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"Maybe this will last more than a day" Edition

t's Momcest Monday. You guys know what it is all about, share pictures and thoughts on milfs or your own lovely mom.

Previous thread: >>78088992

Thread topic: if you actually managed to be in a relationship with your mother, how long do you think it would last? how would you make it last?
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>"Maybe this will last more than a day" Edition
Fucking hope so
Milena has the most perfect Mommy physique of all time
Hope her sons got regular titjobs as part of their education
Whatever happened to all the LARPers that used to write for these threads?
Her oldest son looks like a muslim who robbed me at gunpoint last year
They went to prison like Christopher Weston Chandler
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all the stories were true
They were all erotic fiction unless they posted pics or communications proving it.
Dead general, the golden age is over.
Can't expect a neverending stream of momfags..
I mean, you can always try contributing as well, not just wait for people
i suppose they're more concerned it's not tiny
but would quite proud to discover son's well endowed
We will never see a real confirmed momcest video ... :(
>could cross their fantasies
Such scenario seems likely
Mommy is flesh and bones too
Similar, but I've always been wondering if they feel pride if her son fucks her really good and makes her cum. Or even more if she falls in love. Or even still more if she realizes she wants his child and he actually knocks her up. Is mom then especially proud because her son has become such a great man that he even manages to make his own mom want to conquer and claim her as his woman? If mom and son truly want to become a couple and then do so, she must feel kinda double fulfilled, first as a woman because "her new man" loves her and is impregnating her, and second as a mom because her son is impregnating the woman he loves and starts his new family.
Momcest is great because innocent stuff like picrel turns into goonfuel. Not only is it fun to imagine a real, attractive mom and son doing it, the very idea that someone could see such a normal picture of a mom and son and think, "Wow, they make a cute couple" is so hot. Even if incest never actually happens between them, they've still been perverted through someone's imagination.
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Mom fucking my white friend while i watch!
Any stories?

And worship her feet? yes
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same. i wish she dressed with thongs like she used to
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>"Hmm? What are you waiting for? Come on, you're my son. You're not too embarrassed to take a bath with your own mother, right?"
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Oh, there was a thread last week after all. Guess I just slept through it. Such is life.
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Just posting to track the thread.
i know it's a larp but you can always adopt a baby/ really small child
I still have a conscience. Getting a little boy only in the hopes he might grow up to be handsome and have feelings towards me... I couldn't call myself a good mother to him. Even if my thoughts were to remain thoughts.
but even then anon... growing up motherless is a fate no kid should suffer
I agree with this. My mom was out of my life for most of my childhood and it can cause deep, deep damage. Even a mom with those kinds of fantasies is infinitely better than no mom.
Weird, the "getting caught jacking it to mom which then makes her crave her son's dick" is one of my least favorite tropes and it happens a lot in hentai. It's not like I won't fap to it if the art is good, but I think it's much more erotic if both are unsure about being attracted to one another and they carefully flirt until they eventually can't hold back anymore and have sex.
>i wish she dressed with thongs like she used to
Get her a new pair and ask her to wear them.
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hahahah you're so funny anon
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I might have a date with a 22 y/o Friday. Been texting some other 30 somethings but they're mostly low interest. The younger one's been texting a fair amount.

My dumb ass reached out the 38 y/o again trying to hook up, she asked for a dick pic but blew me off for "being too far away"

I'm only 30 mins away. I got kinda bitchy through text and she stopped responding but didn't delete me

Also went to a house party and met a girl i knew on Facebook but she isn't a great prospect. Not a great personality
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Better bump I guess
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since thread is dying i guess i will amplify on this, i can't ask her to use the sexy thongs i'd buy because that'd be sending pretty creepy messages to her and since she's a pretty clever woman she'd notice my lewd intentions in a second
need page 8 anon back to keep the bumps alive
I'm around to bump once in a while I've just been really distracted playing Balatro sorry
Same, except she is not chubby but petite with a perfect ass
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Moved away from home for a bit for work recently and mom has been texting me every day, super cute. She's more diligent and sweeter than any girlfriend I ever had. Maybe that's sad but I just think it goes to show how much some separation can improve the relationships you have with your family. Some people are best loved from afar.

She's always been a BPD woman and it's not her fault, but it has affected my life since I was very very young. I'm on here, that's evidence enough. Sometimes when I pass her in the yard or while she's washing dishes I want to touch her like a woman. She has a beautiful ass, I'm not even really an ass guy I just want to press it into my lap. I have dreams sometimes where we're on dates, I've experienced a lot of very vivid sex dreams with women (and men, yes) I know since I was maybe seventeen. It used to scare the shit out of me and make me feel just awful but now it's just part of the experience.

A couple months ago I dreamt my mother and I were at a lake together in a small cabin, like a mobile home, and she was very touchy and kept resting her head on my shoulder while we washed dishes. I remember running my hands down her body and I remember holding her thighs on either side of my waist. When I imagine how she might've smelt as I leaned over her it makes my hips squirm on their own. I'm disgusted I entertain the fantasies, and it's not helping make them go away, but late at night before I might be subjected to another dream of a man or woman I respect in bed with me, I imagine what it might be like to slide inside of her and hold her close to me, and show her the man I've become so she knows she hasn't failed this whole time. I grew up into a man who could fuck her like one, and she would love it.
tfw a side thread more popular than general
good luck r anon
the dating economy looks kinda grim
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Page 7, gonna bump. Here's my only Oreimo momcest image that isn't too big for 4chan's awful filesize limits.
High quality post, anon
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Only page 5, but bumping anyway before I goon and go to sleep.
Night, mommybros.
Gooning to mommy or mommy-like videos?
Whatever you'd categorize these as.
I posted about the older women I've experienced a few threads back. Those were real (not momcest but everyone appreciated it).

