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they are a hostile, aggressive bunch of people who have the means to establish 1st world security yet decide to wage war with random countries instead.
that would kill my relatives(
why should i care about a bunch of war mongering people? they're honestly evil and i could not give less of a fuck if they all died considering how much damage they've caused to ukraine.
There's no need to kill em they are overdue for another bloody revolution where they start eating each other
>they've caused to ukraine.
i have also relatives there(
they deserve every bit of hatred people feel towards them. war mongering, aggressive people who've killed a bunch of innocent ukrainians for meme reasons. that's honestly fucked up and i would feel so much shame if i was a russian.
dropping atomic bombs is immoral and better yet, too dangerous for all of humanity. I would prefer to not have the entire earth be covered in cancer generating particles
you are extremely shallow
why? they cause so much harm to the world. they should feel deeply ashamed knowing innocent ukrainians have suffered at their lack of moral impetus.
why should other people suffer because of one douchebag nation?
seriously. why should innocent people have to be murdered for russia's existence?
thats fucked up. fuck russia.
everything you say is also true for USA, EU and UK
imagine being russian and feeling any sense of national pride or complacency knowing that your country kills innocent people like it's no big deal. imagine feeling literally no fucking shame.
i dont see those countries invading other nations or slaughtering those nation's civilians. imagine being fucking russian and feeling no shame for how shitty your country is acting.
imagine feeling literally the same but for US or Ukraine or ISRAEL
israel deserves as much shit. russians are fucking evil and they obviously don't give a shit considering they still act like fucking animals. everyone else has to suffer because russia doesn't give a fuck about not being a fucking animal
do you live under a rock?
>what is the vietnam war?
>what is ww2?
>what is the gulf war?
>what is the war in syria or iraq?
>what is waco?
>what is ruby ridge?
>what are PROXY WARS?
show me WHERE MODERN national aggression is happening. at least americans are not literally fucking SLAUGHTERING INNOCENT PEOPLE like a fucking chimp.
Modern russians are complete retards.
At least the ones who are left.
The 2 million with actually skills and knowledge left in 2022 & 2023.
Whataboutism and hardly comparable.
When was the last time a western country annexed another country's sovereign land?
Netanjahu is one of several Putins of the Middle East.
you are not worth explaining to
i doubt you could comprehend beyond what you want to hear
russians are morally defunct people. all they do is cause problems for other people. fuck them. fuck their gay fucking country
Americans and Europeans are morally defunct people. all they do is cause problems for other people. fuck them. fuck their gay fucking country
Russia also has one of the highest domestic abuse and human trafficking rates of all developed countries.
The are essentially the India of "developed countries".
Icelanders are morally defunct people. all they do is cause problems for elves and trolls. fuck them. fuck their gay fucking country
first of all it is one of the countries that nukes back
>knowing that your country kills innocent people like it's no big deal. imagine feeling literally no fucking shame.
So just like the oh so "righteous" west?
You forgot Operation Condor

lol no need to, those nations and regions will be devastated and easily taken advantage of for the next couple of decades, as soon as they stop being profitable for them and regain sovereignty, they will attack them again
>they are a hostile, aggressive bunch of people who have the means to establish 1st world security yet decide to wage war with random countries instead
so America?..
No, Americans are more into brainwashing and indoctrinating kids into LGBT+, BLM, Anti-White, self-hating propaganda, so that they either kill themselves, turn into trannies and sterilise themselves, or don't reproduce. They're much more civilized in their warfare and genocidal tactics.
russians are literally fucking murdering innocent people. gay fucking whataboutism
but everyone has to be subject to their gay evilness
they are causing the biggest problem as of now in the modern world. there is no fucking whataboutism, they are being fucking animals. fuck them
>murdering innocent people
...and then you compare civilian death toll in Iraq to Ukraine...

Still, Russians are really good at killing as much as possible of their own kind during wars
Why dont you people go fight them instead of making shitty threads on the internet ?
why the fuck should other people have to die because of some chimp fucking country
how about russians control aggressive fucking russians? like any fucking non animal
Also the only way you can stop this is by peace talks and end to hostilities. The faster the better.
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Practically the entire world is run by similarly aggressive people.

