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File: JpObGirl.webm (3.04 MB, 1138x640)
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Well well well, it seems fembot has fallen into our little trap...
I am so miserable working rn I feel like throwing up thinking about my next shift that is 2 full days away, I would take this over that as long as I got some money for it and everyone was white or east asian
>white or east asian
Is Indian close enough?
carry on....

completely original post
No? Indian men are the worst men
What the fuck kind of job are you doing that's this existentially terrifying? Are you one of those crime scene cleaners who scoops up splattered suicide victims' brains or something?
punch her in the kidneys until she pisses blood
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It's over for me, frens
Food service but I feel extremely anxious working any job, the closest I have gotten to being ok was retail at a clothing store but it was seasonal
What is it? A shocker?
The collective size of all their penises added together. I don't know if she'll be able to handle it
File: JpObGirl2.webm (2.68 MB, 1138x640)
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Nah just like a thingy
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I think it would be worth like 500 to get to use a girl like this, depending on her cuteness and if she'll really put in good effort
I think it's from Japan

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