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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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Tell, me. Literally, why?
go back lelele
Which rule of the internet was it where it was like, "if you enjoy competitor websites, dont"?
for me, it's the sheer amounts of ragebait- Just scroll through r/all for 5 minutes to see what I mean. All the good small subs were ruined after the api protests.
Everytime I scroll reddit and see the kinds of degenerate, moronic, insane posts upvoted to the front page it makes me to want to commit mass genocide on a bunch of redditor scum with extreme wrath and anger
The only thing good about Reddit is the whores that post on r/gonewild
>Why do /r9k/ hate R*ddit so much?
I hate ESLs who can't construct a proper sentence even more.
Other than that it's a dumpster fire, it's full of soys and women. You can't even say gay on there
Elites prosecuted The original creater until he killed himself. It's been a reductive, censorious, elitist shithole ever since with no room for discussion or dissent or creativity. The reason it exists is because Google has actually degraded in the same way even faster and its search engine no longer functions as a tool to query information without appending "reddit" to the query. Reddit's current existence is just the failure of google to run a useful search bar anymore.
Reddit is a prog insabe asylum that cant even tolerate centrist opinions
Nobody likes reddit due to the karma social credit system and overzealous all powerful mods
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>Can't tell a controversial opinion without being downvoted to hell
>You can't hide post history so you have to make different acc for each subreddit
the fact you literally can't use the site until you've farmed karma in the newfag ghetto
their fake niceness
their conformity and hostility to different perspectives
the way they lie and pretend to be open minded and liberal
their conceited smugness which is dervied entirely from a reputation on a shitty website
the fact they don't go back>>78027784
gonewild isn't even good anymore, now it's all onlyfans shilling
back in the day it used to be whores who did it just for the love of the game o7
For a sec I thought it was about people go living innawoods uncle Ted style.
I dislike Reddit because the functions of the website itself (upvotes and downvotes) actively encourage echo chambers because the retards that use the website are braindead and think of them as "like and dislike", and if you have an opinion or just say something that people don't like you can be buried and suppressed from being able to comment on certain places and are restricted from posting.

People will become hateful and violent over anyone who doesn't fit into the norm on Reddit (ie anyone who isn't a vocal leftist) and act almost like cultists with how fervently angry and even violent they get over dissenting opinions. Redditors seem to have a mindset of "if they aren't with us, they're against us", and their worldview is so warped that they believe at any moment someone is going to break down their door with a gun and say "HEIL TRUMP HEIL OUR PEOPLE HEIL VICTORY!" Despite how much they claim to be open-minded they also actively shit on and stereotype people that don't hold their beliefs.

Any subreddit for alternative thought is nuked. Also shadowbans are retarded and annoying. The website itself is complete shit and to even comfortably use it at all you have to use the old website, which is bloated to hell and doesn't work half the time. Also faggot "Snoovatar" avatars which are basically like NFTs for Redditors make the site look even worse and more retarded. I'm pretty sure most of the website is just bots.

Most of the "good" subreddits are dedicated to hobbies or music, and even then they are often still shit.
Gonewild is one of the few subs that doesn't allow OF shilling
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just hate normy bullshit in general, and r*dditors are like turbo "virtue signallers", anything that goes even slightly against the mainstream gets le downbooted while the most cringe cookie cutter "opinions" get updooted, no original thought allowed and I'm not even sure what the fuck they are "offended" about half the time

it is not that bad if you find a subreddit where only nerds who genuinely give a shit about a topic would ever go to, but otherwise it is cringe

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