America invaded the Middle East and killed at least a million people for no reason and bankrupted themselves to do it. They allied with Afghans and Kurds then dropped them like a down syndrome baby and guess what? They allied with Russia after America abandoned them.

Russia is shit. I'm not disagreeing. They justify their war by saying "if America killed Middle Easterners, then we should be able to kill Europeans". Shot themselves in the foot with their failed invasion. You know they had bigger plans to invade Finland and probably Kazakhstan too but are perpetually stuck in Ukraine due to incompetence. Their demographic is dying but they are funneling as many Russians as possible while migrants rape their women (sounds like America eh?).

Ukraine ain't no saint. They were killing Russian kids, blowing up schools, and terrorizing minority populations. They're every bit as stupid and savage as Russians. If they had nukes they'd probably make the Russians look like the good guys.

China isn't any different, though they are more cautious. They eagerly want war but they want the West to get exhausted by the Russian chimpout first, hoping the West will be too preoccupied to interfere in any meaningful way in Asia. They're demographically collapsing like much of East Asia but rather than address that they just want conflict (sounds like Russia and the West eh?)

As for the rest of the world. North Korea, Pakistan, India, Israel, the general Middle East are all shitholes and maniacs full of delusions of territorial conquest.

I hate to give props to niggers and spics but they are the only ones who seem to understand that you don't win modern wars by military means, you win by having a shit ton of kids and migrating all over the world. This probably isn't due to their cognitive ability though, they're just coomers and not smart enough to build real militaries.
russians are literally evil. they deserve as much hatred as possible for causing harm to innocent, weaker civilians. fuck them and their chimp ways
>why shouldnt russia get nuked?
You nuke Russia, you get nuked. Simple as.
Next question.
imagine preying on people who are weaker than you because you think you can get away with it. thats fucked up and evil. russians are fucked up people and deserve to be nuked.
like seriously
if i was russian i would feel sick knowing what i contribute to. fuck russia.
chinese and russians are slaves and serfs
they have no autonomy and no values of their own
they have to do whatever their government tells them to do and can't make any criticism
rather, chinese and russians are more npc than africans and southeast asians
nukes would cause fallout worldwide
guns don't do that
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because none of the things you said are actually true and you fell for the oldest jewish trick in the book
its so easy to control and manipulate 100 iq midwits its unreal
they are literally just fucking evil and don't stop. everyone must suffer for their lack of moral impetus.
see how stupid and messed up that is?
Russia is literally the spiritual successor to the Roman empire and they are God's chosen people.
What your wrote is a perfect example of belonging to a loser people and retardation with lack of knowledge of history. In reality you wouldnt feel shame if you were Russian, you would be proud, even tho this war is run by jews on both sides.
Because it's funny to keep Russia around. The west needs to be kept on its toes by a buncha violent psychotic vodka monkeys and dog-munching Chinamen.
truthful dubs, originally
Putin didn't just invade for no reason. The Ukraine was not only their next door neighbor but also use to be a part of Russia. The west has been tampering and colluding with Ukraine for years to get them to become an ally and maybe even join NATO. This puts Russia's own security at risk because that would mean having a dangerous enemy right next door in the event of a conflict with the west. We don't have a good enough relationship with Russia to be making plays like that in their backyard, and in a lot of ways it was our carelessness and tampering that led to this full scale war, because Russia was content to leave them be as long as they weren't a threat.

This video is 10 years old and Ron Paul already predicted our furthered involvement in the Ukraine leading to disaster.
>also use to be a part of Russia
Part of the USSR, which no longer exists.
>puts Russia's own security at risk
If preemptively attacking theoretical threats is justified then every country has cause to attack Russia now.
>they are a hostile, aggressive bunch of people who have the means to establish 1st world security yet decide to wage war with random countries instead.
So basically just like the USA
>If preemptively attacking theoretical threats is justified then every country has cause to attack Russia now.
This shit is chess buddy, you're thinking checkers. Getting involved with Ukraine was already an act of aggression. You can't just surround someone with your allies and weapons and claim to be friendly.