Also posted about awkward things my actual mum has done which I don't think is appropriate and from details on here makes me think she is into me.
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Page 7, another bump. Fun times setting up emulators.
hey sis-chan, how's it going? enjoying the summer?
I've mostly just been inside since it's been hot and stormy. Today's no exception unfortunately.
sleep getting more regular, as hoped for?
Starting to. I'm told I shouldn't expect her to be fully on a sleep schedule until at least late October. Will be nice at least having some regularity to my schedule. It's kind of a crapshoot if she'll be awake or not when her dad visits right now.
i wanted to ask, is 'dad' aware of you wanting more kids? is he onboard with that? or its not realy up to him kek
He knows I'd like 1 or 2 more. I don't think he minds too much since I'm not asking him to provide financially or anything. If we only ever have one child then that's fine too. Would be nice to have more of his kids than his wife and to be the one to give him a son, though...
Just be honest with her that you think she should dress sexy like she used to. Even if she doesn't approve she's still likely to wear whatever you bought for her at least one time.
so why wouldn't this thread be week 29?
Because the last one was finished really quick, so I'm counting this one as the other half of the last one. I guess I should have done that last week but eh, whatever.
It's honestly too bad she died, she's really good looking. I don't think the dev will do it but if Ashley got pregnant, it would be a win.
My favorites are the ones with lots of virtual missionary, close to the face. Unfortunately there aren't too many that stick to that pov for a long time, or are exclusively that pov, or have good fully top-down angle (instead having the woman just leaning backwards from a horizontally positioned camera or is too far away from the camera). I feel like I've seen all the good ones.
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i'm too much of a pussy to do that, plus it's not like i will get to enjoy the view anyways
Hello visajeet
i'm from chile
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>counting this one as the other half of the last one
never worked this way. we move on to the next no matter how shitty or short. it is what it is..
So Chile whites didn't wipe out other races unlike in Argentina (just today learnt the fact they brought down black population from 37% to negligible %)

>White friend
What's Mestizorino?
Yeah, I didn't see that in the rules that were shared so it's whatever.

Also, picrel is really good, love her hairy cunt.
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intimate video call with mommy...
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Why is this so hot? I just want my friends to see my mother like this once.
where's confession anon?! he was supposed to try new moves
for some reason my mom insisted on bathing me and wiping my ass until I was almost 14. we also slept side by side in the same bed until I was 18 - I had my own bed but if I tried to sleep in it she would walk into my room five minutes later and ask me to come back

is this normal behavior or was my mom weird?
>or was my mom weird?
a bit weird and quite lonely, probably
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I find it fascinating how you can get so hard and your balls can swell with cum when thinking of your own mother. Your body is encouraging you to mate and procreate, and it doesn't care that you're related. That's why I love the idea of the Oedipus Effect, cumming harder than usual because your body knows your mom has a proven track record of making children.
Hey, this is me.
I will no longer pursue this. I realised when hanging out with my mom for a few weeks that between the time I confessed to her originally and now so much has changed that I no longer really want this. We aren't as close as we once were which is fine and normal because I grew up and moved out, she is no longer the same woman either, and I think this is it.
Honestly this feels like a much needed closure and I think that in a while I will be able to completely get over it and just focus on meeting someone my age. Thanks for all the support guys and don't give up. It's possible in some cases, just not mine. I mean maybe it was possible if I did some moves a few years ago, but for now this ship has sailed. I'm not even sad or mad about it, just stating the fact. Peace bros.
>much has changed that I no longer really want this
you seemed in a different mindset just a few weels ago...
but that's ok. if you can overcome it, probably for the best
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I'm hoping for at least one ending where Andy and Ashley have a family together and are happy as can be
Agreed, I always find funny when people say "the dream was supposed to be the worst of the endings!" but it's like, no? considering their relationship (and especially the way Ashley is), that's very clearly the route they would go to.
Yeah it's basically an open yandere and a closet yandere clinging to each other. Normie logic is pretty weird sometimes.
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Oh whoops page 9 bump before I go make my dinner
Do you think it's possible to live with your mother as your wife, have children together and just be happy?
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Anyone else find any other nice looking "couples"?
sauce pleasuu
Artist is Aarokira. A bunch of his stuff is on exhentai
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7 again. Hard to bump with a cat srpawled across me
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Great pics, I wish their skin tones matched better. (I know it's not her son)
The artist does some quality stuff but I wish it had been her son
what a stupid thread. if you are into this shit and keep it to yourself. nobody cares about this garbage.
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milfs need love too
Aarokira is draws nothing but kino
It's all gold. Some of my favorite momcest
I don't know what provokes that but I sure came so hard when thinking about her
Well, I'd say it's all the implications
Just thinking about her rn and omg I want her so much
There are many of those but most of the moms in those videos are wrecks.
It is interesting when you think about it. Our brain 100% knows she is your mom and for the most part, your feelings for her are in line with that. Because she is our mom, it's normal that when we come home, she is there, it's normal to eat her cooking and it's normal to count on her support, sometimes we even take it for granted.
Among other things, it is this feeling that prevents us from desiring her, despite the fact that she is such an amazing woman for us, because she is "mom" and I think that's completely alright.
Where things get interesting is when we start wanting more and wanting her. Getting a boner and producing cum for your mom means that you have a primal desire to mate with her despite the fact that your brain is deeply aware that that woman is your mom. And yet something in your brain is telling you that mating with her, choosing her as your woman and possibly getting her pregnant is something good, something desirable.
And that goes for both of you. If you're full of lust, desire and in heat and you have sex, you kiss and moan and look at each other and only want each other more and more passionately until you both cum and you fill her with your seed and you both lie there in ecstasy and you realize that this was great and even if you have some regrets, the good feelings outweigh the bad, it means your bodies and your minds have decided that you are a good match and they want to procreate and mix. And yet she is and always will be "mom" still, but also your mate or perhaps your lover or wife, maybe even mother of your future children. That these feelings can exist simultaneously and that it's possible to go beyond just the desire or the theory of it and act on them and cement them by actually making children together, is something that I think is extremely interesting.
Hey. I'm the punic guy as someone called me the last time I was here. Decided to pop on and maybe chat to some people about me and my mom. I have to say that after feeling very conflicted and weird at the beginning of our relationship, realizing that it's not as uncommon to have these feelings made me feel very validated.
hey anon, i talked to you the last times, but not sure what else to ask? tell us how are things and maybe answer the thread questions? do you think/prefer it will last long? where do you see this going?
Things are very good. We were able to spend some time together last week, now we're separate but we'll have this weekend to spend together and we already have so many plans and things to do, and of course some time just for us.

