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File: trap huge cock.jpg (145 KB, 1225x1947)
145 KB
145 KB JPG
You shouldn't be allowed to become a trap when your cock is horsecock-tier.
they would make for an a-tier girl on ts pornstar.
what if my cock is 4.5 inches hard?
SSSniperWolf is a tranny I guess
Id become her bitch in an instant
you'd get topped by a feminine man with a slightly bigger cock (me)
also your username made me laugh
C..Can I send you a picture of my pink butthole?
ehm why laugh!!!?
I think is big enough mine
good thing this image is edited (obviously)
fuck....i... should probably refuse i am still straight in theory
not in a bad way, like... i found it funny... a very girly guy with a nice cock with the name "HybridHuman"
who said I al girly eheh
troon bodies are always so unfortunate. his face looks passable, the tits are realistic, but there's always that wide fat male gut with nonexistent waist.
i'm curious tho... if/what did you use to bleach your asshole? i used the Intimate Lightening Serum from dermalmd and it worked but i needed like 2 weeks of daily use
All big dick havers should be forcefully feminized to give incels a chance.
I want to pull his foreskin back and take a nice whiff of that cock musk. Any other straight guys with a cock fetish?
>when your cock is horsecock-tier.
6.5" is nowhere near a horse's dick size, fucking idiot homosexual

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