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If I can't keep somebody to myself then why should I bother participating in society?
would you date a fatty or a single mom?
just move back to chinkland. no need to spam interracial porn all day
We've improved 666,666 Indian brides for war, and we've been delivering them to angry incels for their dedication in a simulated matrix of discovery
The ancient texts reveals your answer, but I'll not help you more than that. If you're really interested, find out for yourself.
You shouldn't, do us all a favor and end yourself so nobody has to deal with your stupid shit
In times of madness look for the mad man. For you, a time of madness is surreal, frightening, unusual, and perilous. For the Mad Man, it is Tuesday.
File: bushmaster.png (2.09 MB, 2048x1536)
2.09 MB
2.09 MB PNG
kim spotted, mandatory smiggles mention
Anyone else remember that old RPG maker or flash game with Cho where you'd go around shooting people to music with the lyrics "You dont wanna fuck wit me. Kekeke bitch kekeke"

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