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took 40mg of valium, feeling nothing except a little tiredness and a slight drunkenness

how much am i supposed to take to feel any sort of high?

guess im going to take a few drinks but being drunk is lame on your own. i dont feel the benefits from alcohol either. its just slobbering around. its only useful in social settings
With no tolerance? That's a pretty high dose.
How much you enjoy it is basically down to your personality, people with certain types of anxiety get huge recreational value since they basically get cognitive euphoria from being released from their stresses, not for everyone. Know a friend that loves it, just made me feel like a retard and sleep well so I don't do it.
yeah i did 20mg 3 days ago, felt absolutely nothing. now did 40, and it getting increasingly apparent that this isnt a recreational drug for me. i wonder if i should just day fuck it and go for 80mg. i like experimenting and being in different mental states

but honestly i only tried it because i found it in the med stash at home. oh well
I mean, if you don't mix it with depressants like opioids or alcohol (weed doesn't count, mixes FINE) it's pretty fucking hard to die of an overdose, like way harder than you'd think. Best case scenario you get put in a dreamlike state, chances are it'll just knock you out but you'll get a phenomenal night's sleep
For me they aren't recreational at all
It just makes me sleepy that's it
you're taking valium retard not cocaine of course you don't feel high
are you a kid raiding your mom's cabinet or something? ffs at least google drugs before you do them
>the only thing that counts as high are very strong stimulants
Holy shit your dopamine receptors are actually fucked
yrah exactly, raided the cabinet and thought i hit the jackpot because i vaguely recognized the suffix for benzos. i imagined they give this dream like vibe which i always thought would be co to witness

now im just pissed because thought i d feel at least SOMETHING

if i got into cocaine or speed that would realistically be the end of me
How much do you weigh? That's like 20 times more than a normal sized person should need to take to feel good.
>feeling sleepy and a bit drowsy is a high
type of person who does benadryl because it's something to do
it's literally a drug every other woman was on all day in the usa for decades before ssris
they called it "mommy's little helper" like were you expecting acid?
cool to witness*

according to reddit sub about it people do report a high around this dose and someone even favour it for recreational purposes. hence the point of making this thread.
if at least i feel sedated i wouldnt start the effort into creating a thread. again im just annoyed i dont feel anything

cigarettes mog honestly. i think ill start smoking again once i stop grinding sports
redditors are retarded and a useless source for anything contraband
cigarettes are goated fr as fun as other stuff is nothing can quite compare to a good smoke
Actual reality is you're benzod as fuck and just too stupid to know it. You're literally making spelling mistakes and wanting to buy booze.
is valium stronger than klonopin? cause i used to took copious amounts of klonopin to no effect.
one time i ended on the hospital because of a huge panic attack that lasted 3 hours and they gave me a benzo, idk which one was, but it put me to sleep in minutes

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