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>feel sudden chest pain
>scoff to myself
>audibly speak out "yeah right. dont get my hopes up"
>it goes away
I should've said nothing.
>feel sudden chest pain
>scoff to myself
>audibly speak out "boo-hoo for meee... I'm the poor little victim of fate"
>nobody gives a fuck
lol me too im like god is this it lmao she says nah nigga lmao
unless you have a heart problem or are old and or fat any chest pains are likely indigestion anyway.
we don't get the choice not to believe in God.
You really shouldn't talk to the janny of this world like that, anon. For all you know he might give you a slow, excruciating death.
>>audibly speak out "yeah right. dont get my hopes up"
kek I keked the last time you posted this too you faggot
Ha! What can I say? God likes to tease me xd.
I am very fat. I KMS if I didn't think it destory my parents. they can't afford to bury me.
vaxx stat?
>feel some niggling chest pain
>probably indigestion
>ignore it for a few days
>chest pain gets worse
>drink a monster, that will help
>heart literally explodes
>in hospital for 7 weeks
>heart failure

Never ignore chest pain, my lads

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