want to pay thousands of pounds every year for that? Makes no sense for someone like me. Why would you want to spend nesrly all your minimum wage on a car and a mouldy tiny boxroom?
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Don't think wops cares about voting.
No one suggested that you get one, not that you could if you wanted to
I agree. She cares about buying tat from CEX and little else.
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She probably doesn't know why people hate him. She's too obsessed with celebrities and their lives.
And she doesn't even love her own brother. She wants him out of the house. Nasty, heartless bitch. Hope he wins the euromillions and doesn't share a penny with her.
Erdogan wants her to stop being a whore and wear her hijab.
You have a huge misunderstanding of how likely someone will win the lottery.
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>She wants him out of the house. Nasty, heartless bitch
Project more ruthmong, I'd want you out of the house too
No he doesn't. Erdogan is a secular politician.
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It not fucking right how women have to cover up in the name of religion.
>stomps feet at 5am hard enough to wake his mum up
>over youtube
>"now i'm angry at her too"
Is there a term for this kind of mental illness? Genuinely zero introspection or awareness of how much of a ridiculous cunt you're being, and only thinking about your own feelings?
Why doesn't Ruthmong's mum make him get a job and move out? I don't get it. She should have done it literally years ago.
It's called autism. Simple as that really. They aren't capable of empathy or putting themselves in someone else's shoes.
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That's someone else.
Corr wonder if she ever uses the vibration function on her phone and rubs it against her fanny.
is it also autism that makes him think we'll believe his very transparent "that's not me it's auditlad" lies
I'm sure she has a dedicated vibrator for that.
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It is very, very obviously you
That's a combination of autism and low IQ. The autism means he doesn't understand that not everyone is as stupid as he is.
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I have no motivation to work. It's not going to improve my life. My money would be so little and not afford me anything to progrss further. I see no point in doing any of that. You only have to turn the news on and see how miserable wagies are unable to pay their rent and car payments. As if I'm going to make my life harder and more depressing by working. No thank you lads. Rather be homeless. On the streets. I really mean that with the way my mental health is.
You think? I doubt she's the type of girl who'd be bold enough to buy it from a high street shop, and I don't think she's got the balls to get one delivered to her parents house either. Think she seems like the kind of girl who improvises. Electric toothbrush. Hairbrush handle. Etc.
Reckon you're right
>Rather be homeless. On the streets. I really mean that with the way my mental health is.
Sure he does mean it because he's too daft to realise the actual consequences, and doesn't think it'll ever happen
She doesn't do that. She gets plenty of shags.
Well it may happen someday and I know I can't ever be a functioning wagie. I don't know how to put it...I just don't care about working. My life doesn't improve by working.
Yeah he can't actually envision the reality of it.
A more succinct way of saying it would be "I am lazy and scared"
No. Working doesn't pay. Others get by as they split costs with partners and friends. I can't do that.
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thinking about being an animal. a little beast.
What do you mean "No"? You keep saying that you can't be arsed to work, but you're denying that you're lazy?
I'm not working some grim job just to get more depressed and have little money still. I did that ages ago and my mental health was worse than being unemployed. I don't care about buying shit anymore. I'm dying where I was born and that's just the way shit works out for some.
I think you secretly have a part of you that wants to work. Otherwise you wouldn't keep having this debate with yourself in the thread. There's loads of things I don't want to do, I don't think about them and never mention them. You keep mentioning work. I think it's because you want to do it, deep down.
I certainly don't want to work a deadend job until I die. That's why intentionally unemployed people stay that way.
Goodnight to every lovely lad (not ruthmong)
Do you really think you're intellectually incapable of working any job other than a deadend one?
Been signed into Xbox for 15 hours and apparently it's been down for lots of people. Odd.
As I said I'd rather be homeless than do that.
That wasn't the question lad. Read the post again.
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Go fucking work slave. I will take advantage of hidden disabilities if I have to go down that route.
I saw a bloke recently who had one of those lanyards on. He was blind though. So genuinely disabled.
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Do you think she's ever worked a day in a factory?
Does SSM wear one of them for his hidden disability?
Smelling of shit is not exactly hidden.
I haven't ever worked a day in a factory either. Doesn't mean my life has been perfect, but I still manage to make money and shag women.
Can't do that on xbox lid.
But people think he smells because he doesn't wash. That is the hidden disability. They don't know he can't help it. He never asked to be born.
I saw one too. Lad was walking down street. Not sure what was wrong with him but he did look quite unkempt so probably a major autist or something.
ive unironically been in a coma, what happened to poleaboo?
He got a job, worked his way up to a decent salary and bought a house. Genuinely.
bet hes still a loser though, his affect is terminal regardless of what happens to him in his life.
Well yeah he's still the same weirdo but he's done alright for himself. Mostly due to limitless family support though.
I don't know lad, he has a house and a decent office job. I'd love that. But he's still hopeless with women, still a virgin and it's struggling to pass his driving test despite having been at it for a while. Either way if you told me years ago he would be where he is now I would have laughed and said no way.
yeah i suppose so, unfair to hold him to a normal standard
literal sex offenders can get decent jobs and own their own house as long as they're extroverted and sociable. Ruthmong is right, it's all a con
Poleaboo isn't extroverted. He does his best to be social but I'd hardly call him sociable. Life isn't fair but we're all lucky in some way, even just to be born in the UK and not Botswana. If life was fair it would probably be far worse for all of us here.
Beat the spider bugger in the water. Took a detour from really annoying bit where buggers keep respawning. Found a back way to Iosefkas clinic through a mini blight town cave. Now I'm in a big castle and it LUSH. Strength at 45 and Vit at 30, hammer on +7
Watching The Simpsons where Homer gets a gun. Think it's honestly my favourite episode of the entire show. Has me laughing from start to finish. Used to have it on VHS, Too Hot for TV I think it was called. Referred to as the "banned," episode.
best post in the thread this

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