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The Indian centuries are upon us. Now is the time of Indian rising to become world superpower. The future it will not be America or Russia it will be India and China who are the globe leaders.
Wonderful. Sociopathic chinks and retarded jeets.
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>Vast majority of internet now consists of barely literate third world subhumans including america which is now a third world shithole itself
No wonder the internet is an abyssal hellscape nowadays.
Racism losers follow your leader and die racism is breaking the rules.
huge amount of projection. follow your leader lol
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shitjeets are going to all die in another plague
I love rats rats are gigabased. Misunderstood by society, doesn't give fuck and messes with it. Incels should follow the ways of the rat
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KEK that poo battle.
Indian immune system is so strong you cannot imagine it. Dung is not harmful to an Indian it heals them and makes thriving. When more covid come it will only the Indian will be left alive.
Love this one it gets often posted on /gif/
there are 20,000,000,000,000,000 ants in the world
there are 8,118,904,030 humans in the world
yet humans are dominant over ants
imagine if we gave ants social media and taught them to use 4chan
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Chinks can't speak english and indians are illiterate, now we just need to get rid of the americans and the internet will shine once again
>overwhelming us dominance during "shining"
>somehow americans are the problem
yeah bro i'm sure brazilians, nigerians, and russians will be great company
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ah I yes, the poojeet will survive off European and American shit just as the cockroach does

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