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this is the second time this fucking account has stolen a post i've written here. i want my fucking reparations. i remember this shit only got like 12 replies.

to "@tulapilled" since I know you're reading this:

FUCK YOU FAGGOT! you could never match my wit and shitposting prose which is why you have to lurk here like a fucking faggot stealing other people's intellectual property. FUCK YOU. how does it feel knowing your salary comes from MY work? I hope the twitter blue engagement pennies were worth it, FAGGOT. post this one to twitter pussy.
how much jewish shekel do you earn from twitterposting? make sense then
I saw this post in the catalog
At least greentext resharers curate more notable posts. Almost everything you dipshits post is severely retarded and normally themed around cuckoldry, interracial sex, no gf, or whatever dumb faggot shit you force me to read every day. I would not be able to put up with your bullshit if I wasn't severely brain damaged from being on this website for so long
im posting this thread on twitter
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>how does it feel knowing your salary comes from MY work?
9 dollars....
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>to "@tulapilled" since I know you're reading this:

>FUCK YOU FAGGOT! you could never match my wit and shitposting prose which is why you have to lurk here like a fucking faggot stealing other people's intellectual property. FUCK YOU. how does it feel knowing your salary comes from MY work? I hope the twitter blue engagement pennies were worth it, FAGGOT. post this one to twitter pussy.
this is what we get for spreading our culture
dont like it? dont post at all
Remember to always add words like NIGGER and FAGGOT in the op every time you make a post so people can't stole it since the screenshot would be banned on other social media
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One of my greentext got sorta popular and it was incredibly disheartening seeing a 5 second shitpost I've made get seen by thousand times more people that ALL of my art I put work into COMBINED.
That guy is enjoying a burger with our sweat, blood and tears.

His head will roll.
Elon is a clown and X inflates views way too much, partly out of the desperate need for advertisers.
I hope you win your court battle op.
intellectual property is stupid and should not exist
you spelled @tulpapilled wrong...
I got a youtube video made on my post, when it was just really a condensation of posts from /fit/ and /pol/

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