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How will you cope when someday this will be your reality?
we all die alone and scared and such is life
I don't find it difficult to accept
>>78028034 https://youtube.com/shorts/FSD3gFaSyMQ
>and scared
Lol. No.
It's always been my reality and I'm used to being alone. Why would it be any different 60 years from now?
i used to worry about it, but with each passing year nothing really changes
>how will you cope?
By being happy that it's finally over. No more obsessing over height, jaw line, social status. No more black pills, purple pills, and rainbow stacks. No more abstract and literal dick measuring contests that preoccupy the human condition. No more ooga booga and no more validation starving and farming. No more Chads, no more Stacys, no more normies or robots. Just sweet relief from this boring hell hole
Fucking this.
Why would I care about the last moments when I've been alone my entire life?

And I don't cope, I just deal with the pain and pray that tomorrow I will be able to have the strength to end my suffering.
wtf senko will become real and serve me tea? YESSS
I have made my peace with it
easy when I look at the stupid ass normgroids who have a partner and genetic legacy and want to take their own lives already
not my fault not my problem, cunts coulda chose to live happy with me, but they wanted to get passed around between chad and tyrone
But what if on judgement day you're sent to burn in hell for all of eternity, did you at least enjoy your life on earth before being sent to a place of constant endless agony? Or will you forever be banished with an existence that you never experienced joy and you never will?
Knowing it's becoming common. Also this bomb ass song.
Anyone can torture themselves with what ifs. However, I suspect you're just another disingenuous negativity gollum. Another creature I won't miss after dying
Schizoid here, I don't see the issue.
We all die alone.

Even if someone dies at the exact same moment as you. You don't cross over with another. You cross over alone.

This assumption could be wrong, but as far as we can know about death (not much on this side of it), that's how it works.
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I'm do looking to take out a lot of people in my life. A lot of trash have been "friends" with me so i don't really mind having that ending, it's like really looking for that kind of things.

Don't ever be looked down or getting emotionally abused from someone you called "friend".
>will be
It is my reality though? And I don't care.
Dying alone is small shit, it's having to live your entire life alone that sucks.
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What's funny is there's anons on here that really think some movie miracle is going to happen to them and they aren't going to die alone. It's no wonder suicide is so common these days when people can't accept they were born with losing cards.
If you will burn in hell forever, 80 years of enjoyment is nothing
Everyone dies alone, anon.
It's not like the family at your bedside can follow you into the dark.
This already is my reality and I had a small cope cycle which I have broken out of and am just chillin
Its going to be a long 60 years ahead of me

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