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anyone else lmoo
Fat "people" are disgusting and I've never been attracted to them

Gimme a nice, thin guy tho I'd ride n fuck him all day long
who is the girl on the left?
fucking dumb shit
Does it really matter? She looks like generic porn bimbo with fake tits #62635
i like the shape of tits and the way her hips and waist look
imagine being plapped by that fat fuck
taking his seed and getting pregnant (male)
he holds your hand when you give birth to his ugly baby
then he plaps you again
If you are insecure enough, yeah left will look good. You will never get right but left will fuck anything with a pulse.
Do you like her looks or do you want to look like her uwu
I look like the dude on the right.
i like her look
i want to fuck that bitch
Fuck yeah dude
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Yeah, attractive guys are a turnoff. I need a blob faceless top to act as a living fuck machine like in the hentai.
What causes a woman to be one this obedient to a man?
idk why people think fat guys cant get pussy
you dont know what women like
also if she has a connection to the guy she looks past his appearance because her perception of him changes

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