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Why do blackcels all have the same haircut
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They're like lions, if they let it grow.
Lions don't have pubes on their head. If you don't believe me go look at one up close.
But you're as afraid of blacks as you are of lions.
No thanks im going to enjoy my nice bushy hair while you recede in your 20s as your kind does

Because its the black equivalent of a caesar cut, this guy never goes to the barbershop ever
we be fuckin all yalls bitches tho
I had a friend like this in middle school and he lived in the projects and played a bunch of Smash. He had
5 sisters, all from different dads and he always claimed his dad was actually Japanese and worked at Nintendo. He stole a bunch of my games so that he could trade them in to GameStop and I let that slide for like a a year because I was from a well off family and had white guilt and stupid shit like that.
Then he stole $100 from my mom's purse and I had to drop him after that.
He taught me a valuable lesson.
>He taught me a valuable lesson.
Not to trust impoverished people from the projects?
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Something like that. Maybe more specific than 'impoverished people'.
White boi cope for looking like a mouse
Black BVLLs own you

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