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Is "breaking" a mentally vulnerable girl a valid strategy to make her completely docile and dependant and attached to me?
Any foids mind chiming in?
dont do that, its mean
get into ddlg instead and be her daddy so shes dependent on you
its a very good strategy desu, she'll be yours forever just re assure her and bend her into your will. Make her an extension of you, make her think like you do ect but do that only once you've made her feel comfy and safe
a valid strategy is to tie her up in your basement and only give her drugs and only let her orgasm when you are allowing her to. Then brainwash the bitch with the drugs and mk-ultra type films and boom you got an obedient little cum whore all for you own.
dont do this. broken + dependent = bpd. shell leave you or kill herself

hard agree with >>78029011 . get her into DDLG but dont let her realise what youre doing. tell her you like to be called Daddy and start calling her baby. naturally, she'll think youre nurturing and will depend on you.

- im a foid
This sound like an actual good advice. What if she calls you daddy on her own how should I react?
this is the way. or find an already codependent neet girl

t. foid in ddlg relationship and i cant do anything without him

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