As for the thread question, right now I hope it will never end. I have never, ever felt this good in my life with someone, I feel fully accepted and she's super fun to hang around with. I said that before, that she was always my favourite person and it's still like that, except that we are also intimate now. How is it going to go in reality? I have no idea, we have no idea, but for now we are both very, very happy with how things are and I really hope it can last as long as possible.

Also yesterday she sent me a picture of her in a store browsing breastfeeding bras so I think I know what's awaiting me this weekend.
>sent me a picture of her in a store browsing breastfeeding bras
show us?
>I know what's awaiting me this weekend.

have you talked about your relationship? is she as happy about it as you are? it's such a weird thing to jump into all of a sudden probably..
>show us?

It doesn't allow me to post pictures for some reason.

>have you talked about your relationship? is she as happy about it as you are? it's such a weird thing to jump into all of a sudden probably..

It was very weird for me, which is why I was kinda panicked and searched for it online, wanted to see if this happens to people and so on. It's how I ended up here. It was a bit weird for her too, she was asking me many times how I feel about it, there were times where she was borderline crying and apologising to me. But after a bit we both realised that we are super, super happy together so I guess it turned out okay.
how much do you bang when you spend time together? what are your fav positions to bang ? do you kiss a lot? will she let you cum inside any time soon?
Any plans on posting any proofs? Can we expect some redacted pictures?
We have sex a lot. Her libido is very, very high. Altough she breastfeeds me even more, she's super into it. Sometimes we have like 2hr+ sessions in the evenings watching TV and stuff.
Her fav position is doggy, but I love missionary with her. We do both. Right now I don't cum in her, maybe it will change in the future.

What would be a proof? I definitely won't be posting anything even remotely identifiable.
>Right now I don't cum in her, maybe it will change
this stands out in your case
usually the moms are very open to it, due to age mostly, i suppose. do you think she's afraid of pregnancy?
Yes of course, she is still fertile and so pregnancy is a real risk. She is relatively young and had me at a very young age. I haven't talked to her about this but I'm almost certain that my father was raping her when I was conceived.
>certain that my father was raping her when I was conceived.
dang wtf

ask her to get on the pill.
cumming inside mommy is the highest high, from what ive heard..
I said this before. We come from an arabic counry and she was in an arranged marriage with my father when she was very young. I was born shortly after. Doubt it was very consensual.

As far as the pill, my mom doesn't really want to because she had bad issues with hormonal swings with them in the past. I don't mind using a condom. Maybe in the future we will reconsider but I am very happy as is.
she must be quite happy to be with someone she trusts completely and able to handle her high libido

>What would be a proof?
the biggest proof we ever got in these threads
maybe you could figure out smtg similar? but up to you, ofc. your story sounds believable imo
Yes, she told me many times that she feels like I'm the only man that really loved her in her whole life.

that's not proof, can be any two people fucking. I don't really take pictures or videos of us two but if she offers and it's not identifiable at all, I might post it.
Do you call her 'mom' during sex? Does she like dirty talking? Do you tell her how good it feels, etc?
Does your mom shave her pussy?
I call her mom, because it's just what I always call her. She talks, but not overly. Moans a lot when we have sex and tells me that I'm big and that it feels good. Nothing too crazy.

She does full body waxes every now and then and then shaves sometimes and sometimes lets it grow out a bit. She asked me about my preference on this when we first started.
Anyone know of any good incest forums online? These threads are dead now, after all.
What do you guys think of my mom?
Amazing body if it's really her. Also, the location where this photo was taken can be pinpointed with Google lens so be careful what you're posting.
It was taken on vacation so its not like they will find out where we live
got anything in a swimsuit? Do you know what bra size she is?
>any good incest forums online?
heard good things about ins-dream
thiccc asf fuckkkk
Over 120 posts and not a SINGLE mention of CHADSON
made for some young muscle hunk for your mom to cheat with
No and no. Sorry:(


My mom divorced 3 years ago
Bro you gotta get in her drawers and figure out the size of these honkers. They look amazing. How old is she? is that a recent photo?
the skin looks quite smooth
how old is she?
My (punic dude) moms skin is also crazy smooth, if I showed you guys a picture of her tits or shoulders you would think she's 20 but in reality she's over 40.
why not share a pic of her like that, with face edited out?
Yes, this applies to incest in general but agreed. It's when you start seeing the other person as a mate/lover/wife and, as you so deliciously pointed out, "start producing cum for them" that you realize what you have and could get right now.
Really doesn't feel good to post my mother on the internet without her permission and she wouldn't permit me to do that.
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She would look so good getting fucked by pic related
how did the sex start? have you greentexted it before?
Currently alone with sexy aunt at semi isolated beach. AMA
>alone with sexy aunt at semi isolated beach
how did it happen? how hot is she?
>how did it happen?
We got stranded from our boat sinking.
She just called me and said "I'm going to the beach, wanna come with me?"

