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>Stacy do some anti men shit, fucks chads, act cunty
>This hurts feelings of many men, because only stacies are visible to them
>see random average, non stacy fembot on 4chan, with probably shit life
>You fucking whore!! YOU'RE doing this to men!! How fucking dare you! Alright, guess what, I'm becoming redpilled incel, fuck you roastie this is what you wanted! God I hate subhuman foids!

When will men be honest with themselves and accept the fact that they are all stacy only and that average women aren't visible to them?
Or even better question when will they finally stop attacking us for shit only stacies do? Go attack your favourite stacy instead, moron.
Shitty bait you can do better
I'll take the bait.
Tinder study 2019
Men like 61.9% of female profiles, women like only 4.5% of male profiles
There are millions of other studies that corroborate this, but most men know this to be true intuitively.
>Average man post how chads are ruining his dating market and how women only cares about chads
Omg so relatable king!
>Average woman post how stacies are ruining her dating life and how men only care about stacies
This is le bait and I'm going to ignore actual problem!
Oh my fucking god....
>Tinder study 2019
Stopped reading here. Only stacies own tinder.
>Only stacies own tinder.
my god, so women can be even *uglier*?
Woman hate is indeed childish. Fembots and Stacies both deserve worship
Reminder OP opens threads like this so he can feel more feminine
>my god, so women can be even *uglier*?
It's not like you can know that since average women are ugly and invisible to you. You think top tier of Stacy lite is ugly. Kek.
Try to tell this to men here.
I'm not a man. I'm just tired of men attacking me for things stacies do. Not my fault average women are invisible to you.
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feck it, let's bite some bait
>>Not my fault average women are invisible to you.
>call yourselves femcels even though you aren't incels
>use reversed incel arguments that don't make any sense
Please, search your ssri-addled head and fish out a single original idea for once in your fucking life.
lmao i just realized this is incel rhetoric but "chad" is replaced by "stacy"
They'll start doing that when femcels stop acting like mentally ill cunts (they won't)
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no they arent
if that were true we wouldnt be in the situation we are in now
simple as, you are just stupid or lying, so which is it?
women are the biggest incels of all
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I know right, this retard isn't even subtle with the bait, that's what sage is for
There's a phenomenon going on right now where manhating stacies and radfems claim to speak on behalf of all women, e.g, all women have experienced X, all women think of men as Y, which plays so perfectly into the victimhood metagame of the West that both men and women get silenced if they speak out against it.
I damn agreee thank you Kona

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