America has the worst case of main character syndrome because it believes they can just do shit like that.
America doesn't have main character syndrome, it is the main character
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Russian anon here,

The problem with russia is ideological decay. Most of the population are not the traditionalist strong and independent chads like in stereotypes, but rather weak-willed drunkards who never got taught the value and merit of taking control of your life and fighting the power. generation after generation self-selecting for sheep in the populace, with no incetive for any goverment to teach them independence and self-reliance. Anyone who happens to learn how things really are (or stop lying to themsleves) leaves in waves of brain drain.

Under socialism, the govt decided where you lived, what you drank, and what you ate, and what you did. People got addicted to being coddled like children and hate the meritocratic benefits of a free market economy. Everyone except the ruling class should be equally poor, if my neighbor is rich they could not have possibly earned it- they are a spy, a fag, or some other scapegoat.

Honestly a nuke would be a solution, but I'd preffer occupation by a foreign power to make use of russia's natural resources better. I don't think geopolitically anyone would even object.
Russia should just join the European Union. It will have to wait until every Soviet dinosaur is finally gone.
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I am russian and I really don't feel "proud" of my nation being composed entirely of alcoholic weak-willed retards and their slavedrivers. All great russian scientists, writers, etc were prosecuted and sucseeded in immigration or despite of regime's efforts. "The joose" is a retarded scapegoat. The chud western delusion unreal.

It's funny that the libberast-progressive russian stereotype is like a rainbow-headed woman, but I am an able-bodied white russian dude who just seeks to build a family without the threat of the govt yoinking my children to die for it's benefit. I'll take american gay parades and inclusivity over a sword of damocles above my neck any day of the week. It doesn't get more "traditional values chad" than being able to actually enjoy the fruits of my labors without a bald faggot taking them away and endagering me and my family.
Damn, I just realized that in the long term keeping Russia thinking that it's a global superpower is 100% aligned with America's economic interests. The more Russia keeps wasting its meager economy on war the less economic competition the US faces. Same with the two Koreas, if they were allowed to unite in the long term that could have taken a big bite out of the US economy. I would not be surprised if somehow America has managed to neuter every potential major economic rival by pretending to be their enemy but secretly feeding the ego maniac dictators that hamstring their countries/regions.
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Very sad that 4channers are falling for such obvious bait, sure it is infuriating that a person is humanizing an entire nation
OP is laughing his ass off with how many ppl replying and bumping his thread

and yes I had to mass reply to get this message across
>Russoid with Putins dick down his throat thinks people being able to be themselves is the same as marching to your next door neighbours country on a genocidal imperialistic campaign.

The best of you died in WWII and unfortunately all we're left with are low IQ rapist Russian apes
Same with China, goes without saying... A Japan/South Korea/Taiwan tier China would have been a death knell... A communist dictatorship is unironically the best thing that could have happened for America.
Now it's too late, no matter what China does their population collapse is locked in
I can't believe you wrote all this out thinking it was some profound piece of information that needed to be shared with the world while being completely wrong about everything. This is pure unadulterated 4chan brain
>Be Ukraine
>Want to become a prosperous nation and open up trade with the US and the EU
>Russia doesn't like so invades

Fucking hilarious the hoops Russoids will jump through to try and justify their invasion. Two far more capable nations (Sweden and Finland) are now joining NATO because Russia has proven to be led by warmongering apes, your reasoning is retarded.
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They're spiteful rat-like people. You nuke them and then it's 1000 years of dealing with their bullshit. You'd have to make sure every last Russky was vaporized. Better to let them fight each other and start pointless wars with their neighbors over worthless tracts of land.
I think that Russia should be nuked, because it would be funny. (I live in northern Quebec and would not be affected by the results.)
I can report people for same-fagging, right?

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