She is so hot that she was my main fantasy for 10 years...
it was discussed in #123
>got stranded
initiate auntcest
post real time updates
thanks oreggano
>post real time updates
I will!
Bro you just stole my post lol
So... what's going on ? wha'ts happening
We bathed together so I had a chance to admire her sexy body. At some point her bikini was slipping away but unfortunately I wasn't watching damn...
Now she is sunbathing and i'm just admiring trying to not being noticed
>Bro you just stole my post lol
What are you talking about?
>My mom divorced 3 years ago
Well, your mom deserves some young muscle hunk to be your new stepdad.
>she is sunbathing
ask if she needs some help with lotioning and get noticeable boner!
I don't think that's her.
Baser response however.
That would be hot af but I don't think things are so easy outside lewd games or videos.
But still my boner could be visible to someone who is paying attention to it.
Anon, she thinks you're very close if she invited you to join her at the beach.
Try and get more erm personal with her
Tell her if she wants to go topless, you don't mind
How to do that without making it awkward?
Show your boner but don't be like "Hey look at my boner". Let her notice it.
That's what I'm trying to do
>thoughts on milfs or your own lovely mom.
I will never get over fumbling to cover for my mother and letting my cousins do it for free.

Yeah I guess everything that can be said was said in that thread but if you have questions you can ask.
talk about personal stuff
about dating and the girls you like, body types, tell you like girls similar to her body type. older women are sexier and more confident, stuff like that...... ask to help apply sunscreen, go play in the water with her, teach her how to swim and touch all over
She might have noticed it because she watched at my crotch for a second before looking elsewhere
>she might have noticed it
also, what are your fucking ages?
25 and 45
how cock-starved is she?
She's is in a relationship so not much I think
But not in an incestuous relationship, right? so, she doesn't know what she's missing
Well said, that fusion/perversion of roles is one of my favorite aspects of momcest. She will never stop being your mother, even after marriage and pregnancy. It's so hot to think about becoming the life-partner to the woman who literally gave you everything.
if you don't want to post her directly you can use AI mirror
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Page 9 bump something something moms originality
I'll consider it. I don't have much need to share her with anyone at the moment. Also don't want to do anything she wouldn't be happy with me doing if she found out, because I love her very, very much.
She definitely deserves that taboo pleasure
i understand, you can post her when/if you feel comfortable in doing so, happy momybreeding!
I may in the future. I don't want to do it without her permisson. In other news, we're seeing each other on friday, we both can't wait, she booked a bunch of nice places / things to do and she wants to get up early on saturday to watch the sunrise on the sea but there's no way I'm getting up this early.

Also we chatted a bunch today and she went on a rant about how bad her father was and how important it is for her to be a good parent and for me to feel loved and cared for which kind of made me understand more how it happened between us? I think you can see what I'm seeing here
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Anyone else here wants to see their mom get BLACKED?
It's a culture problem. Some of us wanted to write a 1 and done greentext and not have to come back here and give updates every fucking general to get you losers off, but it was heavily discouraged to the point that only the most committed larpers were given any attention. You reap what you sow.
based, hopefully you can give her a child before her eggs rot
God loves us more so we were all called to heaven when he saw how things were getting down here.
That is really not a great way of speaking about anyone and no, we don't want to have children out of this relationship.
sorryyy, i'm a ESL and i didn't knew about a better way to put it
>made me understand more how it happened between us? I think you can see what I'm seeing here
not so sure.. elaborate? what are you seeing?
>the most committed larpers were given any attention
yes. high standards!
She went on a big rant about how parents are supposed to make their children feel loved and cared for and safe and so on, blamed her dad (my grandpa) a lot for being a bad father and so on. It kinda made me feel like maybe now she wants to really make sure her child doesn't feel the way she did as a child and us becoming sexual is an extension of it because how else can a woman show she cares for a man better than being intimate with him. It''s how I pieced it together.
no worries man
that's some good parenting right there kek
really going the extra mile
It's easy to make fun of us because without understanding the wider context of the culture we come from (and we disscociate from) and our particular situation we probably just sound like some trailer trash
punic-anon, maybe try and ask her if she had any sexual thoughts about you before this started?
I will but not now, I have to convince her that buying a 22 year old M6 is a good investment for me (it's not)
page 9 bumpcest
Amazing artist. One of my favourites.
Share the name of the artist with the rest of the class, please.
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Thanks, senpai.
No problemo, glad you immediately knew where to look for next lel.
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chubby mom pussy
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guys if you aren't watching momcest JAV porn you are missing out. There's such a huge wellspring of hot feature length momcest porn. adaptations of lots of mom son hentais too.
Post your top 5 momcest JAVs
But are they actually related in story or is it censored?
I don't think you would like my favorite because there's a scene where she has sex with her son's friend while he watches. As far as I can tell the intention in-story is to make him jealous. It works and he fucks her pretty good in the next scene. It's juny-015
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I love it here
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Page 7, bump. Got the incest game and some other VNs/RPG stuff I really need to get to just typing more because that first part wasn't original
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mommy bump original text
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When mommy looks at you..

One of my favourite , found it when I'm in school , still going back to it
I always imagine the first time she asks me to knock her up and it always makes me cum buckets. The body knows what it wants.
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Begging a guy to get you pregnant during sex is a powerful (and fun) card to play, I have to say.
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How to make this reality
Imagining the kids they'd make
>maybe try and ask her if she had any sexual thoughts about you before this started?

