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Pic related (6'6, 435lbs) will arrive at your current location in three minutes and attempt to kill you with her bare hands. Would you be able to defend yourself with what you have nearby? You cannot run in this scenario.
I'd kill myself before she gets the chance
>defend yourself with what you have nearby
>be in my room
>I have a machete, several knives, a weighted bat, and my barbell
so, knock out and knock up
>dumb knifebro thinks he can beat the Bloatmaxxed Shithouse Waifu
She's had to deal with at least a hundred of you fags over the past year
double yawn.
women are soft, even the roidedest bodybuilder gets mogged by a teenager. make a better scenario
I'd get my Springfield.
i have a penis i rape her she become my bitch wife
I'm a fat fuck too so we can sumo wrestle rape each other
I have a 12 gauge shotty in the next room
Her vagina muscles will pop your willy like a balloon
I have an AR in my closet

you should 360 no-scope her
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i have a pretty good physique and visible abs and exactly 1 pair of sexy boxer briefs I got off of aliexpress.

going all in on seduction and begging her to just have her way with me, perchance i can get a good roll on charisma
>bike pump
>long foldable LED lamp
>metal cup (roughly the size of a stanley cup)
depends on her fighting style I guess. semi weighty metal objects can do a number, yeah? but she might have a way to deal with it
I haven't wanted to rape a woman as much as I do now for at least a few years
you could inflate her with the bike pump
I'd prefer the other way around

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