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I've been experiencing an intermittent pain in my balls for a while now. It really hurts and it's kind of annoying.
But I stopped freaking out about it when I remembered that I would never have a chance to build a family. So, worst case scenario, it's either cancer or infertility, neither of which mean anything to me.
I wish it mattered to me. I wish I cared. But I really don't give a single fuck if I die or not.
>intermittent pain in my balls
lol same, and it's always the same ball
my right nut likes to contort in the shower and my left nut has slipped up into my body (once)
Your body is trying to transition.
May I take a close look at your balls, anony? Perhaps I can help.
>May I take a close look at your balls, anony? Perhaps I can help.
only if you are a biological woman and have marital intensions.
No it's from my douchebag former friend kneeing me in the balls when we were wrestling
sorry anon someone slipped a pipebomb in your balls while you were sleeping, I'll come to your funeral

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