She said she viewed me as a very attractive boy and thought I was very handsome, but did not fantasise about me sexually or anything before we kissed the first time
>before we kissed the first time
yeah, but you could've stoppped at the kiss and act a bit embarassed
but instead you started taking your clothes off, so there must've been some sexual tension...
It was a very emotionally loaded moment for us. I don't think there was much tension between us before it. We could've stopped at the kiss, but like, when we started talking and hugging and everything suddenly it all started making sense that we are right for each other and I remember my body becoming super hot and just wanting her and she felt the same from what she told me. But I don't think we had "tension" in the past.
how soon did you bang again after the first time? was it shortly after? later that night?..
Yes, first time was in the afternoon and we did it again the same evening
was it like hot and passionate? or slow and romantic?
Did you get any thoughts after the 1st time like "OMFG i fucked my mom! WTFFFF"
>we probably just sound like some trailer trash
Not at all. Don't think we ever had "trailer trash" success stories. Usually it's regular type folks, or even upper society
Definitely emotionally loaded and passionate

On the first day it felt super natural and we were both very into it. Doubts started to settle on the 2nd day and we both were kinda weirded out by the whole situation, but then we talked and hugged it out and agreed that we both want it / need it
were you thinking more like "I'm doing this for her" or more of "OMG this is the best sex of my life"?
anyone else have a momcest fantasy but give up because itll never happen then it becomes a fuckin cuck fetish?
Hmmm, no, I was very overwhelmed with emotions and was thinking more about how much I love her and also how beautiful she looks. Also I had this very intense feeling of really, really wanting this and wanting her that I never felt before.
were you shocked when you first saw her naked?
Definitely, I had an idea of what she looks like naked but definitely did not expect her boobs to be literally picture perfect and her skin to be this smooth/soft.
probably also surprised by how sexual she was, right? enjoying sex and different things? probably is a bit weird to see your mom as a sexual woman
I had no idea that she would be into breastfeeding, hucow, pain, stuff like that but I knew she was sensual/sexual. She's fairly young, takes care of herself, dresses nicely, reads feminine literature, I knew she has nice underwear / lingerie because we do laundry together so it was not a surprise but I didn't know it would be to this extent.
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Do you guys think I can get with my mom by convincing her its the only way she will get grandkids? She has always talked about wanting grandkids even when i was a teen, My sister is lesbian and im a neet in her basement
>and im a neet in her basement
Mommy wants a high status son for soncest
Well theres no way thats happening. Shes either getting nothing or making some grandkids/ half kids with me in between making my tendies
she still in the fertility zone?
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shes 44 got pregnant with my sister like a week after giving birth to me and looks like this
She likes getting spanked really hard, likes her nipples pulled and twisted, stuff like that. Also day after breastfeeding a lot her nipples swell and hurt very much and she really enjoys it for some reason. I've no idea why but she's really into it.
anon, you must be the next success story
commence your saga
teach me. were super close but nothing at all close to sexual. im a robot and shes like basically asexual
fucking hot
punic bro, would you consider posting an AI mirror of her, like anon >>78194004 did?
does she bring up wanting grandkids often?
not constantly but many times yea
Maybe. I'll consider it. Right now I don't even have a good picture like this to post.
tell her you'd be happy to oblige, but have no opportunities or luck with girls and you wish you could meet someone as nice as her. plant the seeds...
she knows im a loser and havent been on a date in years. idk how to bride the gap
>shes like basically asexual
Nonsense, she probably has something but doesn't show it.

what >>78194109 said is correct, you're kind of putting yourself in a way where she pities you but that's not a bad thing necessarility
she hasnt dated once since shes been divorced and doesnt have any toys or anything. trust me ive looked
nothing rekindles a mom's libido like a soncock!
are you in the cuddle zone at least?
yeah during movies and stuff but not sexual
Perfect, then that means she hasn't found someone, which means you could be the one to rekindle her sexual desire.
literally me lol, since i can't have her i project onto the young guy she bangs in the scenarios i imagine
Do you want a purely sexual relationship with your mother, or do you want a romantic relationship with your mother? (that also involves sex)
A classic
it's a huge russian series, hundreds of similar vids out there
I want the relationship I have right now with my mom except sex is also involved, I like the idea of sex with her just being a casual ordeal, whenever we feel like it
what this guy said>>78195958, biggest fantasy is plapping her ass after a hard day at work making both of our pent up stress go away
Romantic with sex, moving some place no one recognizes us, living as sonhusband and momwife with at least 3 kids and calling her by her name when in public but mom when it's just us two.
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One day when my mom asks me what I really want for my birthday/Christmas I'll be able to tell her I want her more than anything
mommies don't like quickshots
Mommies were biologically made for the mating press.
mom complimented my outfit when i got home from work today. instant momcest thoughts
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True, there's no better position to look into your mom's eyes as you fuck yourself back into her womb.
i always cum fountains to either captions or shit like this>>78196927 but the post nut clarity is killing me
>but the post nut clarity is killing me
Why? I feel like either you want it or not when it comes to momcest.
i was raised in a very religious household and i still go to church sometimes
Is it pretty normal for moms to make their sons cum pretty fast? I've had a wet dream with my mom and she made me cum really fast and I also blow my load pretty fast whenever I jack off to her
Perfect opportunity anon! Cuddle with her and let your dick get hard against her ass
What happened in your wet dream?
She held me down and straddled me before lowering herself down on my dick. As soon as she reached the base of my dick I felt myself about to cum. I was only able to moan and make an incoherent noise but my panic was visible so she lifted herself off my dick and I came all over her stomach. I've been trying so hard to have this dream again for so long
What if her son can't help it? What if mommy is the only one who makes him quickshot?
The second one is the ideal relationship
Nice. Very based. Rooting for you anon
Wish I could recreate it irl more though
I grew up in a sexless household. No nudity. No sex jokes. No bad shows or movies.
My aunt's house was the opposite. The first pair of boobs I ever saw were hers. She just changed in front of me one time. One time, she was in the laundry room, which I could see from the couch in her living room. My cousin, same age as me, walked into the laundry room, and stripped all of his clothes off in front of her, throwing them into the wash. Turns out that he has a huge dick. She didn't react at all, must have been normal.
I still think that they are weird on that side of the family.
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How old were you at the time? How did you feel when you saw a woman's naked body for the first time?
then he should train to please his mommy properly!
When I saw her naked? Like five or seven. It was definitely a part of my sexual awakening. My heart started racing and I got really excited too. It was a confusing time for me.
Funny enough, the episode of Star Wars the Clone Wars where Ahsoka gets possessed by an evil spirit gave me the same feeling. That was around the same time, maybe a bit later.
I'm curious how having a child with your mom would affect the status or role of mother and son respectively. Obviously in order to want to make a baby with your mom, your relationship must already be quite deep, but if your own mother gives birth to your child, you become a parent as well and she is the mom. To your child, you're both equal as parents, even though to you, it's not quite that because she's still your mom. Makes me wonder if a mother would enjoy to have a child with her son because she could teach him to become a proper father, while also becoming a mother to a little baby again herself.
Dees anyone has some sauce of vid related?
Not sure about the specific video but that's Sara Jay
I decided to game out a potential mother-son pregnancy out and figure out what the ideal situation would be. The mother would have to have been young when she gave birth the original son. Teen years ideally. The means that when the son is in his own teens, she is in her late-20s or early-30s. This would be the ideal time for the momcest baby to be conceived and born. For the child's mental wellbeing and healthy development and socialization, he would have to be lied to for most of his childhood. He would have to be told that his father/brother is just his brother. That his mom is just a single mom who never goes on dates.
It would be a hell of a day when he finally catches his "brother" fucking their mom.
Bumpcest this thread
what if mommy gave u an original bump hug haha that would be nice
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Imagine your mom achieved orgasm while giving birth to you. Would you feel pride in knowing you made her come right from your very conception?
If your mom breastfed you there's an above 0 chance you've made her orgasm at some point
>He would have to be told that his father/brother is just his brother. That his mom is just a single mom who never goes on dates.
What's the benefit of this? I feel like a better option would be to move somewhere rural where nobody knows you and instead live as husband and wife and keep the original relationship a secret forever. That way your child can still grow up with a mom and dad and you can still make love to your mom as much as you want.
>He would have to be told that his father/brother is just his brother. That his mom is just a single mom who never goes on dates.
I feel I need to point out that "grew up thinking their parent was their sibling" shows up more than you would expect in the childhoods of particularly sadistic serial rapists and murderers. Maybe better to just move where nobody knows you're mom and son.
Sauce of original please
That's Demi Moore in The Seventh Sign. Just a movie where her character was pregnant.
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>Thread still alive on Friday
Are we back ?
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Dangerously based image
yeah that's one of the hottest fantasies to me
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>Are we back ?
Still at half speed though
Dangerously based.
Nice saggers.
What if interracial mom-son
Yes but the black dude needs to be younger than me.
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yes. jfc yes, I want that more than anything.
cuckson invasion..
At least we keep the thread alive.
It is euro hours after all
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I like to imagine babymaking sex with Emilia Clarke as my mom
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Who's your favorite mommy actress?
Imagine fucking your mom while the world goes down

