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I can no longer get hard ever since I have met this girl. She is nice and sweet and tells me that she likes me. I should get rock hard but instead my dick stays mostly soft. Even the usual doujinshi I read that make me rock hard don't do it for me anymore. What the fuck is wrong with me.
stop jacking off, stop looking at porn or anything suggestive
eat proper food
drink lots of water
work out
get some sunlight
take cold showers
also something something women lower testosterone in men when men get into close relationships
>stop jacking off stop looking at porn or anything suggestive
Haven't cumed in 5 days, not looking at suggestive things is hard, especially when she sends me nice pics.
>eat proper food
I am on a diet since 2 months and only eat fresh food I cook myself. I also take vitamins every single day.
>drink lots of water
I do.
>work out
Maybe I should do this, but I mostly get exhausted from it. You mean it will boost my testosterone right?
>get some sunlight
I went outside today to a river, it was nice.
>take cold showers
No they are very unpleasant, why the should they help me?
>also something something women lower testosterone in men when men get into close relationships
It is only online so far. LDR.
Hate to self bump my thread but I could really need some help.
>Maybe I should do this, but I mostly get exhausted from it. You mean it will boost my testosterone right?
we were never meant to live a sedentary lifestyle like this
we don't have to run around hunting animals anymore, but our bodies still think we do
exercise is very important, I usually go on bike rides for at least a few hours, it doesn't feel like a drag like going to a gym, or take very long walks, anything to push yourself and your muscles, sweat, increase heart rate
jacking off feels better afterwards, though I do try to space them out to every few days
cold showers are kind of a meme desu, there was a /fit/ meme that putting your balls in ice increases testosterone (don't do that)
though cold showers are actually good and beneficial for muscles after workouts, and you don't have to do it completely ice cold, just lower the water temperature to where you feel comfortable and build up tolerance from there
you're doing good on the other fronts, guessing from your posts you probably never did any physical sports or work out and that's ok, but doing anything physical is important
good luck on your relationship
Thank you for your post. Yes I mostly life a very sedentary lifestyle, but I did light weight lifting a few years ago.
The thing is she really makes me feel special, I have no idea what she sees in someone like me. I have used jacking off as an instrument to repress my feelings for many years by now, so when I talk to her I just feel happy and so many of the bottled up emotions I have come out but this time I have a positive receive for this emotions and don't have to keep them to myself. I really fear so much that she will ghost me one day.
This is completely normal. Your body and mind are "saving it" for real action. It's to motivate you to go out and reproduce.
Are you sure but why do so many sex havers still watch porn then?
The thing I fear the most is that I will see her one day irl and can't get it up when I have her infront of me.

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