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I got a can on Monster stuck up my ass for ten minutes last night. I couldn't get it out for ten uninterrupted minutes. I was panicking like crazy. almost had to go to the hospital. this isn't the first time this has happened but usually when it does it scares me enough to swear to never put anything in my butt again which I usually make good on for a few months before caving and doing it all again only to get the same result like a fucking retard. last time it was a shampoo bottle and before that, two baseballs. I can't stop shoving household objects up my ass, it's an addiction at this point. I know not to put anything without a flared base up there and I have toys dedicated for this purpose but it's not the same. I can't cum unless something's fully up in there. idk what to do anymore
Stop putting objects up your ass it's that easy
>I couldn't get it out for ten uninterrupted minutes
that is why you get toys with a bigger base
are you gay or something?
why are you putting stuff up your ass or do you just like butt stuff?
you gotta admit its pretty impressive how much stretching a rectum can do. im really amazed how much shit people can fit up there
I already have toys with flared bases, I just either end up shoving the toy all the way in me, base and all, or using household objects anyway. Merely having an object penetrate me isn't enough, I need it to be fully inside.

I don't really know. I definitely like butt stuff but the sexuality side of it is complicated. It doesn't matter much because I'll never get laid anyway.

Yeah it is kind of impressive when you step back and think about it. I've seen people on the internet go much bigger with no ill effects. There was one video of a guy shoving an entire fully inflated soccer ball up there, I think that video was on Xtube which is lost now though. Biggest I ever managed was a football.
I can't, I've tried. Longest I've ever gone was 3 months. I always cave. I cannot reach orgasm without it and I have a really high libido all the time.
stop being a fucking faggot coward and get a dildo anon its more safe than shoving a whole can of monster up your ass like a deranged faggot
>football inside it
Genuinely curious do you ever have issues with incontinence? Is your asshole permanently loose now? I can't imagine it would ever be tight again if you did this on a regular basis for several years
just get a dildo with some balls or a flared base dumdum
>I got a can on Monster stuck up my ass for ten minutes last night. I couldn't get it out for ten uninterrupted minutes
No you didn't. Like one of those tall ass Monster cans? No you didn't. If you were someone that could get that whole can all the way in your ass then you would also be able to get it back out no problem. Trust me, I've shoved enough things up my own ass, including cans (albeit not a Monster can.. yet..)
You'd be surprised. I used to meet up with a guy who gave massages with happy endings. He used to play with my ass, too. One day he played with my ass for an hour and when he was done he showed me the dildo he used. It put a Monster can to shame.
While that does sound like a lovely "massage," I still don't believe you. I own and use toys that put monster cans to shame lol. Even if you somehow managed to get a Monster can "stuck" in your ass, why not just reach your hand in there and pull it out?
>>football inside it
And btw, ain't no fuckin way. A football is 21" around apparently, that's as big around as your fucking head

Aaand if you go check our slightly out of date resource here


And convert 21" to fucking retarded centimeters, we get 53cm, and ain't no one even coming close to pulling 53cm up their assholes yet

>Genuinely curious do you ever have issues with incontinence? Is your asshole permanently loose now?
But to answer your question, no, no incontinence and not permanently loose, not even the girls who go the most extreme. Shit seems to snap back pretty fast lol. You do get used to bigger things though, but that's different than your asshole actually being looser, if that makes sense
>Genuinely curious do you ever have issues with incontinence?
nope. last time I shit myself was like 3rd grade.
>Is your asshole permanently loose now?
no, it goes back to normal after a period of inactivity, maybe 3 or so hours. if I shove something the size of a football up my ass near midnight my asshole will go back to looking normal by the time I wake up the next morning.
>I can't imagine it would ever be tight again if you did this on a regular basis for several years
nah the asshole is surprisingly elastic, the only way you could make yourself weaker or incontinent is if you injure yourself really bad and cause nerve damage or something.

I got it really, really deep in there. like it went around the curve in my intestines, the problem was that I couldn't get it back out because no amount of pushing could get the edge back around the curve again. My guts were basically getting in the way and trapping it in place.

I already have toys with flared bases, the problem is habitual and not a matter of resources.
I'm not OP. I agree with you, you can take much bigger toys than you think.
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anon you can literally go on the internet and see people (mostly gay dudes) shoving footballs up their asses. here's a gif of one of em shoving a whole soccer ball up there.
>why not just reach your hand in there and pull it out?
you can only fist yourself but so deep
>I got it really, really deep in there. like it went around the curve in my intestines, the problem was that I couldn't get it back out because no amount of pushing could get the edge back around the curve again. My guts were basically getting in the way and trapping it in place.
I just don't see how. See, a fucking Monster can is totally rigid, plus they're like 1.5x as tall as a normal can right? Unless you got one of those even bigger Monsters lol. Either way, it's so fucking rigid that it can't snake its way up your ass the way toys can, it would have to completely straighten your guts out to get up that deep in you, in which case, well, it'd just come right back out, or you could grab it. You would have to take another dildo or something and use that to jam the can wayyyy up another fucking 9"+ inside of you for your guts to even be able to have a bend in them after the can, and I don't even know if that's how that would work or not, honestly

>you can only fist yourself but so deep

Yeah yeah I've seen everything at this point. I'm tempted to try and figure the size of that ball but that's just ridiculous. I imagine it's not a regulation size soccer ball lol. Then you gotta figure how much of it gets squished down and shit.. yeah yeah you get it. Where's the video of him shoving it in?
these marketing threads are getting weird
Ah the miracle of life
Idk how to describe it, I just keep pushing and pushing and pushing until the can was all the way in, and once it was in I kept it there. I could feel I riding further and further inside on its own and when I felt a distinct 'shift' sensation in my guts I tried to push it out and realized I couldn't. when I tried to push my guts were all bunched up in front of the can. I eventually got it out but it took ten minutes of trying
>Where's the video of him shoving it in?
it was on xtube before the purge. all that survives now is that one gif. fuck i miss xtube. there was one video of a guy shoving a watermelon up there. been searching for it for years now.
>>you can only fist yourself but so deep
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Kek, play stupid games win stupid prizes, if you werent successful getting it out it would have easily ended up as an emergency surgery to remove it and a hefty bill. Maybe consider a healthier diet that doesn't include energy drinks.

You've desensitised yourself to this point so logically you can re-sensitise your brain to unfuck yourself so you dont have to take massive health risks to coom. So maybe try to before you end up in the hospital. Engaging in more and more extreme things to get the same sensation is textbook addiction. Anyway, its your asshole do what you want with it.
The obvious advice is to stop doing it, but if thats off the table, I would think switching to something, such as a dildo, that is actually designed for that would be safer and more efficient.
OP can't be left alone with his own asshole. He is a danger to himself.
lvl 80 advanced coomer.
>Engaging in more and more extreme things to get the same sensation is textbook addiction
The point of putting bigger and bigger (or just different) objects up your ass isn't to get the SAME sensation, it's to get a DIFFERENT sensation, you know?

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