Used to fantasize like this
armageddon momcest
Literally one guy spamming.
Tearing down the final taboos as the world collapses around you is horribly romantic
I've unironically had fantasies of being in a personal bomb shelter with my mom after some sort of nuclear armageddon. The shelter would be huge, like an underground mansion, and we have infinite food and water because of magic or whatever.
Eventually, we agree that we both have "needs" to satisfy, so we start having sex. Then a cliche story about eventually falling in love with each other blah blah blah.
Really, I just want to be somewhere nice 24/7 with a horny, loving mother.
That and lost on an island. I like it when the apocalypse doesn't actually happen or they get rescued from the island afterwards. And then either the seed has already planted and they can no longer go back and keep advancing their relationship or the seed has literally already been planted and she is pregnant and obviously they continue their relationship as well.
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Mommy's loving pussy
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mommy's heavy milkers
Something that is kind of insane if you think about it is when things start to click and the relationship gets irreversibly perverted and that is when your mom starts to want to have your child. Even before you would actually impregnate her, her developing the desire means that your relationship is already doomed to never be normal again because of how extreme the very thought of a mother (a person of care, trust, authority and safety, but ultimately very different from a lover or mate) who would make child with her own son is. In a way it's almost the complete opposite of what she is supposed to do for her son: a mother needs to raise her son so that he can eventually move on from her, live on his own, find a nice woman and start his own family. Momcest with marriage or babymaking feels so perverse because it's like a complete failure of motherhood and betrays its core principles AND YET paradoxically so, it fulfills motherhood in the most batshit insane and abnormal way: The son doesn't need to leave his mom and become independent if his very own mother is the perfect wife for him, will have his babies and be there for him in ways that go way beyond what we consider normal. It's perverse and fucked up but oh so good.
How I'd act if we thought we were going to die
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Whenever I hug my mom I'm always able to firmly place my hands on her ass without any reaction
Was thinking of testing the waters when no one else is around and properly grope her cheeks to see her reaction
>properly grope her cheeks to see her reaction
right on. and report back
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boompin again before my mandatory goon sesh before sleep
Good, if she actually let you do that, then the next step is putting your fingers in her asshole.
I'm guessing that's a regular post? I'm not him, I just replied with what I think is the course of action that will most likely happen.
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mommys melons
Imagine unironically, unironically being her son. Then again my mom used to sunbathe topless too.
>mom used to sunbathe topless too
nice pair?
Yeah, large C cups. Mom always attracted my beach friends and more around our station when she did it.
witnessing your friends ganging up on your mom while she yells at you to look away ..
No ganging necessary, she knew my friends one by one even if she wasn't really a fan of all of them. Honestly I always felt bad more for my dad during those holidays, mostly because he was still waging away at home.
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would she flaunt them on and enjoy the attention?
Flaunted them? Nah, not really. Enjoyed the attention? Absolutely. But that's on par with every older woman.
Also that's a based pic.
If that was my mom I would do everything to marry her and start a big family. No risk of inbreeding problems could stop me.
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Quarantine definitely created a lot of potential motherfuckers.
dang bros, perfect mommy body >>78207086
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>I might have a date with a 22 y/o Friday.
Date at 6:30 lads wish me luck. Tbh I'm not even really excited about it. I wish it worked out with one of those 30 somethings, I just click with older women so much better.
I always liked incest, but momcest and some of the complex psychological reasons behind it, with some people wanting to marry and impregnate their mother, is easily the hottest and most interesting fetish I've ever come across or read about.
Date at 6:30 lads wish me luck.
good luck, make us proud
>wish it worked out with one of those 30 somethings

still cant believe you got snipped..
>still cant believe you got snipped..
Why do you care though. I'm sad this girl has a kid but I'm kinda running out of options. The 38 y/o had them too but they're out of the picture bc no custody

