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how will the knowledge of jesus christ help me in a street fight?
Jesus Christ supports the 2nd Amendment and advocated men carrying arms which at the time were swords.
jesus will tell you to let yourself get beat up and then just turn the other cheek
>Jesus Christ supports the 2nd Amendment and advocated men carrying arms which at the time were swords.
stfu retard jesus only supports dying like a bitch
By getting you anally destroyed.

Eh the bible blah blah someone said it here you go
Why would you want to fight? To continue living? If you believe in yeshua then you'll be ready for heaven. No need for fighting
His name was written in Greek, Jesus not this "yeshua".
Wouldn't take advice from a guy who lost to a nail gun
so I don't get dominated and look like a bitch to my family and friends?
streetfighting is all about who gets hit in the nuts first
btw this is an 18+ board, only underage make this kind of thread
That's why you always wear a cup with spikes pointing outwards
Dude didn't speak a word of Greek and neither did his Galileean father. Also ancient Latin didn't have the 'sh' digraph and their Js had the 'huh' sound (like modern Spanish), so 2000 years ago they were trying to write "Yeshua" in Latin but couldn't. Jesus (Gee-zuss) is an English translation that didn't occur until the late 13th century.

It doesn't really matter, it's just how we learned it in English. Like we call Alexander the Great that even though his Greek name is Alexandros ho Megas. And Genghis Khan's birth name is Temujin and his title was Chinggis Khan.

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