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Fembots I'm not gonna lie, I want a smelly neet fembot in her mid-late 20s or 30s and I'm not sure how to get one.

Any tips?
reddit no I am not joking
>t. femoid
Fembots, meaning girls like you with 4chan kinda mindsets, use reddit? Which subs?
I want a chubby femoid with big tits.
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I just want to stay in bed all day, eat pizza, watch netflix, and cuddle my NEET gfs butt
>embots I'm not gonna lie, I want a smelly neet fembot in her mid-late 20s or 30s
they are porn stars and upload videogame unboxings, and anime reviews
why? genuienly, why? i don't understand the smell thing at all, i thought maybe i'd get it after i experienced it but i didn't
It is a virgin fetish.
Because bad smell is something that people avoid showing the public. It implies vulnerability and intimacy, a messiness no one else gets to see.
Reason 2 might be because smelling bad implied a certain "inability" to take care of herself. Making it cute for predators.
Reason 3 could be because submitting yourself to having to withstand something disgusting and furthermore, being aroused by it, is humiliating. And some people get off on that.
Me too its like dating a wild animal its so exciting
>It is a virgin fetish.
has to be, outside of the humiliation thing i can't see how someone who's experienced being intimate with someone that stinks would desire it
there should be like a cat adoption agency, but for female NEETs. then their parents could give them up to be adopted my willing gentlemen who would take them home and keep them as pets.
As a non-virgin, none of these are true. I had a g/f who would skip showering for my benefit. There's no logical reason for it, it just gave me a boner.
>has to be, outside of the humiliation thing i can't see how someone who's experienced being intimate with someone that stinks would desire it
it is glorifying any and all intimacy with a woman.
well then, you're weird. kys. idc.
nta, i could understand it to a degree considering i have a sweat and natural scent fetish. if possible I'd love to date a neet fembot who doesnt use deodorant and shit like that, but actually still showers so its not bad.
It's mostly the third one. A smelly girl is domming you 24/7 and that's hot

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