I don't know why I'm so obsessed with her, she's a 6 or 7 at best and there's nothing redeeming about her. She's flat, terrible uncaring personality, dangerous and untrustworthy. But being around her was just electric
>10/10 milf artist
>only does ntr
>But being around her was just electric
maybe reminds you of your mom at some level?
>maybe reminds you of your mom at some level?
In terms of being emotionally unavailable.. Absolutely. It's like you have to earn their affection. My childhood is undoubtedly the cause of me tolerating this BS from random girls. I desire to change them and have a close relationship, just like I wanted to with mom.

It's sickening.
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>just like I wanted to with mom.
>It's sickening.
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>No risk of inbreeding problems could stop me
God this is hot. Imagine just being consumed by your baser lusts to procreate. The slight chance you could completely ruin your lives and you both take it anyway. Inbred children made from your tangled DNA that was never intended to mix.
>Imagine just being consumed by your baser lusts to procreate. The slight chance you could completely ruin your lives and you both take it anyway
Worth it to have a child with someone you love so intensely
What's up @Gothmomanon?
>too hot and rainy to go anywhere
Got brothersex over his lunch break at least
Especially given that her love for you is something no other woman could ever give you. There is no relationship more connected and binding.
hey bsis, nice to see brotherlove still going strong
Stronger than before if anything. He's been over for lunch and cuddles a lot lately.
can't stand to be away from the baby for long?
I think so. Not going to complain either way. She probably won't get to know him as her dad so at least they can have some father/daughter time now.
Is this the best position for breeding? what are the best positions?
I spread this video of my mom getting fucked whenever I have the chance

Let me know what you think and if you want story time

Mless CE28A48
what's the context? any proof she's your mom?
We always want story time.
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Well, I've had that personal bunker mansion fantasy since I hit puberty, and when Fallout New Vegas came out. So, like 2010ish.
Anyone clicked on that?
Don't leave us hanging man
Also I'm always sceptical of people claiming they post stuff here, post your mom's foot with the tattoo like in the vid and I'll believe you
yeah, it's a chubby milf getting plapped for 6 minutes
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Vault experiments are a fun scenario too. Imagine being able to [Speech 100] your mom into marrying you and having your baby.
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why and how do Slav girls have the best tits?
I would entangle my DNA with my mom again and again and again
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Because their women are the results of the best genes of all european wives
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I need to start a family with one
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A lot of big tittied slavs are extremely easy. Yes, even the married ones.
I've been chasing the high that I felt when I had a Polish gf with huge milky soft tits for years now. I'm never going to quit, I feel like they make the best loving mothers
Their huge racks probably have something to do with the motherly love
Well yeah, they don't become bitter and resentful like flat feminist women.
Why? So you can hear them talk about how they want to fuck your mommy?
Yes. And how big her boobs are.

Almost ten years ago my mom sat me down and explained a guy she had been "dating" uploaded a video of her online for sale without her consent. He did it to about 200 different women

Me being the good son that I am went and searched it up and saved one of the previews. I spread it to punish her for being a whore that let a guy film her getting her back blown out

I don't live with her anymore so don't have photo proof but good luck finding that video anywhere else except the link I where i uploaded. Noone else cares except me

There is another video of the same position if you search "shot hair tinder paeg doggy style" into Google but it's just more of the same
It's so hot imagining my friends becoming my step dad and breeding mom every night
Not that great desu.
Doggy and prone probably better due to where the uterus is positioned and gravity.
how did you react? how many times have you cummed to it?
Flatties need love too (so we can finally hit puberty and grow boobs)
Yes , how to advance from there ?
It's not like she's completely okay with it
Sometimes she pushes away sometimes she doesn't
If she lets you cuddle let your dick get hard against her ass
Agreed, it's intriguing how prevalent and desired impregnation is in just about every incest circle. As other anons have said better, wanting to start a family with your mom is the most perfect twisted fusion of pure and degenerate. Something forbidden that feels so right.
I'm a fan of the normalization and "pseudo-science" aspects like where you have people making points on why mom is more compatible with you than anyone else. Searching terms like "pregnant", "marry", and "mating" in the /mcg/ archive got me some great fap material.

Anger and disgust at the embarrassment which quickly turned to lust and desire upon seeing the video of her phat ass getting demolished. I'm glad he tore it up and spanked her for being a whore. She desrved the punishment

Uncountable times
>the /mcg/ archive
how did you even find it lol? is she still fuckable? do you want to? ever shared it to friends? if not then what would you do if they find
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I need milk
Just desuarchive with "momcest" as part of the search
ah, i thought there was a special archive kek
This video wh*re has what used to be called a lantern jaw. High in testosterone?

I went through her computer search history so that was easy enough. There were dozens of the videos of different women circling 4chan at one point but I think most have been lost with time

She's like fifty but the ass is still fat. In a scenario where she'd have no recollection, yeah I would tear it up and facefuck her. I'd love for her to suck my balls while I spank her

I have anonymously cropping out the parts with anything recognisable. It was hot hearing them talk about her body

If they ever found it organically I'd just laugh and be secretly turned on about them jerking off to her
>It was hot hearing them talk about her body
tell us the full story about how you shared her with your buddies
how it happened/ what they said/do you think they suspect anything/how hot it felt, etc.

