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>one solitary chance at life
>inherited a skin condition from one side of the family
>the skin over large swathes of my body breaks out in red patches that produce white, flaky skin
>started in my teens, only got worse as I got older
>my legs and back consist almost entirely of these patches, arms have a ton too
>can't wear anything that shows any amount of skin without getting stares
>hair issues caused by patches breaking out on the scalp (there's a visible line running my forehead where the scalp issues begin)
>have to grow my hair out to a long length purely so those patches aren't visible
>all of these patches itch constantly
>everything i own is covered in a visible layer of dead skin, no matter how often i clean myself or those objects
>absolutely nothing my country's shitty socialized healthcare offers can do anything about it, because they don't deem it to be "severe enough"

Just remember anons, if you think your issues are bad, they could always be worse. Unless you're terminally ill.
Well I have chronic seb derm, chronic constipation, severe seasonal allergies and even more severe allergies to food, not to mention asthma, fallen arches, obesity (5' 6" and 180 lbs) and I am effectively a 3/10.

Anon, shut the fuck up and bite the bullet, no good in being a whiny little shit. Maybe you will get stage 3 cancer, then that will be terminal illness, but until you have cancer quit being a LARPing niggerfaggot.
>he believes in the genetic theory of disease transmission
Couldn't be me
ur a fag kys
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Its. okay. I was born with hidradrentis suppervita. Sweat pores get filled with dirt and dead skin and pus and swell up in pits, crotch, and back. High school was terrible because I would take showers but end up stinking by the end of the school day. Took years before I finally gog diagnosed and found some soap.

Because of this i honestly don't see myself finding someone who could overlook it. And from my own research and pamphlets at the dermatologist there is no cure, And it seems the only thing I have to look forward to is the bumps becoming larger and larger until I hit stage 3 and end up with baseball sized bumps all over my body. I'm at Stage 2.

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