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Women in my family do non direct sexsual stuff with eachother.
For example my older sister sometimes hump my younger, touch her tights and say mentally ill shit like "I wish I can have a dick to fuck you" and other shit and they both laugh
My mother sometimes show them her own fucking ass and they all just..laugh
Don't even get me started on boob showing and competing on eachothers body.
Me and father, of course, aren't part of this.
I feel like if me and father acted like this, shit ain't end up good

So my question is, are all women like this with eachother? Just sexsualy open but not having sex?
Why is this okay for women but not for men?
I'm not even a fag neither it have to be other male.
Or is it just women in my family? Why are they acting like this?
I already know you're going to scream bait at me but idc as long as at least one anon answer me.
It's not the most normal thing I've read
ls your mom hot? none of this is normal btw
become a tranny and try to get in the "jokes"
if they refuse call them transphobic
but fr tho weird af crazy bitches
Well, of course its not. My older sister is so fucking weird towards my younger sis.
Yesterday she was massaging her thighs and told her "you're a big black cock slut"
And "if you had a dick, I would let you fuck me".
She isn't lesbian she had boyfriends before.
She isn't even acting like this towards our mom just younger sis.
I feel like it's mother who ruined her.
When she was 16, trying on a new bikini my mother told her "you're so fucking hot you're turning me on".
But honestly she is taking it to new level, being even worser than mom.
Younger sis isn't like this.
She just sometimes grab olders boobs and say things like "they are so big."
And in case you wonder, father is completely normal. Never abused us or made any of these "jokes".
Aside from this shit we are completely normal white family.
I guess. She's good looking for a 46yo. Guys still hit on her sometimes.
I don't think they will ever do this with me when if I transitioned
>but fr tho weird af crazy bitches
I sometimes wonder what is causing this
a good number of girls are into the taboo aspect of incest. bi curious girls are not excluded.
throughout my primary school,hs and even now at uni i stumbled upon girls that openly talk about how they'd fuck other girls all day long if they had a cock.
hell,my "completely normal" sis used to watch step brother porn on my laptop and sometimes forget to delete the history so i set it to auto delete after each session because i personally find it disgusting. glad my gf is normal lol
Anything they can do to undermine your value and increase their preception of desirability. You aren't good enough. Only women are desirable. The pussy makes all the rules. Women are something you desire and can't have. They are highly esteemed. You are like a hobo beggar. You give everyone the ick.

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