Did anyone save it?
You a lurking mom?
Lets me do it too
But pushes away or asks to leave sometimes
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Can't think of any act that could bond two people closer. Nothing better than a messy family tree
>Cursing three people with birth defects
URE-056 - Aunt x visiting nephew

NSPS-998 - masseuse mom x jealous son

SDDE-352 - the morning routine of a single mom x 10 sons

ROE-060 - mom x son, standard mom catches son masturbating and sexual relationship ensues

FERA-050 - mom x son whenever dad leaves the house

URE-073 - mom x son, mom becomes personal pornstar

VGS-003 - mom x son in the countryside

OKSN-26 - mom x son

ROE-137 - horny Aunt x virgin nephew

JUL-705 - mom x graduating son
Most of the time, they are. Other items they may be step or not blood related but have been in the family long enough for them to basically be the mother.
wonder what was >>78190503
looks like a real selfie... by a female... that loves it here?
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Does your mom send you selfies?
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Friday night blogpost since we made it
>have brother over for lunch almost every day
>feed him dinner today
>play pretend at being a real family for a while
>still goes home to someone else
Such is life. One day I'll be wife material instead of mistress material.
aww bsis, feeling a bit melancholy?
at least you're not hanging out once a month like last year
Just gets lonely. I have to take a step back and appreciate things sometimes. There was a time where we were so infrequent that once a month was an improvement. Oh well, House MD and a game will cheer me up.
>take a step back and appreciate things sometimes
yes, chin up! you've come a long way!
A very long way. And I intend to go at least a little further so my princess can have a sibling.
Who else is frustrated with their mom for not offering sexual release?
It would be nothing to her and it would mean the world for her baby boy. So why not?
>not offering sexual release?
First she needs to know you crave it
I know the feel anon but this is a road you dont want to go down, trust me
>trust me
story time
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>Did anyone save it?
everything is saved
not really a story to tell but this logic has gotten me close to some really dark shit. can explain more if interested
>can explain more
Yea, tell us about the dark shit
I remember one anon wrote long ago that his mom sent him a selfie while wearing one of his band shirts that she found lying around and did a duck face. He said that he often used it to masturbate and came the biggest loads.
The story kinda stuck with me because it feels so sweet and innocent from the mom's side and yet I can see such an image being incredibly hot if it's sent by someone you're attracted to. It's more or less a nothingburger but to me it perfectly encapsulated the feeling of momcest being wrong and perverted but still so fucking hot.
My mom is dead and I was never attracted to her due to the old Westermarck effect but cool thread. I would fuck someone else's hot mom and do roleplay.
started as a teen with thoughts like even just a handjob every once in a while would make me so happy id never need a girlfriend the rest of my life. the only thing stopping it is some retarded social stigma about incest. its just a handjob like bare minimum effort. then to better yet just let me jerk myself off all you need to do is get naked and sit there you could even close your eyes. hell just stay clothed and let me look at you sexually id bust to that daily. its barely even incest and you dont need to participate. If you took nudes and left them out for me to find and take to my room we wouldnt even have to interact a single time or talk about it and i would have better faps than anything else in the world. not even the dark part yet
>so sweet and innocent from the mom's side
There are probably lots of moms that want to be validated as women too by their sons, esp if son is handsome and she's not too old
>started as a teen with thoughts
what started it? was your mom hot? single?
getting picked on about having a hot mom in middle school + getting desensitized to incest through hentai lead to looking at it realistically like yeah shes attractive but shes my mom and still feeling really gross about it eventually turns to stealing her clothes and fapping to her smell and the thought of kissing her while cumming inside her raw
>>78194004 is her and ik the face is anime and doesnt reflect hers at all but the body is basically exact so yeah id say shes hot lol
oh you're the neet anon
>>78194004 she does indeed look quite hot
ok, tell about the dark part?
I don't watch porn but proceeds to say the most generic plot line kek
having these kinds of thoughts as a teen and becoming more and more depressed becoming an adult with no drive no hobbies no gf just porn addiction and my mom gets me to thoughts of my future realistically just being a metal slug for breakfast one day. but knowing how much it would destroy her keeps me here for now. I imagine how much more in life i could look forward to and put effort into fixing myself if i didnt have to hide this and could be open to her about everything. if i could marry her its all i need in life. real dark thoughts on bad days like if she cares about me so much is it really that hard to just let me bust one inside you from time to time... surely its not as bad as finding me in pieces or dangling from the ceiling one day. Im all she has in life and she loves me so much spends all her time working just for me and shes all i have but itll never be what i want. i think i honestly could manipulate her into it but this is like secret tier below the bottom layer of hell type shit.
damn, dunno what to say..
maybe consider getting some menial job?
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>spend time doing something meaningless that I hate for so little money it doesnt even cover my medical bills in a life I have no passions where my only realistic future is suicide
id rather just enjoy fapping to my mom for the time i can stand being here
Try opening up a bit to her about your mental state. I'm sure she'll offer some help
This is unironically the greatest happiness man can achieve. A loving wife who is also your loving mom, together forever and forever intertwined and having and raising children in situation that is best described by the word "home"
she knows im fucked up but not this bad. and idk what u mean by help but shes definitely not offering sex lol
Not talking about sex, just improving your mom-son relation nd spending more time together, talk, do stuff together, etc
But eventually you could mention your attraction to her and test the waters..
our relationship is pretty good.. were the most important thing in eachothers lives and we cuddle and go camping together and stuff. i just dont know how to even begin making it sexual without fucking everything up or basically blackmailing her emotionally
dunno if you've been here long but your situation reminds me of Tissue-anon's..
im p new. whats the tldr?
How wassed it?
similar relationship with his mom, actually managed to make it sexual, lasted a few months.
this was his last update
kinda what i would expect.... hope he isnt an hero
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ofc, you're not them, but you must be willing to assume the risks before attempting progress
What a perfect mombody, Jesus.
awkward sex with mommy!
Love the way she spread her legs for soncock

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