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the easy solution to inceldom. desu.
russia is more popular these days.
butwhat if i'm a fat ugly bastard
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I prefer east asian milfs working office jobs who are either divorced or in broke marriages
im moving to thailand to start a new life
also asia as a whole is too expensive these days. russian women are scrambling to get away from russian men, get yourself a russian (and actually white, conservative) qt instead
Eastern Europe is for prostitutes, Asian girls are free. Being a decently groomed, not-fat white guy in Asia below the age of 40 is kind of shocking, you have chicks coming up to you begging for your attention at random. Not whores, either, just girls looking to strike up a conversation and get railed by an interesting foreigner who doesn't look like a gross sexpat.

Eat 1300 calories a day for half a year. No more. Make sure you get 70 grams of dietary protein per day. You are no longer fat and are less ugly.
stop being fat you fucking nigger. godammit. it's the easiest fucking thing. eat less, cut down carbs, and exercise more. holy shit.
not these days. its way more expensive to the point that getting a ticket and hotel is not worth it
A ticket to Vietnam from where I live is, like, 700 bucks. That's saving for a couple of weeks of work or NEETbux.
that's honestly outlandish and doomed to become even more expensive.
it's legit, i have an ugly ass friend who fucked for days and days over there. It's going to get saturated soon, enjoy it while it lasts
700 bucks is really cheap for a flight. Flights to other countries are 2000-3000 dollars.
not really. hotels and whatnot have gotten even more expensive. its just not worth it.
good quality hotels in vietnam are pretty cheap.

i doubt it's going to get saturated. the videos have been getting millions of views since 2020 but nothing has changed drastically and foreigners are still a commodity.

not even thailand is saturated and the game has been played for more than 2 decades now.

relax, save money, and enjoy it
yeah no, i just don't think its worth it. sorry man, not buying the ball you're spitting. i also think its kind of creepy and exploitative.
Cum 911 bush bohemian pizza
If I go I want a Filipina. I like them. Their personalities are better.
>creepy and exploitative
what you're saying essentially is that women don't have the right to have sex with a guy... because she is poor?

you're taking all the agency away from her.

if that's "exploitative" maybe she could just reject you.

what happens in fact is that THEY COME TO YOU.
i think its creepy you're essentially directing a bunch of sexpests to third world countries. sorry man. it's just creepy, no way about it.
Vietnam has a higher standard of living than most of the USA
Not him, but when I was in SEA it was the women who were sex pests towards me. When I made a dating app profile I basically got swarmed by chicks asking if I was real or a scam and whether I'd fucked an Asian girl before and if I had a big dick.
You are talking to a woman. Western women legit don't realize the damage they have done to the West over the years. Go watch a walking tour of Bangkok city. It's nicer than my city here in America.
south east asia, thailand and philippines in his case. The trannies were pretty persistent so you have to get used to that though
i like people who dont direct degeneracy towards other countries. its honestly really great when people stand up to how messed up this behavior is.
blame the women for swarming me for (free) sex when I'm asia.

keep coping more.
These chinese?
I know man. I spent a lot of time in Asia hopping back and forth while working remotely.
I just find this sentiment kind of funny when people genuinely express it.
There are poor people in SEA, yes.
But if you're talking about women in say Vietnam living in a somewhere nice like Ho Chi Minh City, they are probably enjoying their life where they live well enough to the point they don't need foreigners to come and pay for their family or whatever shit people imagine when they say these things.
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I've seen plenty of robots face, they could do well in East Asia. This guy slays at the night clubs and he is no chad and most of the time they can't communicate because English is so bad. It's purely physical for them.
i don't understand what your problem is? If the women are the ones approaching isn't it literally making their life better? They actually get to fuck a guy they find attractive for once. Western women don't want these men so it makes their life better too to have them gone from the country right?
How tall are you?
How old were they?
i agree. i love when i see people gatekeep these types of exploitative people out of their countries entirely.
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SEA is for old dudes and pajeets. Don't sell yourself short. Go to Japan.
i heard japan is much harder to get into
it's always great when i see asia as a whole throw out these weirdos. it's fucked up how obsessed they are with trying to be as much of a degenerate as possible.
sea gets sex tourists from east asia too, what are you going on about? don't you hear about korean men beating sea girls?
You are 15. Or a woman

Oversaturated as fuck. They're already used to white guys, plus high expectations.
is japan doable if you're fit, tall, and average face, but 30?
i did well with china, vietnam, and korea. Japan always scared me though.
east asians don't do that. it's mostly westerners causing trouble
yes they fucking do you jackass. I work with koreans and hear this shit all the time. they aren't as trashy as western sexpats, but korean men have been buying brides in sea that usually get abused horribly is a common thing that multiple koreans have mentioned when the topic SEA came up a couple times.
White women when importing hundreds of millions of foreign men:
>"Wow they have suffered so much who cares if they form rape gangs and murder 11 year old girls that's the price of diversity chuddie :)"

White women when a white guy talks to a foreign woman:
whereas westerners will literally murder asians overseas and in their own countries. nice try, but its common knowledge that literally acting like trash human beings overseas are a westerners game.
Been considering living as a digital nomad in some sea country. I'm 6'2 with pretty average but still decent looks. Despite that I get 0 attention from any women in my country.

