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I kind of want a woman to hit me and be mean to me. Not in a smug, superior way, but in more of an angry and vulnerable way.
why, so you can feel justified in hitting her back? just hit her first to show her who's the boss
No, I don't want to hit her back. It just makes me feel nice when a woman is willing to be so open and real and animalistic. She still has to apologize to me afterwards though or else I'd start to feel disrespected.
My bf lets me hit him when im angry its a good stress reliever, and i never actually hurt him
I had a fembot beat the shit out of me and rape me, and then have an emotional breakdown afterwards sobbing about it
I would prefer a healthy relationship dynamic characterized by the absence of interpersonal abuse, personally speaking
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Sounds cool. I'm glad you don't leave him with any bruises lol

Cute. I hope she held close while she cried

There's nothing necessarily abusive about it. You're just communicating your feelings through physical touch. Physical touch is my love language so thats how I like feelings to be communicated.
what a faggot originanolly

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