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realistically what can be done about the NEET scourge? millions of people living among us like zombies and ghosts
you could work a little harder to make sure we're taken care of.
Follow communism example and put these NEETs in work camps until they get a job
why would anyone take care of you? you go work
Make it easier to get jobs instead of it being a misandrist humiliation ritual. Companies hire women easily even when they are worse at the job. And people wonder why there is a competency crisis hehe.
>the NEET scourge?
NEETs are a side effect of a wealthy country where people can afford to have dead weight
see chrischan

realize: why this wouldnt work
>NEET scourge
mandatory AI girlfriend that apply basic psychology, and request monterary gifts from their NEET owners thus motivating them into workers
realistically what can be done about the frogfag scourge? millions of posters among us living like zombies and niggers
A sarco pod for every NEET.
Mushroom death suit for all the NGO's and corporatists importing slave labor.
keep seething shekelstein
get a job schicklgruber
Can we just ship them to Antarctica or something?

Why do we need NEETs in the country?
>work eight hours a day to live paycheck to paycheck
>government pays me to do nothing

Arranged marriage to an invalid as punishment is common in my country
whats so bad about them neets?
the labor required to keep them alive while they do nothing
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You're the zombie living out the same Sisyphean routine every day, wagie. Go earn those good-goy bucks, maybe you'll be able to afford a boomer's house someday but probably not.
and why do you want to do something as opposed to nothing?
our quality of life would be better if they were forced to do construction or work in the mines or something
quality of life would be better if everyone was a little lazier. There's really no reason people should have to work 8 hours a day for a full year. Why not 4? would society really collapse just because youre not able to have mcdonalds at any instant of the day?
no you're right about all that except mcdonalds shouldn't exist. if everyone in useless service jobs worked in something important instead then we could have vastly more wealth and a 16 hour work week. but mcdonalds is stopping that from happening
NEETs would not exist if getting any job would be easier, simpler, faster

i been ghosted in soo many countless interviews i already lost any hope i had left at this point

unfortunately, i can't get a neetbux as much as i would want to, but i rather die than go in another interview ever again
Simply genetically alter the human genome so the gender ratio changes to like 70/30 female to male.

there would still be useless neets, but they'd mostly be females, who we call "housewives" and nobody cares.
My NEET years were the happiest time of my life. I would not work if I could afford it. I'm only working so I can hoard money and invest to retire asap. This is the most important goal of my life, because right now with 4-5h of free time every weekday I just don't feel like I'm living.
okay but how about something that could actually happen
NEETs are enlightened beings.

Only full on NEET shut-ins are ever true to themselves.

Everyone else just shapes themselves into what they believe society wants, or is positively reinforced.

Nobody ever says what they truly believe, only what they think other people want to hear.
NEETs are the most prone to retarded antihuman worldviews
Are the views retarded or is the world just retarded?
yes both
Force monetary velocity to slow way the fuck down so things get cheaper and the incentive to work miserable poopoo jobs goes beyond "do it or starve!".
That clearly isn't motivating people anyway with all the homeless around.
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>kill every jew on the planet
>deport all non-whites and ban them from living here
>ban women from employment
>ban women from owning and operating all phones, computers, and vehicles
>ban divorce
>legalize husbands killing their wives for cheating
No pussy, no work - simple as.

Guarantee gf and sex, then we might consider working. No point in giving taxes to the government because women are chad only.
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>realistically what can be done about the NEET scourge? millions of people living among us like zombies and ghosts

You're talking about women, right?
Antarctica doesn't deserve them. Sahara would be a better place
>choose not to opt into a society that is ill
>Keep to myself and don't use any public services or receive any government aid of any kind
>Society still wants to ostracize me further or enslave me like cattle as if I'm the one buying lobster and Ugg boots with my food stamps and child support checks instead of feeding and tending to their Child(ren)'s needs.

>child support checks
are you a man or a woman, oricci calculus?
I identify as an abacus you bigot. I'm a regular dude. I'm just making the point that single mothers often squander resources afforded to them by the state and are likely a larger net negative on the states' coffers than a hermit posted up on some property that he owns outright.

This was for You, not (You). (You)'s mistake.
NEETs unironically have a right idea
surrent system is not fucking worth contributing towards in the slightest
>t. wagie
>be part of a drain-and-dump culture that extracts maximum value out of you until you have nothing left to give and then you are discarded like refuse
>the people who reject this are the bad ones that need to be retrained

You would have been one of the slaves that tattled on the others who tried to escape.
>Massa gon' treat me special now
Nope. Your fate is the same as every other peon.
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No I dont think so waigy
Cut NEETbux and problem will solve itself in a month.
most women have jobs
>realistically what can be done about the NEET scourge?
this is what you do. you make healthcare and education part of the military. i stole this idea but added the education part.
I wouldn't go so far as to say NEET is enlightenment, but it is definitely a spiritual path if you make it into one. Over the years I've learned to not give a shit what anyone thinks of me, let them preach and seethe. Some of the best times in my life were when I was by myself.
>makework paper shufflers and/or prostitutes
no. why are you such a hateful loser?

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