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My tiktok is flooded with reddit stories of women cheating on their partners. How the fuck can women be so disgusting and cruel? I just finish hearing a story of a wife cheating on husband with his stepbrother. Like what the fuck is wrong with women. They have the audacity to sit their with their fucking lies and act as if nothing ever happened. The levels of perversion and evil required to do is fucking disgusting. Also where are all the male cheaters? It's like these whores do it more often than us men

Women say there's good girls out there, but I bet that just part of the kink. They get off in fooling men and cheating on them. Fucking disgusting
Stop drinking, retard. Men cheat more than women in almost every single age group. And the longer and more committed the relationship, the more likely it is a man cheats. You are literally being fed rage bait by a Chinese algorithm designed to keep you enthralled. And somehow youre too stupid to see that.
>feminist thinks the average male has tons of leg opening up as he walks down the street
The fact that he doesnt makes male cheating so much worse.

Youre literally saying a woman in a relationship has dramatically more opportunities to cheat than a man, yet she passes on those opportunities. Meanwhile a man in a relationship gets one opportunity in a blue moon and he jumps on it.

Digging your own grave.
winners in a rigged game will consider the game fair as long as they keep winning :^)
Hi OP what country are you from and how old are you. Most r*dditors are creative writers and / or psychopaths.
women are attracted to dark triad personality traits. maybe men cheat more because women choose the ones who cheat for their relationships.
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Lurking reddit is a bigger blackpill than anything you'll see on here, place is grim. The fact that male redditcucks can be there on a daily basis without roping says a lot about the masochistic tendencies of male feminists. Pretty sure there's a few chads on there as well, probably laughing their asses off at the circus they know they're partaking in.

Go into dating threads and you can more or less piece together a detailed timeline illustrating a young bright-eyed stacy's decent into jaded hag.
Statistically impossible argument. And even if it was true, it would still mean men are by far more cruel in their relationships than women.
Is this actually how you think? Are you so persuaded by your internet machines that you cling to obviously damaging and untrue worldviews just to be angrier?
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>women crowd around chad
>chad sleeps around
>>male sex-havers cheat more than women do you stupid moids!
Get bent. Women don't even care about the cheating, they know he sleeps around, they're mad they aren't his number 1.
>select for men capable and willing to commit cruelty towards other men
>get a man that is capable and willing to commit cruelty towards you
funny how that works innit.

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