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You people are unironically demented. Modernity fucked ya'll up good
no onions demente. onions de chequelete
I need help. Are you just going to sit up there on your high horse? Please I have nothing in my life
Stop reading garbage on the internet meant to isolate and depress you. Stop the programmed insecurities. Literally touch grass
don't blame modernity blame my parents
i go outside all the time but it makes no difference because there is a barrier between me and the rest of the world i simply cannot penetrate
i can't connect with anyone because i just don't know how and the more time passes the worse it gets
i've always been isolated because my parents, that is the people who are supposed to teach me intimacy, were cold, distant, and indifferent towards me which lead to me existing within an internal world and simply fulfilling the necessary criteria in the real one
however after school there is no longer a simple checklist of things to do and exams to pass so i was prepared for a world which plainly doesn't exist
i blame obama
fuck obama
he didnt care
I don't believe anything I read, I don't believe in anything
Anon, if I get you right; You hate yourself, because you see yourself as being worthless, and you didn't get the intimacy you needed as child to believe yourself to have inherent worth. I will start out by telling you, that your problem is internal, and no amount of external validation will truely quench the thirst of your internal problem. However, that lack of worth is not inherent to you as a person. There exist all sorts of possible ways you can be. Believe me when I say your suffering is neither unique or sinful, and many have found their own worth along the way. Love yourself, you understand everything about you, so you have the capacity to forgive yourself.
no my problem is external because a person creates their barometer of the world during childhood and when it's calibrated to "not good enough" as the highest setting nothing you ever do is good enough
i could get straight as and be told "exams used to be harder"; i could express interest in a subject or artist and be told "that's a gay waste of time"; i could do unpaid labour all weekend or have my money stolen and be told "we raised you for n years"
i can step back and say that, objectively, i am decent looking, i am moderately affluent, i speak well, i carry myself well, i'm well educated, i'm decently fit, and by most metrics i'm at least above average and yet i feel nothing but inadequate in all areas because all i have ever been taught is that it's never good enough
this is why i share none of my opinions or thoughts on any subjective topic - they are inexorably inadequate
i, by default, defer to anyone and everyone about everything even people i don't actually respect or think know better than me because i have no self respect or esteem
interalised concepts are not so easily shaken particularly when the world continues to reinforce them because it benefits it
the only remedy to this would be being told that i am not inadequate from people i respect and pithless banalities like
>yuo jus need 2 luv urself
are even more wretched than i am
I will start up by saying, I recognize the initial reason for why your lack of self worth has come about. Your childhood experience has been the spark for this issue of yours. You have created this entity in your mind, that constantly asks for higher and unreasonable expectations.
>You can do better == therefore you must!
You believe that getting closer to this, what I would consider pathological and sadist, ideal will get you that worth you desire. Believing getting the praise by your peers, rivals, and idols that you adore will finally make you not feel inadequate. However realize the meaning behind those words, and the process. You believe doing X will make your mind change to Y, which is a roundabout method that you cannot even be sure will give you the results you want. Rather than just get Y to begin with. Love yourself.
>dude just stop bro it's that easy bro just be happy
retard gorilla nigger
I know it is hard to change your perspective, but I hope that this thought will be a seed to a change in a few years
if you actually think
>dude just love yourself :)
is either a new concept to anyone or something they never contemplated before then you're a colossally self absorbed asshole
No, but I felt that it was perfectly apt thing to respond. I don't believe something has to be new and shiny, for it to have value. Still, if this comes from a place of hurt, I am sorry and I hope you'll get what you are searching for

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