My only real hurdle is saving up to fly out there, even if it's only for a vacation. Any tips?
>is japan doable if you're fit, tall, and average face, but 30?
I guess it depends on how old you look. There are always 30 year old Jap women too. They hang out in bars and hold up nicely with age.
so apparently you're neither a woman nor a child, just an ass blast asian man
>westerners will literally murder
we're not hive minds so i really don't care who rapes or murders who
its not white women. literally everyone hates you people. you weaponize a bunch of third worlders and asians for random ideological wars. can you fuck off already
>>the easy solution to inceldom. desu.

>just have $10,000 on hand to have a sex vacation
>once the money runs out the girls disappear

what do you think I am, a fucking normie wagie?
Just ignore them dude. Remember, if you are going to these countries looking for a wife, you are going to give her a far better life than what she would have had otherwise. Meanwhile, these bitches complaining are destined to be a single mother with a black eye living on welfare.
>it's always great when i see asia as a whole throw out these weirdos
they never do because they love our dicks. keep coping.

go do something dude. resources are limited online, all for free. get your as to work and make some money.
Vietnam does not cost 10k and I owe about 3k I borrowed between 3 different viet girls I mooched off of.
i honestly really love when i see asian men gatekeep these mean people from their country without resorting to chimping out. they are really vile and exploitative.
>go do something dude. resources are limited online, all for free. get your as to work and make some money.
im not some failed normie bruh, im on disability

Maybe who this thread was talking to was failed normies.
>im on disability
Can you still receive disability if you spend most of the year in a foreign country?
>gatekeep these mean people from their country
They never do shit. They won't do shit. Nothing happens. "Gatekeeping" doesn't exist there. Literally nothing happens.

Governments love having tourists there. And the women love the dick. There's nothing asian losers can do about it (and they don't do shit and they never will).
somebody help chang
the thread went on too long and the factory reset kicked in
i love asian men who protect their women from these mean people so much. it's always really nice to see people who stand up to how creepy this behavior is.
He's just mad nobody is talking about lady boys, so he's afraid he's not getting any dick if everyone goes vietnam instead.
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>i love asian men who protect their women from these mean people so much. it's always really nice to see people who stand up to how creepy this behavior is.
why? we're just standing there
and the guy who walked away then dedicated his life from that point on to spamming anti white porn on anonymous image boards
see? we're not doing anything. they're the ones coming to us.
i love asian men who don't play into mean games to satisfy creepy online people.
I was watching a white dude walking around the Philippines and a group of women throwing a birthday party invited him in to eat and she randomly said "come eat. you can eat me too" kek
i love southeast asians who gatekeep predatory and mean people from their countries. it's great to see.
and i love southeast asian men who don't play into mean games online from mean people.
it's broken. successfully buck broken.
>Meanwhile least cunty asian because they are starting to realise and use their own appeal in dating market
>Hang, 28
How does she have monolids and double eyelids at the same time.
i love asians who are good people.
Disgusting. Both on the whitey and chink womans part. Rare based asian male for walking away from that conundrum
I'm half Vietnamese and trying to undo my father's mistake of race mixing. It's going to take at least six generations to unfuck this mess of a bloodline. I have almost no interest in asian women as a whole anymore, they're pretty disgusting. And the Vietnamese language is the ugliest I've ever heard, but other than that, I don't have anything against them. It's fucked up that they're still suffering from the war decades after the war stopped due to how evil the US is. I can only pity them.
i love asians who love and care about their opposite gender.
i am from south korea
it is true that quite a few old boomer korean men from countryside often import wives from china, southeast asia and central asia and treat them like slaves
on the other hand, a bunch of asian women have fantasies about korean men, so they do not mind it
so I am a volcel
ok, good point
just like 100% of this board. desu
fucking BOOGIE has a gf. everyone here is a volcel. every incel is a volcel.
going from incel to cumming inside tight sea pussy must feel so good!
you have been completely demoralized in this thread lol
Tell that to the skittish 3/10 hapa girl I've had a crush on for over a year.
true thread btw. seagirl pussy is the solution
holy shit you got buckbroken to factory reset lol
blame the soviet union. not the us
true. vietnam is a communist hellhole cuz the soviet union supplied it with guns and forced a regime there. the us was trying to save them.

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